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Tax Time Freakie-doos. (five stories)

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  • Tax Time Freakie-doos. (five stories)

    I went to the local H&R Block to do my taxes. Had some lovelies in there, as I was waiting.

    Woman directly behind me

    You know how the chairs are back-to-back? She was behind mine. Tossing her head back onto mine, flinging her very dry long hair in my face. So, what does UnholyPet do? She flings her 3ft hair back at the woman, tossing n turning it every which way.

    Woman behind me + Entourage

    After the hair battle was over (tie), her children and random guy sat with her. They started kicking their chairs, which made mine move. They stpped after I started elbow drumming "Before I Forget"'s famous drum sequence (+humming).

    Random Guy kept trying to get the clerk woman to pay attention to him. LOUDLY, while flighting with the previous woman. "AHHAHAHHAHHAHHAHHAHHAA," every few sentences.

    Poor Guy

    This guy was very large. I am by no means making fun of him, but it worried me greatly. He drove in one of those old Lincolns, and his clothes weren't big enough for him. My grandmother had a weight problem, so I felt really bad for him not having any help getting around...

    He sat in front/right of me. After five minutes, there was the familiar smell of bodily seepage you smell if you've ever been to a nursing home after lunch. The clerk lady kept asking him if he wanted to go to the restroom, but he declined with a,"I'm fine, I'll bar through it." (all over their chairs.. bleh).

    I really felt uncomfy for him and around him, as the smell was horrid, and when they called his name, he grabbed the wall/pushed on the chairs/made a Beluga whale call (out of pain, likely)/ almost fell onto my lap. Bleh.

    Rude Wannabe

    This winner sat in Poor Guy's old chair (GROSS-THERE WERE BODILY FUNCTIONS THERE). I was tapping away at my texting thingie so I wouldn't have to make eye contact with anyone, and this guy was doing the same. He stretched his dirtyy Sketchers aaaalll the way beside my work-combat-boots and tapped them. He did stop after he heard the metal *clank* at least.

    What really did it was when he got up to take a call (polite of him to leave the room) and I looked up to see his FUBU pants stained a yellow tint.

    What made him rude after all that? The outburst. (MOTHA FFFF... DAMN IS SHEET, etc.) Plus, blaming the staff for not warning him.

    Guy already doing taxes

    Guy: But I need the money!
    Lady: Sir, you have no income. You can't claim incomes taxes if you have no income.
    Guy: But my daughter! My grandbaby! They gotta eat!
    Lady: Sir, she is 21. She can get a job and SHE can claim taxes after that.

    haha X'D

    Telling others how to do their job

    No, you are not a lawyer. I know because the tax lady said you're a dishwasher. You should stop telling her how to press keys on her keyboard.

    You can't see my W2, and no.

    When I said I'd rip your throat out if you tried to touch me again, it was no legal threat. IT WAS A PROMISE.

    (he kept trying to rub my shoulders)

  • #2
    Ah...the joys of the public. Makes me glad I have my tax/money/financial genius mom to help me with my taxes...
    Would you like a Stummies?


    • #3
      Next year, I'd consider hiring a small accounting firm. They're often about the same price as H&R Block and much, much more pleasant.
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        Is it bad that I still don't know how to do my taxes?

        I promise that I will learn before I leave college. So including law school I have five and a half years to learn.
        "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

        Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


        • #5
          Quoth Trayol View Post
          Is it bad that I still don't know how to do my taxes?

          I promise that I will learn before I leave college. So including law school I have five and a half years to learn.
          If you don't have many deductions (ie, use the standard deduction, no esoteric investments, etc.), it's not too bad. I did my family's federal taxes in about an hour, and that's even with having to figure out how to report esoteric self-employment stuff (my wife sold a story... to a Canadian publisher... who naturally paid in non-US money).

          The fact that by the time I count the standard deduction and the dependent deduction I have no federal taxes makes it easy, I suppose. It's also a deciding factor in me having the taxes in the mail before February every year. $4700 back this year! Strangely, local and school taxes aren't done with quite the same enthusiasm. Something about giving money away takes the fun out of it.


          • #6
            Quoth marasbaras View Post
            Next year, I'd consider hiring a small accounting firm. They're often about the same price as H&R Block and much, much more pleasant.
            Would if there was one within 5miles of me lol


            • #7
              Honestly, skip H&R Blows altogether and get TurboTax. Or use it free through their website. It's just as good, you answer all the same questions, costs less, and best of all: No SCs sharing your space!

              I'm biased of course, as I destest H&R...


              • #8
                Yeah I usually do my own. Although this year I did go up and have one (not H&R) double check me as this is the first year I'm filing fully self employed so no W2s at all. The lady kinda got me peeved when she found out I had no W2s and said "Oh so you've not had any real work?" As if farming, hauling scrap metal, carpentry and the asorted other things I've done all year was not real work. bah....

                Wound up going over the Jackson Hewitt and having them do it. Which is very cool as I found out as a farm bureau member I get a discount with them and stuff. So thats cool. Oh and Its a good thign I went to them as I had screwed the pooch and missed some stuff. So I wound up breakign even instead of oweing. Such fun.
                Last edited by Rahmota; 01-30-2008, 04:47 AM.


                • #9
                  Quoth Rahmota View Post
                  The lady kinda got me peeved when she found out I had no W2s and said "Oh so you've not had any real work?" As if farming, hauling scrap metal, carpentry and the asorted other things I've done all year was not real work. bah...
                  ... "Not had any real work?" I doubt one-person businesses often issue W2s to the "employee", and just ow. The entirety of the stupidity of that statement hurts too much to continue.
                  Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                  • #10
                    ... "Not had any real work?" I doubt one-person businesses often issue W2s to the "employee", and just ow. The entirety of the stupidity of that statement hurts too much to continue.
                    Yeah kinda my reaction. Grabbed my papers back said thank you in a kinda icy tone and spun out of there fast enough my shadow had to run to catch up.

                    Compare that with the lady over at JH. Sweet, competent. used to dealing with self-employed and farm people so was able to untangle my confusion in like 2 minutes. Let me keep the pen and everything.

                    And yeah I dont get a W2 from myself so I dunno what the deal was with that lady.

                    Oddly enough all the peopel I saw in the lobbies of both places where kinda average normal people nothign sucky goign on at all.


                    • #11
                      Haha I made Kyle do mine last year on some software programme he had

                      his took him 3 days, mine was 30 minutes

                      yay not earning any money in canada!
                      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                      • #12
                        After seeing that H&R Block charged my grandmother about $300 to do her taxes last year...I do my own with TurboTax. Why should I pay them, when I can do the same thing that they do...for *much* less? I mean, why should I pay them to use their tax program, which looks *exactly* like the one I use?
                        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                        • #13

                          This thread has reminded me that I told myself that I'd do my taxes on my first day off from work after my W-2s came in.

                          I think I'll do it next week, instead.

                          Anyhoo...I have to remember, once again, to not sit in chairs in public.
                          Unseen but seeing
                          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                          3rd shift needs love, too
                          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                          • #14
                            Given how much H&R Block charges these days, I started doing my own. I get the forms, I just take my W2 (My wife doesn't work), take a standard deduction, and voila. I've done it that way now for 6 years and haven't had a problem. MUCH easier.
                            A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


                            • #15
                              I am only charged $66 per visit. I could never bring myself to do it on my own, and risk the penalties from doing something wrong, whereas HR has that nice risk thing for me.

