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  • #16
    Quoth wagegoth View Post
    The service managers just seem to work on the assumption that I'm dropping the car off for my husband because he's too busy and I have no idea what goes on with it besides how to adjust the seat and, maybe, turn on the air conditioning and stereo.
    And it doesn't help that there are women like that out there. My mother's one of them. I've tried to explain to her a dozen times on how to seperately adjust the front and back A/C in the minivan, how to change the speaker balance, and a couple other things. And I've used a LOT of different ways to explain it (even came up with a nifty computer metaphor, since she worked on computers), and she couldn't ever grasp it for more than 30 seconds.
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #17
      I kind of had the opposite happen. I was a groomsman for a friend and we were trying on suits for the wedding. The sales guy at the suit hire place refused to listen to us and kept asking the bride what she wanted us to wear and what she thought of a particular jacket or pair of shoes etc.
      Now, i understand that there are some Brides that need to control this kind of thing but she kept telling him that it was the groom and my decision what we wore and to ask us. He just ignored us and kept asking her.
      We pretty much ended up telling her what we thought and she'd repeat it to the sales guy.
      Be Nicer To Retail Workers 2K18, also known as: stop being an incredibly shitty human to people just doing their job.


      • #18
        something similar happened to one of my sister's inlaws... only it was both gender and nationality...

        she lives & works in another country, so one day she had to take her car in for service. while she was waiting for an estimate, the two mechanics started jabbering away in a different dialect, basically saying, "Stupid American woman! We're going to run her up on this one, haha."

        Imagine their surprise...when she then told them, in the same dialect exactly what services they would perform on her car, and nothing else.


        • #19
          My wife got this one time that I can remember. When we were selling our house the buyers had an electrician come over, and he tsk'd tsk'd us for not having a GFI outlet in the bathroom. She explained to him that we did, but that outlet was tied to the sump pump, so it was always tripping, and the pump not pumping, and filling up.

          He just goes "uh-huh" and puts one in. She calls me, asks if everything she said was correct, I ask to speak to the idiot, she says drop it.

          Of course the buyer noticed how the thing tripped the second he put it in there, and the light next to the pump went out, but hey what do we know?


          • #20
            I remember the day I bought my Neon. I remember the skeezy guy approaching me, ready to try to sell this cute little dumb blonde a lemon........

            And then he met BIG DADDY.

            That's right. My 6 foot 4 inch nearly 300 pound father, arms the girth of my waist that could choke a grizzly bear, and a fist the size of that moron's head.

            I don't rely on my father as much anymore, though. I do not hesitate to put some sexist tool right in their place. Ask the pimple faced 16 year old 6 foot tall 110 pound nerd working at the auto parts store, when he asked me "Hunny, do you even know what spark plugs are?"....oh that little twig got a piece of my mind.

            Some strong women such as my mom and my mentor at work have really taught me how to not put up with men's bullshit or to need my father and his size to intervene with chauvinist pieces of garbage.

            That really has to suck having a sexist landlord. I wouldn't tolerate it for a moment.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #21
              Quoth PepperElf View Post
              Imagine their surprise...when she then told them, in the same dialect exactly what services they would perform on her car, and nothing else.
              OMG that is what I call pwned! Being multilingual does have some advantages!


              • #22
                I had basically the same conversation that RK did, only instead of trailers it was for a computer at Fry's.

                My guy friend went with me and the (rude from the start) sales man kept talking to him instead despite my friends insistance that he knew nothing about computers and that it was for me. I finally got all the componants I needed, got my printout for my parts, then went to another salesman who greeted me kindly when I walked up to him.

                Mr. Nice Salesman, mean sales guy was rude to me, do you mind taking all these computer parts out of his commission and put them in your name? Gladly? Why thank you.

