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Forgot my popcorn...

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  • Forgot my popcorn...

    Because it looks like there's about to be a saleman throwdown. Okay okay, I'll start from the beginning. My wife and I, for years, were living in apartments. That means that 90% of the time, we had all appliances necessary or at least enough to get by. We also really weren't responsible for general maintenance, etc. This is important because it meant that once we finally moved into a house (yes, still renting) we needed to get washer and dryer, stove, lawn mower, etc., if I remember correctly, we had been borrowing the neighbor's lawn mower for a while, but that got kinda inconsistent. In any case, we decided to get a lawn mower. We went to Sears and started browsing because they were having a sale. Alright...a nice young black female (hot, from what I remember) clerk comes and asks if she can help us with anything. We start talking about prices, features, etc.

    We express interest in this one lawn mower that was supposedly on sale, perfect size, etc...but we didn't see a price tag anywhere and we weren't sure what kind of oil it took, etc. Okay, so she asks one of her coworkers about the price and suddenly, HE STARTS TALKING TO US ABOUT PRICES, FEATURES, ETC. That is correct...he COCKBLOCKED (well, attempted to) her sale. Yeah...we confirmed the price and said we'd think about it and come back later.

    We did come back. And we did purchase the mower. When we did, though, we made sure...

    #1 The clerk that rang us up knew it was the nice girl that helped us.
    #2 Within earshot of McDickhead, who promptly gave us a scowl.
    #3 Which caused us to mention his bastardy.
    #4 Thanked the girl, who couldn't actually ring us up personally as she was on her way out.

    Now seriously...I'm not sure if she made commission on that, but that's crap. Don't dick your coworkers.
    You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube

  • #2
    Oh, don't get me started on some of the "salesmen" from Sears. A few years ago the old dishwasher took a dirtnap so I find a basic model on sale from Sears. It was the right price for me and was replacing a model that was probably 10-20 years old or so. In my mind, anything is an upgrade at this point. My wife and I get there and this is what ensued.

    Me: (Showing salesman advertisement) "Yes, I'm interested in this model you have on sale. Do you have any in stock?"

    SS (Sucky Salesman): Yes, we have a couple of those left but you don't want that model."

    Me: "Why is that?"

    SS: "Because that one does not have a lot of extras and is very noisy and does not clean dishes that well."

    Me: "Well, I'm just looking for a basic model, I don't like a lot of extras. As long as it has a setting for regular dishes and one for pots and pans and such, it will be just fine."

    SS: "Again, as I said, it is noisy and does not clean dishes."

    Me: "Well, I'm replacing an old unit that was noisy so I'm used to it and besides, it will probably be quieter than the old one anyway."

    SS: "Well, like I said, it does not clean dishes but this one over here is great." (It just happened to be about $500 more.)

    Me: "So, you sell defective products then?"

    SS: "No, whatever gave you that idea?" (At this point he does not seem to be very happy with me. I am a smartass at times I know but .)

    Me: "You said the dishwasher does not clean dishes so I assume that it is a defective product as its primary and ONLY job is to oh, I don't know, clean dishes."

    SS: " I'm sorry sir, it just seems that I cannot help you. I don't know what you would like for me to do?"

    Me: "How about ringing me up for the unit that you say you have in stock that I asked about that I originally wanted in the first place?"

    SS: "I'll get someone to take care of that for you right away sir." (finally)

    15 minutes pass by and we never hear from him again. I ask another clerk about it and they tell me that he went to lunch and no one knew anything about it. At that point I just decided to go to a Sears outlet near my house and left the Mall. Went to the outlet store and got the last one in stock with no issues. Dishwasher seemed to do a perfectly fine job until I moved earlier this year. It did actually CLEAN the dishes, imagine that!!! Sorry for the long post, I can get wordy at times.
    I don't have an anger problem! I have an idiot problem!-Hank Hill


    • #3
      He was probably upset that hot female coworker more than likely made better sales than him. His manparts couldn't handle it.

      That's why my coworkers hate me ...well, only one of them, but he's an idiot.
      Would you like a Stummies?


