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Why are they all in Salt Lake?

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  • Why are they all in Salt Lake?

    the driver on the 217 rocked
    ok, not really a sighting, but worth mentioning, Redwood road had construction (again) and the driver said "I know that I'm not supposed to stop in the construction area, but f*ck it, UDOT was supposed to finish this more than a month ago so I'll let you (not me) off here anyway".

    there's something about burger kings
    I stopped at burger king on my way to the irs ( )
    but I overheard this gem
    sc- I want to buy a kids toy
    emp- i'm sorry, we can only give out toys as part of a kids meal
    sc- when did that policy go into effect, I've always just bought the toys
    emp- that policy went into effect roughly 3 years ago, if employees have been selling you them separately then they are in trouble
    sc- I want to speak to your manager
    emp- I am the manager, if you want I can give you the corporate number but they'll tell you the same thing I am.

    ... ok seriously, kids meals aren't that expensive if you really want the toy just buy the damned kids meal.

    at the irs
    just picking up forms and instructions (thank God)
    but why is it that all the employees act as if their soul has been sucked out of them?

    you'd be more attractive if you weren't so strange and a bitch
    I didn't see too many interesting people on TRAX (odd, I know) but I saw this gem when I got off at my station I saw this girl who after all the doors have closed (ie, the train is almost ready to go) and this girl just starting walking from one end to the other pushing the door open buttons, which is just bitchie beyond belief because not only are you making it colder on the train you're making it so the train can't leave the station.

    why oh why are all these people drawn to salt lake?
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

  • #2
    Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
    there's something about burger kings
    I stopped at burger king on my way to the irs ( )
    but I overheard this gem
    sc- I want to buy a kids toy
    emp- i'm sorry, we can only give out toys as part of a kids meal
    sc- when did that policy go into effect, I've always just bought the toys
    emp- that policy went into effect roughly 3 years ago, if employees have been selling you them separately then they are in trouble
    sc- I want to speak to your manager
    emp- I am the manager, if you want I can give you the corporate number but they'll tell you the same thing I am.
    We have some kids meal winners where I live too! I went to the McDonald's here in town to buy lunch one day while my bf stayed at home (his mom had to go to the ER and he wanted to make sure they didn't call, she's fine now, btw) when I saw this jerk. I was waiting to make my order in line when I overheard the guy in front of me was telling the cashier his order. He had his kid, who couldn't have been more than two with him and the lunch was supposed to be a special one for her. Anyway, I guess they were doing some stuffed toy promotion where a different stuffed toy comes out each week. This particular week they had the stuffed dog as the toy in the happy meal. This guy kept telling the cashier that he wanted the stuffed cat toy for his kid and not the dog. Keep in mind the whole time the kid is being good as gold and not making a fuss at all over getting one toy versus another. I would almost put money on the fact that the kid wouldn't care whether or not she got a cat or a dog as the prize in her meal, she'd just get a thrill out of the fact that her dad got her a happy meal as a special treat. Hey, when you're that age, happy meals are a special treat, no matter what the toy is. Anyway, the manager finally came over and told him that they were only offering the dog toy, since he didn't believe the cashier or the drive up person at all. This pissed him off. He said something to the effect of, "Well, fine then, she won't have a happy meal! She'll just have (some item, I don't remember what now)" What's the point of grown adults having hissy fits over McDonald's toys? Some claim that they will all be worth money some day, but how often does that happen anyway? Unless the toy is really special, you probably won't get much more than the cost the company paid to have the darn thing produced.

    I do remember a time when you could buy happy meal toys for something like $1 a piece. Some would even run a thing where you could only get one if you bought a specific item also (i.e. a certain sandwich or beverage, not necessarily a happy meal). You would think that these places would make more per item by selling toys separately, but I can also understand the laws of supply and demand. Why are you going to sell a popular happy meal item on the side when you could possibly be depriving the people who buy the actual meal the toy they are expecting.

    Although, I remember one time when the local Wendy's (to where I grew up) was running a "leftover toy" promotion. Basically they stuck whatever was left in stock (some items were from several years prior) into the kids meals. Of course, this was nearly 20 years ago when they had that promotion, but it was fun nonetheless.
    Last edited by GolfCart34; 01-25-2008, 02:49 AM.
    Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


    • #3
      Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
      but why is it that all the employees act as if their soul has been sucked out of them?
      ...because it's the IRS and being a Souless Zombie is a requirement?
      Now a member of that alien race called Management.

      Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


      • #4
        Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
        but why is it that all the employees act as if their soul has been sucked out of them?
        I should get my friend who works there on here to tell you stories about his coworkers. Especially the lady who drags an oxygen tank down the hall to smoke eight times a day. I can understand how a soul gets crushed there. He'll probably be okay though, as he's a self proclaimed hentai. The power of porn shall save his soul.
        The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
        "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
        Hoc spatio locantur.


        • #5
          well tonight I should get some gems, I'm heading over to Wendover... which is where the people who are too strange even by salt lakes standards will go (and I go to beause, well $3 craps... and free drinks... damn I'm the designated driver this time, have to stick to diet coke).
          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


          • #6
            wait what you cant buy toys?? since when? every fast food joint i go to does that even burger king. Which is good because if im buying food becuse im say going to the ren faire or something where need some energy and they have a toy i want (ill admit it i like toys, i bought them for lots of things) i want to buy them seperate. Or if i buy a kids meal (lots flavor less cals) i might want more than one...


            • #7
              Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
              ...because it's the IRS and being a Souless Zombie is a requirement?
              But seriously...most of it has to do with the job. It's boring, repetitive work. Plus, you get screamed at by people who are going through an audit, or because their refund wasn't large enough, or they had to pay "too much" in taxes. I don't think they started out that way...but after awhile, you become numb, and (sometimes) just don't care anymore.
              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


              • #8
                Quoth protege View Post
                But seriously...most of it has to do with the job. It's boring, repetitive work. Plus, you get screamed at by people who are going through an audit, or because their refund wasn't large enough, or they had to pay "too much" in taxes. I don't think they started out that way...but after awhile, you become numb, and (sometimes) just don't care anymore.
                Rather like retail...
                I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                Oh, and your tool box got out again.


                • #9
                  Incidentally, the IRS has most of the forms availible as PDFs for download. That's the best way to get just about anything other than the main books.

                  Now, if I could only download my W-2, I'ld be cooking.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                    Incidentally, the IRS has most of the forms availible as PDFs for download. That's the best way to get just about anything other than the main books.

                    Now, if I could only download my W-2, I'ld be cooking.
                    my company lets me download my w-2

                    oh, but I had to pick them up myself because I needed to figure out which form I needed (and ended up having buying tax cut later anyway )
                    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                    • #11
                      Salt Lake part 2

                      I have TRAX stories (which don't yet compete with GKs skytrain stories)

                      she wears the pants in the relationship

                      apparently one couple took this quite literally, a couple got on and the woman was wearing a very masculine style of suit and the guy was wearing a blouse, skirt, and some very fashionable pumps... if he shaved his legs he might even have pulled off the look...

                      something I thought of today
                      what the announcement says when I get onto the university train at gallivan plaza
                      "welcome aboard, this is a University Train, please return to Gallivan Plaza for Sandy trains... please hold on tight trains stop and start quickly... we are now leaving the free fare zone, proof of payment is required before boarding"

                      what it should say
                      "welcome aboard, this is a University Train, if you meant to get on a Sandy train you are a complete retard and missed the signs at the front and back and side of every car of the train saying it was a university train and also missed the electronic sign in the station saying the next train would be a university train, please return to Galivan Plaza and try reading next time... please hold on tight, not only do trains stop and start suddenly, but the university line weaves in between turn lanes and its own stations, at this time we must advise you to keep all hands and feet inside the vehicle because this ride is about to start... we are now leaving the free fare zone, proof of payment is required before boarding, yes we know this is information you may have appreciated before you boarded, but now that you have we hate to inform you that there is a transit officer behind you that is going to ask for your ticket and then give it to you up the ass in fines for not having it"

                      this guy is the reason I avoid driving
                      I was waiting at the Trolley Square station for a train back to Galivan Plaza so I could catch a train south. A little bit of background about this station, it is across the street from a shopping center with a Jiffy Lube. While I was waiting this wacko comes out of Jiffy Lube walks the half the block to be across from the station and starts yelling calling us all stupid and lazy bums for not having a car like he does and using the train. I was carrying my laptop case (I had been studying at the library earlier before doing my shopping at the Smith's Marketplace by the Trolley Square station), so he pointed to me and said, "you stupid son of a bitch, don't you know that you could have made a down payment on a car using all the money you wasted on that computer." My response did kinda pwn "actually sir, my cars down payment was a lot more than how much this laptop cost and for the record walking and taking the train is a lot less lazy than driving everywhere" ...he stopped bothering me and started yelling at other people at the station... and he drives, that is pretty scary.

                      speaking of the library
                      while I was there I saw this guy who seriously looked like Saddam Hussein right after he was captured... this is in no way sucky, I just thought it was interesting to point out...
                      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

