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sighting at BK (both SC and rude mgr) kinda long

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  • sighting at BK (both SC and rude mgr) kinda long

    Ok so I went to Burger King for lunch today on my break and got my food (took 25 minutes but thats not the point). After I got my food I sat down near the counter, and close the door (I always sit here to watch my car). Pretty soon a woman walks up to the counter and the following conversation happens:

    C: Customer
    M: Manager

    C: my burger is wrong..I ordered it without onion or mayo.
    M: Onions can be picked off
    C: yeah they can...but I ordered it without mayo also
    M: well heres a knife *hands customer knife* scrape it off.


    C: I ordered the burger specifically without mayo because Im allergic to it and I will die if I eat it.
    M: so scrape it off!
    C: you know what...I would just like a is the burger back *puts burger on the counter*
    M: sorry we have a strict refund policy..if you dont like it you can just leave *turns around and proceeds to ignore further comments from the woman*

    The woman then picks up the burger...throws it...and with perfect aim...hits the manager in the back of the head with the burger


    M: Thats it Im calling the police
    C: go ahead...Ill have you charged with attempted murder.

    So...police come...find out what happened...proceed to write the woman a ticket for disorderly conduct..and which point she slaps the officer and gets arrested....

    VERY interesting dinner show...which of course I had to stay til the end of..and was late getting back to work...but it was worth it.
    "I hope we never lose sight of one thing, it was all started by a mouse" --Walt Disney

  • #2
    Yeah they were both in the wrong there.

    Even if she scraped off the mayo you wouldn't get it off completely an could still cause an allergic reaction, so the manager was an arse about that.

    I wish i was there to see that hamburger flying at his head, that would have been priceless, but she could of handled it better.


    • #3
      Wow what is it with Bks and wierdness. Maybe its all part of that whopper freakout effect....

      And you see that right there is why I didnt become a cop. I would have yelled at the both of them for acting like little brats, wasting my time, and sent the both of them to go stand in the corner.

      And mayo would have soaked into the bun so rubbing it off would definately not work. My daughter isnt allergic to mustard she just hates the taste and if we forget or they forget to leave the mustard off I've tried the whole scrape it off and they wont notice it. Unless you mangle the bun to the point it aint a bun no more it can still be tasted.


      • #4
        Wow. That's pretty crazy, right there. Honestly, I would have been with the woman on this one, and probably would have laughed when she nailed idiot manager with the burger. Granted, she obviously isn't terribly good at keeping her cool if she slapped a cop, but really - what the manager "offered" was not an acceptable solution to their mistake.
        "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

        “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


        • #5
          i have a co worker who recently quit his McDonalds job to work at Wal Mart(for over $3 an hour more money) and he told me he was working overnight on christmas and he said someone ordered a fish with cheese and

          him:here you go
          SC:this burger's not right
          him:what's wrong with it?
          SC:what do you think?
          SC: it has cheese
          him:you asked for cheese
          SC:*drives off and throws sandwich at building*


          • #6
            First off, I hate people who say "you can take them off". No, NOT if I've ordered it that way and ESPECIALLY if your motto is "have it your way".

            For those of you who have worked for BK-like places, what does a customer do when a manager sucks THAT badly? To be treated that way and then ignored over a simple request ... I'd really be ticked.

            And, to contribute a little fun on my own: In Seattle there's a small chain of burger joints that are simple the BEST. Dick's Drive-In, since 1954! Aside from prices, their menu hasn't changed in years. Not since I first went there in 1971. They're not cheap, last I saw, $1.20 for a cheeseburger.

            Still, there are lines. Almost always lines. They're open until 2am most nights.

            They do it THEIR way. They only take cash. And, they do just fine. BTW, they pay well for fast food and offer scholarships for those in college. Really just a great place all around.

            NTDW: New to Dick's woman
            DW: Dick's worker girl
            DM: Dick's manager
            Me: don't know who this is, go buy a clue

            I'm standing in line behind NTDW ...

            NTDW: Hamburger please, nothing on it.
            DW: I'm sorry, ma'am, all of our burgers come with ketchup and mustard.
            NTDW: I'd just like a bun with a patty.
            DW: I'm sorry, ma'am, I can't sell you that.
            NTDW: (puzzled) Can't they just make one on the grill?
            DW: No, ma'am, all of our burgers are the same.
            NTDW: (a little miffed) Just don't put the mustard and ketchup on.
            DW: One second ... (gets manager, yes, she didn't bother telling the lady specifically that she was getting a manager, they're a bit casual at Dick's and it roxx!)
            DM: Can I help you with something, ma'am?
            NTDW: (relieved) Yes, I'd just like a plain burger, nothing on it.
            DM: I'm sorry, ma'am, we make every hamburger, every cheeseburger the same way. We don't do special orders.
            NTDW: Wha? (blank look)
            DM: (very politely) If you turn left out of the parking lot and follow 45th until it hits Stone Way, you'll see a McDonald's on your right. I'm sure they'll make the burger you need.
            NTDW: (stunned) ... um, OK.
            Me, to DM and DW: (smiling) Apparently she's never been here before.
            DM: Guess not.
            DW: What can I get you?
            Me: Usual please.
            DW: Two Deluxe, fries, vanilla shake?
            Me: Yup ...

