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Snobby Store Clerk

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  • #16
    Quoth tollbaby View Post
    reminds me of that scene in Pretty Woman, "I don't think we have anything that will fit you"... ugh. Snobbish salespeople are the worst. I thought the object was to SELL shit.
    and when she came back looking like a million dollars...
    "You work on commission don't you? Big mistake. Big. Well I'm off to go shopping."



    • #17
      Quoth draftermatt View Post
      My parents were looking at Jeep Grand Cherokees in 1995-96. Went to the Jeep dealership where they were told "You don't even deserve to be on my lot" by the salesman who felt slighted by how much they could afford.
      I know what that's like. I had some idiot give me shit while attempting to buy my first car. This idiot actually told my father and I, that unless I was buying a car that day, he wasn't even going to show me anything Let's just say that I lost it...(I was still sore from a prior accident--the Tempo had destroyed itself not long before--so I wasn't in a good mood by *any* means) and Dad went in and screamed at the manager. Needless to say, the salesguy came out and tried to explain that he was joking

      Fast forward about 7 years, and I find myself looking for another car. As I'm driving around looking at vehicles, it happened again. In fact, it happened twice on the the same night!

      First time happened at a certain "powerful" Pontiac dealer (who also sold Nissans and Subarus) located "on top of the hill." I wasn't interested in a Pontiac, but the little Subaru and Nissan intrigued me. I ended up leaving after the guy made repeated attempts to get me into a Hyundai. I wasn't impressed with that car at all...mainly because the driver's seat *collapsed* when I sat on it

      Second time was at the Mazda dealer. This time, I took one of the Proteges out for a spin, and the salesguy started busting my balls about budgets and how he didn't think I could afford it. In fact, I actually asked him, "are you fucking kidding me?" Good thing I liked the car... but, that fool got what was coming. Last I heard, he'd been demoted into some worthless position (no sales commissions!) where he wouldn't be dealing with customers. Gee, can't figure out why

      I still don't know why some sales people do that. I don't know about you all, but if I'm dropping my hard-earned cash on a vehicle (or computer, or model kit, or whatever), I don't take too kindly to insults from salespeople. They all seem to think they're the only game in town
      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


      • #18
        Quoth protege View Post
        I know what that's like. I had some idiot give me shit while attempting to buy my first car. This idiot actually told my father and I, that unless I was buying a car that day, he wasn't even going to show me anything Let's just say that I lost it. Needless to say, the salesguy came out and tried to explain that he was joking
        Oh, my entire ass, he was joking. He'd have been explaining that to my retreating backside. I dont' have a whole lot of patience with sleazy salesmen of any kind.


        • #19
          I went into a dealership one day to look at a specific car.
          Finally stop a salesperson and ask for help . . .he says he is too busy and will find someone else.
          A few min later I see the guy sitting in his office eating and playing a video game.
          About this time someone else finally approaches me. He says "I was told to come show you this car"
          He then points out the vanity mirror, and how you can do a picnic table off the back end.
          I looked at him and asked "Is this how you (yes I finger quoted here)-show- a car to all customers or just young looking females?"
          He just gave me a deer in headlights look. I said "I am taking my business elsewhere" and I walked.
          I was talking to a friend about it. Her husband overheard. He turned around while I was there and called the owner of the dealership. Apparently he was in charge of his business ordering 10 new Fleet - company vehicles and this was one company in the running for the order.
          I ended up with a written apology from both salesmen and a promise that they would up grade the training on how to treat women just like any other customer.


          • #20
            Quoth Emrld View Post
            promise that they would up grade the training on how to treat women just like any other customer.
            Whoa, they had to "upgrade" the training to treat women like men? That's wrong on all kinds of levels.

            I can imagine that training video "If a lady comes in by herself, make sure to show her all the vanity features, and such, wait for a man to come and discuss the meat an d potatoes"



            • #21
              Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
              Oh, my entire ass, he was joking. He'd have been explaining that to my retreating backside. I dont' have a whole lot of patience with sleazy salesmen of any kind.
              That's pretty much what happened...except as we were getting into the van, another sales guy was willing to salvage the sale. Even though I was pissed, we ended up taking a (used) Geo Storm out for a spin. You have no idea how much I was tempted to take it on the back roads...and return with it covered in mud!
              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


              • #22
                Quoth protege View Post
                I don't know about you all, but if I'm dropping my hard-earned cash on a vehicle (or computer, or model kit, or whatever), I don't take too kindly to insults from salespeople.
                I would, and HAVE, said to the salespeople "I don't believe in wasting people's time. If I'm here, I'm GOING to buy something. No, wait. I'm NOT going to buy something here because I don't care for the service I'm getting." Then I walk out.

                Lots of fun, especially jewelry shopping in the mall. Just go across the corridor and you're at another store.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #23
                  All the car salesman talk reminds me of when I went to buy my first new car.

