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I hate driving

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  • #16
    Oh, Utah has to have some of the worst drivers in the country... I can't tell you how often I've been going 72 on the freeway and been the slowest person on the road (speed limit 65)... red lights are meaningless... right hand must turn right is just a suggestion... apparently left hand turns with a green arrow are supposed to yield to people who are turning right on red.... and that is a precious thing to find (a green turn arrow, 99% of the lights are left turn yield on green, and that brings out the worst in people)... and my personaly favorite in Utah is people's inability to stay in their own farking lane.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #17
      Quoth rerant View Post
      In exactly three weks I will be 23 and I don't even have my G1 (permit).
      I think you mean 7, unless Ontario uses different classes than Alberta? Here a grade 1 is a Commercial Drivers Licence. Hmm. That's actually something I should find out... *wanders off*
      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


      • #18
        Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
        apparently left hand turns with a green arrow are supposed to yield to people who are turning right on red.....
        UGH--I hate that too. Now that my neighborhood exit has no turning lane or throat, we have to zip across two lanes westbound and make a nearly immediate U turn at the traffic light if we want to go eastbound on the highway.

        Can't tell you how many times I've had a green arrow but I've nearly been killed by morons wanting to make a right. The thing is...they don't even really stop! They see that eastbound traffic is still stopped so that means they can still go, not realizing that traffic going westbound and those trying to make U turns have right of ways.

        People have honked their horns at ME when I'm the one with right of way...I mean, how DARE I attempt to exercise my right of way and get in their way as they are trying to break the law! Why, I should be ashamed of myself!

        Back when we still had a turning lane, we had a no U turn sign up but that didn't stop people from making them. My friend was making a right hand turn out of the neighborhood and there was someone in the turning lane. Since there was no U turn, my friend assumed she had right of way to make her right because traffic was clear. Well, the driver in the turning lane made a U turn...right into her and then tried to blame her until she and the police pointed out the obvious "no U Turn" sign that was right in front of the turning lane. Still pisses me off to this day and that happened five years ago.


        • #19
          Quoth Rine View Post
          Back when we still had a turning lane, we had a no U turn sign up but that didn't stop people from making them. My friend was making a right hand turn out of the neighborhood and there was someone in the turning lane. Since there was no U turn, my friend assumed she had right of way to make her right because traffic was clear. Well, the driver in the turning lane made a U turn...right into her and then tried to blame her until she and the police pointed out the obvious "no U Turn" sign that was right in front of the turning lane. Still pisses me off to this day and that happened five years ago.
          ooh, I hate those... this is why I will go to the next freeway exit and come back to my road to avoid a left turn because without fail I'll always get stuck behind the idiot who wants to do a u-turn which takes forever to do.
          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


          • #20
            Quoth Broomjockey View Post
            I think you mean 7, unless Ontario uses different classes than Alberta? Here a grade 1 is a Commercial Drivers Licence. Hmm. That's actually something I should find out... *wanders off*
            Ontario does use a different system (letters instead of numbers). Class "A" is the full CDL (actually "AZ" - the "Z" is the air brake endorcement), "B" is large school buses, "C" is large non-school buses, "D" is straight trucks and empty buses, "E" is small (would be covered by a normal car license if empty) school buses, "F" is small non-school buses and taxis, and "G" is ordinary cars. Class "G" has further divisions - you start out as "G1" (heavy restrictions, including requiring someone licensed 4 years as "G" or higher riding shotgun), then go on to "G2" (somewhat lighter restrictions - can solo, but must have zero alcohol level, and I think some highways are off-limits), and finally "G". There's also "M" (motorcycles - divided into "M1", "M2", and "M", similar to "G") and "ML" (mopeds, scooters, and other limited-speed motorcycles, again subdivided by experience level).

            The "G1" rerant was talking about is the "just starting out" version of the ordinary car license, not the "grade 1" tractor-trailer license you're familiar with.

            One thing that a lot of people don't know (or possibly don't care - like my previous employer, who ignored it when I pointed it out as a possible problem) is that for Ontario drivers, only the "A" license is allowed to tow trailers over 10,000 pounds (including some of the larger RV and horse trailers, or in this case a utility trailer carrying stamping dies or coils of steel clearly marked as being over 10,000 pounds).
            Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


            • #21
              Quoth Broomjockey View Post
              I think you mean 7, unless Ontario uses different classes than Alberta? Here a grade 1 is a Commercial Drivers Licence. Hmm. That's actually something I should find out... *wanders off*
              7? Say what now?
              Nope, G1 is definitely a learner's permit.


              • #22
                I have remembered one other thing I hate about driving. People not hitting the #*(%%()@%*@() gas when the light turns green. 1-5 seconds I'll be understanding but 10? Come on the light's not getting any greener and quit analyzing that cloud. DRIVE!!!
                The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                • #23
                  Quoth rerant View Post
                  7? Say what now?
                  Nope, G1 is definitely a learner's permit.
                  Yeah, wolfie explained the Ontario system. Seems silly that there'd be different rankings. I don't care which is used, but it seems needlessly confusing to have different ones. Here we've got 7 through 1, with 7 being a learner's, 5 being a standard driver's licence, 1 being a CDL, and the others between being for random (seemingly) vehicles. Also, having a 1 doesn't necessarily mean you can drive everything below (like motor boats, motorcycles, etc). Which is confusing in and of itself. So maybe we should go with yours.
                  Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                  • #24
                    Ran into an idiot on my way home today. Yay me. First, the background. A particular intersection on my way home has the traffic light right above the line you stop on. If you stop on that line, at least for me, you can't see the light. I'd have to literally lay down on the seat to see it. So, if I am unfortunate to be the first to get to the light, I have to stop about 5 feet back in order to see the light change.

                    So, today I'm the first to get there, and the light is red, with a green arrow for those wanting to turn right. The arrow goes off and the light is red, so the people opposite of me start their turns left as well as those coming straight ahead. While I'm waiting for the light to change, this asshole pulls up along side me in the right turn lane, and I catch motion out of the corner of my eye. I look, and he's making motions like I should pull up. I try to indicate that I can't see the light if I do. What's he do? Pull in front of me, so he's half into the intersection. Then, the light turns green. What's he do? Just sit there. Why? Because... GASP! He can't see the light.

                    I took great pleasure in honking to get him to go.
                    A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....

