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Napkin theft

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  • Napkin theft

    Ugh, I had the most annoying woman next to me in the queue at subways earlier.

    (background info) This is the subway where I go to lunch almost every weekday for over a year now at almost the same time and get on well with the staff and even know them by name, they know my regular order down to the last detail and even know which days i'll take the sub of the day instead(/background info)

    Well it all started off when she asked for a certain type of bread and when the server got a loaf and cut it in half she demande the other half instead despite the fact that they are the same?

    then she changed her order 3 times before she got to paying, and when she got to the end, she said "Oh, aren't you going to toast it for me?" when I distinctly remember a staff member asking her if she wanted it toasted and her replying "no".

    Then came the icing on the cake. She had paid and was given her sandwich in a bag and she demanded loudly "I need a napkin". The girl behind the cash register said quite politely "I have already put one in your bag, it should be at the bottom, would you like an extra one?"

    the customer then shouted "I NEED napkins" and picked up the pile of napkins next to the register and proceeded to try to fit them in her bag.

    Now when I say a pile of napkins, I mean a PILE of napkins about 8 inches thick and was the entire pile of napkins on the counter!

    Cue the following:
    NT: napkin thief
    CG: checkout girl
    M: Manager who is making coffees and see it all happen
    Me: 6'1" me, but its dress down day at the office so I'm wearing grey combats and a black t-shirt with a dragon wrapped round a skull on it (dress down days are really dress down round here)

    CG: excuse me but you can't take that many napkins
    NT: I NEED these napkins
    M: Umm, I'm afraid that our napkins are not free, we give you one with each purchase but I'm afraid if you take that many then we will have to charge you.
    NT: But you see, I NEEEEEED these. (turns to walk off)
    M: Thats stealing unless you pay for those
    NT: (Walking off) Can you believe the nerve, I NEEDED these!
    Me: (loud enough for everyone to hear) Some people are just full of themselves
    NT: and who are you to say anything to me, you're getting a free napkin, why can't I? and I NEED them.
    Me: (To manager) best call security before I feel the NEED to forcibly eject this customer for them.
    at which point NT storms off in a huff, no doubt to complain about how some thug scared her off

    Seriously, the nerve of some people, I mean why do you need napkins that badly? Just repeating that you need them won't change anything. And if you're going to be cheeky and ask for something extra, don't be a pain inthe a** beforehand
    "You can only try so hard to look like you are working before actually doing your work seems easy in comparison" -My Boss

    CW: So what exactly do you do in retentions?
    Me: ummm, I ....retent stuff?

  • #2
    grr, thieves; we get this one woman who hits our condiment bar, steals as many napkins and sugar packets as she can grab, after getting her free water or a 'taste' of our coffee.

    i so want to plant my size 7 in her ass out our open door.

    i've seen her buy a drink ONCE in the six or seven times she's come to our store.
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3
      There are people I work with who actively steal packets of ketchup, salt, pepper, soy sauce, napkins, and ecetera from the cafeteria.....

      Kind of like when I worked at both restaurants and I suggested we take away jelly caddies and butter dishes and creamer bowls because old women were always stealing jelly and butter and creamer and we were always having to replace them!
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        Before we started selling bags at my work people would steal them all the time.
        And not just one or two, more like 50 or 60.
        One man even asked me for about 35 of them because "they make great garbage bags".
        I told him how to get to the neatest Wal Mart and Canadian Tire and let him know the approximate price of the boxes of actual garbage bags and refused to let him have any of mine.

        The best part is a few people thought it would be cheaper to buy a box of our bags rather than the garbage bags from any Wal Mart or grocery store.
        Each box has 500 bags in it and bags cost $0.05 each.
        Real smart...
        Last edited by rerant; 02-02-2008, 01:14 AM.


        • #5
          When I was working at the C-store...many moons ago..

          A lot of the working girls would take handfuls of the flavored coffee creamers (Irish Delight, Caramel, Hazelnut, etc) and stuff up their pockets. In the summer, it was ketchup and relish and mustard.

          They were crackhead-hookers with no home/place to stay, and between jobs, they had to eat - the packets of dressings were common. I understood, but when I caught them, I'd give them a damn good warning.

          In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
          She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


          • #6
            See, I'll sometimes take one or two extra ketchup packets, but 50!? geez...

            At my last job, we had no NEED to steal anything like that. We ordered so much delivery and take-out we had 3 or 4 different PILES of various sauces.

            We had everything from Ketchup, Mustard, Mayo, and Salt, to Soy Sauce, Duck Sauce, Tabasco, Taco bell sauce... you name it, we had it.

            Plus, if you REALLY needed something like Ketchup or Mustard, there was a cafe right across the street that didn't mind if -we- took a COUPLE. We couldn't take the entire box obviously, but if someone ran over and grabbed a handful for a few people, they didn't care, Since they got a good 50% of their business from us anyway. lol
            <Insert clever signature here>


            • #7
              ::warning:: Semi-long, very boring story ahead.

              A few weeks ago, this young guy came into my store and started taking all of our coffee creamer.

              He literally grabbed a bakery bag, and started filling it with the little creamer tubs.

              I went up to him and asked what he was doing.

              SC: stupid asshat

              SC: These are free, right?
              Me: Yeah, A COUPLE WITH the purchase of coffee
              SC: But, they ARE free, right?
              Me: you can have a couple, you canNOT take them all, even with purchase.
              SC: But {competitor} lets me take as many as I want.
              Me: I doubt that.
              SC: but...
              Me: Put them all back, and please leave.

              He then pays for his gas, and asks about the price of "solar salt," water softener salt that most people around here use for sidewalks, driveways, etc. I told him, and he bitched about the price, told me it was cheaper at {competitor} in Oconomowoc, and finally left.

              A few minutes later, another customer comes in and says that the SC was being rather sneaky and put a bag of salt in his car.

              I went outside, and when he came back from the pizza place next door, I asked if I could look in his car. Wouldn't you know it? He had a bag of salt in his car.

              I asked where he got it from. "{competitor} in Oconomowoc." I asked if he could prove it. He demanded to know why. I told him that another customer told me that he (SC) was seen putting the salt into his car. "Why would I lie??" I asked him, "Why would the other customer lie? He has nothing to gain from the story."

              SC then grabbed the salt from his car and threw it back onto the pallet, top side down*, said, "Why should I have to prove that I bought it somewhere else?" and left.

              *all the bags on the pallet were covered in snow, so he threw it back upside down so I wouldn't be able to prove that he tried to steal it.

              We're not talking about just a few creamers, either. He tried to take over a hundred of each of 5-6 flavors.
              I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

              Oh, and your tool box got out again.


              • #8
                I'm kind of the opposite of these thieves ... I'll ask for about ten packets of McD's ketchup for my super-duper-sized fries. Then again, I like ketchup!
                "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                • #9
                  Quoth Bella_Vixen View Post
                  We're not talking about just a few creamers, either. He tried to take over a hundred of each of 5-6 flavors.
                  That's pretty pathetic. i hate customers that think they can get away with anything they think they can.

                  p.s. noob here.
                  Last edited by PuckishOne; 02-05-2008, 01:37 PM. Reason: No need to quote the whole post. :)


                  • #10
                    Some people are just stupid. The only time I've ever taken a massive pile of napkins is at the movies because they over stuff the dispenser so when you try to grab half a dozen you end up with three dozen.

                    Also I take spoons from Wendy's. No more than three, and always for others. I eat there a lot without taking utensils so I figure 3 spoons every couple of months is okay.
                    Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

                    Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
                    Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.