            NTDW headed off in the direction of McD's.
            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


            • #7
              I was siding with the woman till she threw the burger at the manager, which I probably would have thought of doing, but not acted on it.
              Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

              If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

              Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


              • #8
                Ditto what Misanthropical said. I got sort of the same problem with mayo (can' ...gross... dying....choking.....ack! *Dies. Flowers spring up. Wilts. Flutters away with the wind*) so I generally order my cheeseburgers plain or just with ketchup.

                One time at Dairy Queen I had ordered a plain cheeseburger and the girl asked if I wanted cheese. Uhm....yes? When I asked about it she said some people would order the cheeseburger (which costs MORE than a regular hamburger) and tell them to keep the cheese off.

                Me: "So why don't they just order a hamburger instead?"

                Her: "You work at the Dollar Tree, right?"

                Me: "Yeah..."

                Her: "You get asked how much something is, right?"

                Me: "Yeah. Oh. Crike."

                Her: "Exactly."
                Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                • #9
                  I don't know, I think I'm still on board with hitting the manager with the burger. That particular level of employee suck deserves a reality check.

                  On the other hand, if she'd asked for the number to corporate she'd have been more likely to get results. Franchise or no, trying to kill your customers will not go over well with corporate.


                  • #10
                    Quoth myswtghst View Post
                    Wow. That's pretty crazy, right there. Honestly, I would have been with the woman on this one, and probably would have laughed when she nailed idiot manager with the burger. Granted, she obviously isn't terribly good at keeping her cool if she slapped a cop, but really - what the manager "offered" was not an acceptable solution to their mistake.
                    I have to agree here.

                    I'm so conflicted. It was so wrong of her to throw the burger and hit a cop, but... I would've paid to see it!!!
                    Unseen but seeing
                    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                    3rd shift needs love, too
                    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                    • #11
                      Aaaaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhh emotions and thoughts conflicting. Personally I agree'd with the woman up until she decided to use the back of the asshole's head for a burger bounce. That I could live with, but when she slapped the cop she went to far and deserved a (Metephorically Speaking) Beat Down (no actuall idiots should be harmed in this beat down).

                      I personally hate Tomatoes and Onions. If I had been in her place I would have been just as pissed as she was. All though I would have given asshole the evil stink eye and just sat their growling for a while (hey it works on pests in general).
                      My Karma ran over your dogma.


                      • #12
                        I might've use the kitchen floor as a place to toss individual pieces of my burger ... top fo the bun here, patty over there, etc.

                        Of course, there's always the "make a scene" option ... yell back at him the garbage he's saying to you. Sure, other customers think you're a loon (wonder if I care?) but they also get to hear what the manager is saying.
                        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                        • #13
                          Violence is not the answer. No matter how good it makes you feel.

                          Calling corporate would have been the better option. Somehow recording the conversation and making a public stink (picketing, blogs) would have more satisfying and more draining.
                          "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

                          "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


                          • #14
                            I would have just called their corporate office from my cell phone right then and there. I honestly don't think I would have been able to keep myself from laughing when the hamburger landed, though it was the wrong thing to do.

                            I do wonder if BK has noticed how badly some of their employees get treated since the Whopper Freakout thing and if they have taken steps to somehow empower their employees when customers...well, freakout. The manager was wrong regardless though, you don't mess with allergies.
                            "Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did."
                            George Carlin


                            • #15
                              Something doesn't gel - if she's deathly allergic to mayonnaise, she really shouldn't be buying food in a place where there's a good chance of cross-contamination. I suspect some lask of honesty on her part regarding the allergy.

                              This all reminds me of ... stop groaning! Anyway, way back when, well before I took over the board and I was just another member, there was a rash of members putting up polls to ask if they were sucky in this instance or that instance. I put one of mine up based on a genuine incident.

                              I had occasion to stop at a Burger King and ordered a chicken sandwish, specifying no lettuce, for that stuff is vile. Upon returning to my car, I found lettuce. I pulled it out, scraped as much of the mayonnaise back into the food, threw the lettuce into the nearest bin, didn't go back inside to vault over the counter and kick the staff and burn their stocks of lettuce with a molotov cocktail as is required by decorum. Was I sucky?

                              1. No
                              2. No, and I want to bear your children.
                              3. No, and you should have burned their stocks of lettuce, for that substance shall herald the coming of the anti-Buddha. Oh, and I want to bear your children.
                              4. No, and ...
                              You get the idea - I don't remember the options exactly, but would you believe that between half and two-thirds of respondants wanted to bear my children?

                              Took a while before someone asked where the 'yes' option was.