                  This was back in 1997 and we went to the local Chevy dealer because I wanted a Cavalier. (I had had tons of problems with my previous Subaru and my mechanic - great guy btw - recommended the Cavalier specifically based on his experience with them). Anyway, we get there, told the guy were were interested in possibly leasing, could he go over that? He said "No, you don't want to lease, it's a rip off, yada yada". Okay, so can we go look at the new Cavaliers you have (they had about 15 in stock). He starts in on the "You don't want that, I have a car that's perfect for you." Comes back with a used Dodge Shadow, priced at 9995.00 with 51,000 miles on it . So I pulled out my NADA book and looked it up - books for $4,300.00. Told him we didn't want that.

                  So then he says "Wait, I have another one that just came in." Comes back with a Toyota (I can't remember what it was, but it was the cheapest model they made at the time). This thing was trashed. He said they hadn't had time to "recondition" it yet. Holy crap, I guess so. It was filthy, had rips in all the seats and was full of McDonald's bags and assorted trash. Needless to say, we left.

                  The next day we went to the Chevy dealer in the next town over, bought a brand-new Cavalier, they got us 2.9% financing and even deducted the price of the automatic transmission because I wanted a 5-speed but they couldn't get one right away.

                  I took a picture of my new car and sent it to the manager of the first place and explained to him that since his salesman wouldn't even show me a new Cavalier, we went a bought one at XX dealership. A week later, the original salesman's picture was in the paper announcing that he was working at another dealership. I don't know if it was because of my letter, but it sure made me feel a lot better about the whole thing!


                  • #24
                    Whenever we make a big-dollar purchase in my family, I'm the one who does the research and figures out what to look for. And I'm the busty blonde female who looks younger than she is.

                    It works well for weeding out where not to buy things.

                    As for the original topic: current fashion makes it harder to determine who is and who isn't wealthy.
                    Seshat's self-help guide:
                    1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                    2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                    3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                    4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                    "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                    • #25
                      I can't understand what's so freaking awful about a hooker being asked to leave a store (the "Pretty Woman" references). If it's at least fairly clear that she's a hooker, she might be a shoplifter, a drug addict, or casing the place for a later robbery. Stores do have the right to refuse service. And then it's supposed to be just wonderful that the hooker comes in the next day, wearing expensive clothing that her john bought her, and rubs the sales assistant's face in it. Anyone with half a brain would have gone to an outlet store and bought something there, changed into the new clothing, THEN gone to the upscale places, rather than whining to her john about everyone who was so mean to her.


                      Now, back to our program.


                      • #26
                        Quoth marasbaras View Post
                        WOW, _dual_ floppies.
                        I'm sorry, but that made me laugh.

                        Here's my story...

                        When I was 17 my parents decided to buy me a car. After much discussion we settled on a pickup (what that means is Mom wanted me to get a car, but I told Daddy I wanted a truck and he agreed that having a truck around would be a good thing ). The three of us went out looking at vehicles one day and it was raining out, so at one dealership Mom sat in the car while Daddy and I went to look at the truck. When the salesguy came over he kept asking my father all the questions even though I was the one answering them. My Daddy finally looked at the guy and said "You don't get it do you? The truck is for her, she's answering you, ask HER the questions."

                        We ended up getting a truck from somewhere else because Mom didn't like the sales guy and he wouldn't come down on the price even though she had the checkbook in hand right there.

                        This is the same woman who didn't like another sales man's attitude last year when she was looking for a new vehicle and she dropped his card in front of him and said "I'll be taking my business elsewhere." Oh well, his loss. She bought her truck from a place that treated her right. She paid cash for a 2008 Ford Escape with all of the bells and whistles. I bet annoying sales guy would like to have that commission.


                        • #27
                          Quoth Eireann View Post
                          I can't understand what's so freaking awful about a hooker being asked to leave a store (the "Pretty Woman" references). If it's at least fairly clear that she's a hooker, she might be a shoplifter, a drug addict, or casing the place for a later robbery. Stores do have the right to refuse service. And then it's supposed to be just wonderful that the hooker comes in the next day, wearing expensive clothing that her john bought her, and rubs the sales assistant's face in it. Anyone with half a brain would have gone to an outlet store and bought something there, changed into the new clothing, THEN gone to the upscale places, rather than whining to her john about everyone who was so mean to her.


                          Now, back to our program.
                          I don't recall the movie that well, but I seem to recall that she was not allowed in the shop solely because some salesman thought she was too shabby to shop there - not because she was a prostitute.
                          The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


                          • #28
                            She was wearing very revealing clothing, certainly not the kind generally worn by customers of such a rich place (back then, anyway; things may be different now). She was dressed, basically, like a typical hooker. The word "hooker" didn't come up on either side, but it was obvious that the salespeople realized what her profession was, and asked her to leave. I despise the whole movie, but that especially sticks in my craw, that a supposedly tough, independent woman is so pathetic at something like shopping, and has to be bailed out.

