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I need a doohickey with a thermowhatsit.

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  • #16
    i had a customer come up to me and say,"im looking for that thing." thats all she said. i gave her a couple minutes to see if she would continue...nope. i asked her whgat thing. she said,"that red thing."......i asked again, what thing? she finally said,"oh im sorry.lipstick,"


    • #17
      I had plenty of times in the bookstore where I would figure out right away what book a customer wanted from a rather vague description.

      I also have a friend from college who was one of those gibberish-talkers. We got pretty damn good at figuring out what she was talking about most of the time.
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #18
        I used to be really good at figuring out gibberish when I worked at a video store. Mostly due to the fact that I am a huge movie geek.

        Now it's at TB since they love having confusing signs and commercials for all the "new" products we sell. They can't just say "Cheesy Beefy Melt" or "Cheesy Gordita Crunch". That would be to easy. No instead I get people asking for the crunchy, cheesy, taco thing or the melty beef burrito. My favorite was a guy swearing up and down that he saw something on a commercial a couple days ago that he wanted. In the end I figured out it was the "Chipolte grilled stuffed burrito" that we had as a LTO in November. When he got to the window he was laughing and told me that he just remembered he was watching something on his DVR.


        • #19
          Quoth Bank Lady View Post
          I had that moment while playing Taboo with my BF and another couple. We were on a streak of right answers when he gave me a one word clue that shouldn't have any connection to the answer, except it did for us. (I so wish I could remember the clue and answer.) The other couple just cracked up and accused us of using telepathy. We had to stop the game for a while until we could all stop laughing.
          Not to threadjack, but you've reminded me of the time I played Taboo with my in-laws. We soon learned not to let my two sisters-in-law play on the same team. They spend way too much time together and they'd be giving clues like "What we saw Friday morning." or "Where we went last week." SO not fair! Then one of them said "What we want to do to Mother," and the other immediately shouted out the correct answer: Murder!
          Women can do anything men can.
          But we don't because lots of it's disgusting.


          • #20
            Not necessaraly a customer, but one time my mom asked me if I knew some song, and the band started with an 'S'

            I have no idea how I knew, but first thing popped out of my mouth "Rancid?"

            I was right


            • #21
              When the family went to move my brother out of his dorm, Mom & I found ourselves hauling baskets down to the car, alone, and something we were talking about suddenly required I make hand motions.
              Mom looks at me, and says, "Asia?"
              And she was right.
              "I call murder on that!"

