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The strangest thing you have seen a customer wear

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  • The strangest thing you have seen a customer wear

    This qualifies as 'sightings', right?

    Well, just the other day while I was in the bank, there was a woman in front of me in the queue wearing a mini-skirt and a bikini top. She did get served by the way.

    Anyone else have any unusual attire sightings they would like to share? Please?

  • #2
    Why is this unusual? Is it cold where you live?
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      My store is right near the beach (brilliant view of both the carpark and the bay from our lunch room window). So we get lots of customers in swimwear during the summer. My oddest sighting is a woman, mid-30s, wearing a dressing gown (like a robe or whatever you call it). I just hoped she had clothes on underneath!
      Michael: Maybe you'll be inspired by the boat party tonight and start a career as a pirate.
      Tobias: I haven't packed for that.
      <3 Arrested Development


      • #4
        Quoth marasbaras View Post
        Why is this unusual? Is it cold where you live?
        It's unusual because most banks have a "no shirt, no shoes, no service" policy. I once walked into a *bar* where I couldn't get served because I wasn't wearing sleeves. (had a tank-top on)
        GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


        • #5
          a towel... a pink bath towel to be exact.


          • #6
            Too bad going out in public in your jammies isn't so unusual anymore. I have lots of those stories.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              A olive drab fishing type hat with red yellow and orange puff paint on it, frizzy brown hair, down to just past the shoulders, a red, orange and yellow mu-mu, khaki slacks, and one red croc and one yellow croc.

              On a man. (to be fair, he is a magician.)

              And the full Goth/punk get-up (black camisole over a black and white striped long sleeved shirt, lacy black skirt, pink hair and socks, ect.) on a mid-to-late thirties woman, with her mortified kids in tow.
              What if Humans are just Dire Halflings?


              • #8
                A flower bedspread - toga style - a skullcap with neon pink (or yellow or orange) feathers, and a basket with matching feathers on the outside. She came in every week, different bedspread/basket/hat. She also went tanning every day and kept her head shaved bald. She was about 6 feet tall and unless the bedspread was deceptive in it's appearance she must have weighed several hundred pounds... Needless to say she was quite a sight. And a sound, too, as she was quite gregarious and boisterous. Very nice and totally not a sucky customer though!

                Her husband was the exact opposite, appearance wise. Tall, skinny, always with slacks, sports jacket, collared shirt, bow tie, and a fedora. I don't think he said more than 5 words to me in 3 years of shopping.


                • #9
                  NOTHING !!!

                  Got a call on a Sunday morning (around 6 am-ish) from a lady locked out of her house. I pull in the driveway and am not seing anybody. Lights are on in the house though, so I think, maybe she got in already somehow and didn't call to cancel. As I'm walking up to the front door I hear "pssst, over here" coming from the bushes. Yup, she was naked, seems she darted out to get the paper and Ooops. Of course I didn't ask for ID till after I had picked the lock and turned my head, so she could dart in.


                  • #10
                    We had a germophobe who used to always wear a sweatshirt and jeans, a wool hat, wool gloves, and a scarf to pull over her face.

                    In 103 degree heat.

                    We also had this woman who used to come in who called herself a "reverend" and a "doctor of cosmetology" (snort). About 6' tall, 300 pound black woman with a bad attitude. Came in wearing her hair in Shirley Temple curls, a gold lame dress that looked very little girlish with a dropped waist and box pleat skirt, gold glitter shoes with gold stones all over them, an a huge, matching gold pleated bow in her hair. Wow.

                    Had a guy who used to come in wearing mostly non-descript pants and sweatshirts, but would pair it with a ladies crotche'ed (however you spell it) wool cap, old-lady type ear bobs, big ladies cocktail rings, and carried a large clear plastic purse with big colorful flowers on it. What made this particularly ironic is that he insisted on us using his full name including Mr. MR so and so. If you missed the Mr calling out his orders, he would politely correct you.

                    And we got cross dressers and trannies all the time, but thats' not really unusual or strange when you work downtown.


                    • #11
                      Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                      About 6' tall, 300 pound black woman with a bad attitude. Came in wearing her hair in Shirley Temple curls, a gold lame dress that looked very little girlish with a dropped waist and box pleat skirt, gold glitter shoes with gold stones all over them, an a huge, matching gold pleated bow in her hair. Wow.
                      Wow is right - what a mental picture. I think you win.

                      There's a transsexual who comes in to my store frequently. I don't think there's anything innately unusual about transsexuals, except this one is especially fascinating, because she looks like Mr. Garrison from South Park. Feminine clothes, handbag, make-up, nails done.....short hair and balding.

                      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                      • #12
                        Forgot one: me! I went to the Publix I worked at on my way to Georgia RenFest in full pirate regalia. That was fun.

                        I also saw a nun in a purple habit. Anyone know (or theorize) on why purple?
                        What if Humans are just Dire Halflings?


                        • #13
                          I've never seen anyone dress unusually...but once for Spirit Day we had to dress up as a literary character, and I chose Arthur Dent from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I was wearing a black-and-white checkered flannel bathrobe, tied shut, carpet slippers, and I had a bath towel over one arm. I had a tee and sweats on underneath, but you couldn't really see them. Then after school I went to run errands, and got many nice compliments on my 'housecoat'.
                          "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

                          "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


                          • #14
                            Dark black sunglasses, dog tags, no shirt, camo vest (unbuttoned), camo shorts, gloves wth cut-off fingers, long-ish dark hair, and it looked like he was a weight lifter. Looked like rambo was walking through the store .


                            • #15
                              Customers' attire at the gas station was absolutely atrocious. People and Glamour magazine would have a HAY-DAY with them.

                              Spandex pants on people who shouldn't be wearing them.

                              Stripes with plaids or vice versa...polka dots with checkerboard pattern pants...

                              Women in their 40s and older coming in wearing Daisy Dukes and bikini tops......add years of over-tanned skin, over saggy breasts, and overly cellulited legs......just awful to my eyes!!

                              Men who insisted on coming in shirtless. Hell, if they were halfway fit and not so hairy, I wouldn't have minded, but it was always the overweight cavemen with hair covering their entire body who insisted on being shirtless. That or the 100 pound guys who looked manorexic and sickly.
                              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

