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Move it, cow!

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  • Move it, cow!

    I was at McDonalds just 45 minutes ago, getting my lunch to go.

    The lady in front of me pulled ahead, so I figured maybe there was a wait. So I left enough room in case I had to wait too, or enough room to get around her.

    Nope, no wait. I got my food right away.

    So I sit for a second.

    I can understand if she was taking a second to look through her stuff. But then she started brushing her hair. Then she turned around into the backseat and I saw little hands going up and down. Then she turned back around and looked in her mirror a bit.

    I got so pissed I honked at her. She looked back at me, gave me the Death glare, and wouldn't move.

    So I tried to go around her. Then I saw her brake lights go off. So she was putting it back in drive. The dumb cow was going to cut me off. Fortunately, she lost her nerve and I got ahead of her.

    Stupid cow.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    I hate people like that! The other thing I hate is when I have to pull ahead to wait for my food, and I am most clearly in the drive-thru lane, not the differently marked exit lane, yet some idiot still pulls up to clear to my bumper and starts honking! I turn around and point at the EXIT painted quite vividly in the lane next to us, and I get flipped off! Then of course the third person pulls ahead ten feet, so nobody can back up and I sure as **** am not leaving without the food I paid for.

    Learn to read, people. Or better yet, don't drive until the IQ test comes back positive.
    "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

    "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


    • #3
      I sit on my horn if people do that....after 10 seconds they realise im not stopping.

      my times precious honey, im not waiting for you to finish primping or talking to your kids, there are parks 10 meters away for that.
      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


      • #4
        Quoth Kiwi View Post
        I sit on my horn if people do that....after 10 seconds they realise im not stopping.

        my times precious honey, im not waiting for you to finish primping or talking to your kids, there are parks 10 meters away for that.
        Yeah, just pull into one of the parking spots that McD's so helpfully provides and get out of the way of EVERYONE ELSE you entitlement whore!
        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


        • #5
          On an opposite note, I got honked at for sitting at the window of a Steak & Shake once.

          Anyone who's been there, knows that they cook your food TO ORDER. They do not have any pre-cooked burgers that they can just microwave or toss on a grill for 5 seconds and heat up like McDonald's, Wendy's and Burger King does, and they rather prominently display this fact. They have signs EVERYWHERE that says "Cooked to order means better, not faster" So it takes a couple minutes to get your food (usually about 5 - 8 mins, depending on how busy they are).

          I don't know if the person behind me was just dumb, or if they've never actually been to a Steak & Shake before. Which, if the latter was the case, then they failed to read the 1489372 signs stating that Steak & Shake takes a little while to get your food to you. In which case... they're also dumb.

          I pulled up to the window, pay for my food, they hand me my shake, and I sit there waiting for my burger. Well, after about a minute I hear the car behind me honk their horn. I looked back through my mirror, but thought that maybe their hand just slipped and they accidentally hit it while trying to do something else. NOPE.

          After another few seconds... two honks go off. I look back over my shoulder and give them a "WTF?" look. Another minute goes by, and they start LAYING on their horn and SCREAMING out of their window. "****ING MOVE! YOU'RE HOLDING UP THE LINE ***HOLE!".

          I leaned out my window, looked back, and was just like "Hey dumbass! I'm still waiting on my FOOD! SHUT UP!"
          <Insert clever signature here>