      • #4
        Quoth marty View Post
        His manparts couldn't handle it.
        What man parts?
        How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


        • #5
          Wow donruss.. I woulda FOUND the manager on that one.. people like that do NOT deserve jobs...


          • #6
            The really sad part about the supposed tension between the salespeople was that she came up to us, asked if she could help, did, then he took over like King Asshole. I really hope she got the credit. And honestly, we don't go to Sears very much anyway, so I don't know if either of them are still working there, but that's just dumb. I'd be chopping his Achilles...Kill Bill style. Asshole.
            You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


            • #7
              Well, it's no suprise that Sears is on the ropes. Honestly, I can't believe they're still in business.

              We bought a washer from this personality-challenged shitbird at Sears when we first got married almost 20 years ago. We were very poor then, and wanted a small, non-fancy model. he tried to upsell us by telling us all sorts of crap about the model we wanted, going so far as to say it didn't have a hot water cycle. A casual observation of the appliance put that to the lie. We bought it anyway.

              Guess what, we STILL HAVE IT and it has always worked great.

              Why be greedy, you know? A young couple is trying to buy something from you, why be a douch about it? Ass.


              • #8
       know, that jerk of a saleperson sounds EXACTLY like the one that works in my lawn and garden department! The one that I am always having problems with...the stuck up, know it all, I'm-better-than-you jerk. There is one female salesperson that works in that department and she sometimes gets harassed for it by some salesmen, though this has lessened because now the boss of that department is a woman, the ops manager is a woman, and the SGM is a those men can't do much anymore. Heh.

                Some of the salespeople at my store are ruthless and steal sales left and right. Even when they tell a customer that they are ringing it up for "so and so" in reality they are ringing it up in their number. Who knows if that lawn mower sale actually stayed in her number...I betcha that jerk found a way to get it in his...

                @patiokitty, can you please tell me the name of the Sears that closed? Thanks.


                • #9
                  My wife and I bought our fridge from Sears. We had found one we liked that was on sale in the paper and went in, found a salesman and asked him about it. He said it was a great model but if we were interested there was one for about $70 less that was the exact same thing (companies, featurers, etc) all that was different was it's outward appearance. Needless to say, we got that one and are perfectly happy with it.
                  Losing faith in humanity, one customer at a time


                  • #10
                    Well, you all know Sears has always been known for it's tools.....


                    • #11
                      Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                      Well, you all know Sears has always been known for it's tools.....
                      ...and it would seem the salesman in the OP's story is a Craftsman.

                      A tool for life.
                      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                      • #12
                        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                        ...and it would seem the salesman in the OP's story is a Craftsman.

                        A tool for life.
                        Damn you. You made me break rule #1. At work, no less.

                        Time to get some paper towels to mop up the Diet Dr Pepper.
                        "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                        “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                        • #13
                          Sears Salesmen

                          Yeah... I had to deal with a real jerk of a salesman at Sears, back in the early 80s.

                          I'd just got my own place and wanted a cheap sofa (under $300 - I had to be very frugal back then ). They had a nice one but it had a stain on it, so I asked the salesman if there were any more in stock. He said no, so I asked if that one could be marked down. Again, no, but he tried to sell me a $800 sofa instead.

                          I left in anger and frustration (and before my temper turned me into a total beeyotch), but went back the next day to see if I could talk to another salesperson about that sofa or another one that was also nice, but more expensive.

                          I told a saleswoman about the problem I'd had with the jerk. She said there were lots of the sofa I wanted in stock. So... she sold me one. She also told me the jerk didn't like to sell anything cheap because he wouldn't make a big enough commission on it. And that all the salespeople there knew about his attitude.

                          I made a point of complaining to customer service about the jerk, but don't know if it did any good. Probably didn't.
                          It's like I'm wearing Eau de Moron and all of the idiots and assholes are attracted to me... -JuniorMintz


                          • #14
                            Quoth Zinjadu View Post

                            I made a point of complaining to customer service about the jerk, but don't know if it did any good. Probably didn't.
                            You never know. You might be one of the straws on the camel's back. If management gets enough complaints, they do take notice. I saw a waiter fired because of a 'last straw' situation.
                            I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.

