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It's Called Personal Space

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  • It's Called Personal Space

    I am in the supermarket of doom picking up dinner supplies. I am on my way to the soup section when I notice a woman completely blocking the aisle. I walk up say "Excuse me" twice, the woman who has her cell phone glued to her ear didn't even budge.

    At the time I was not feeling well so I chose to simply backtrack and walk around the other way. I get to the soup section and the woman's daughter apoligized. The girl was 9 or 10 at the most and already apologizing for her Mom.

    I finish up my shopping and realize I didn't have my debit card on me and only 20 in cash. I had wanted to grab a bag of sunflower seeds but didn't know if I had enough. I politely ask the cashier to ring up the other stuff to see what was left. I had enough and went to grab them. The sunflowers seeds were exactly two feet from me.

    In the second it took me to grab them, rude woman pushes her cart up to the counter and sails over to where I was standing and starts barking into her cell phone again. I go up behind her say "Excuse me" and get the same response, complete and utter ignorance.

    I am fed up with her at this point and simply push past her. She doesn't acknowledge me nor does she move away from me. We are at best barely an inch from one another. At this point her daughter says "Mom, you're standing too close." The mom looks at her daughter rolls her eyes and said "Be Quiet. I told you to never interrupt me when I'm on the phone."

    I feel sorry for the poor girl, this probably wasn't the first nor the last time her mother's rudeness will embarrass her.
    My Horror Blog


  • #2
    What a bitch.

    I see that a lot too. Especially at Wal-Mart. Some ignorant cow parks her cart in the middle of an aisle, yapping away on her cell phone or having some kind of "reunion" with old friends, blocking anyone from getting through.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Strangely, I've never had an issue with this. When I say 'excuse me', people move. Call it luck - I don't think I'm that intimidating.
      The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


      • #4
        Mothers are supposed to be embarrassing, it's in their job description. But the job description involves naked baby pictures, not yammering on their cell phones.
        The High Priest is an Illusion!


        • #5
          I hate that crap when I am shopping. I will only say Excuse me real loud just once. And they will move, then I will walk right through them.
          Under The Moon Paranormal Research
          San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


          • #6
            why do I have this vision of someone looking at the girl and saying . . ."See this is what happens when you talk on the phone to much while growing up. . . when you become an adult the only thing that matters is getting your phone fix"

