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So, You're Dropping Something Off

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  • So, You're Dropping Something Off

    At a friend's apartment

    Do You:
    A: Park on the Street
    B: Pull through the driveway and into the parking lot
    or C: Park in the driveway, blocking all access

    When a car tries to get into the driveway behind you, do you
    A: Immediately stop chatting with your friend and pull your car into the parking lot right in front of you
    B: Continue chatting while meandering to your car and then slowly pulling your car into the parking lot right in front of you
    C: Continue chatting while meandering to your car and then back out of the driveway, forcing the car behind you to do the same, onto a street that is heavily trafficked and cannot be seen, due to the SUV parked next to the driveway.

    If you answered "C" to any of these questions you may be the judgment impaired cow who nearly caused us to have yet another accident directly outside our house, I hope you DIAF.
    The High Priest is an Illusion!

  • #2
    We have a similar situation, not at our apartment, but in the "center" of town, which is about a block long, hence the quotes.

    The banks, post office, stores, etc. are all placed back away from the road. There's a shared driveway, with angled parking on one side that runs parallel to the road and is just wide enough for two vehicles to pass one another.

    Routinely, two people who know each other will be passing in opposite directions in their cars and will stop to talk to one another. Which means, of course, that no one else can go by in either direction. And they usually block a few parking spaces, too.

    Last Saturday, I was on my way to a Magic tournament and stopped to check the mail. The guy in front of me waves to a guy going the other way, they stop to talk. I wait about 20 seconds, as the guy facing me had glanced at me before stopping. Then I wave to the guy facing me and motion that I'm trying to get through. He goes back to talking.

    About 10 seconds later I beep my horn. They both stop talking to glare at me, then resume their conversation. There's now a car behind me and one trying to get through in the other direction as well.

    Another 10 seconds, I give a few beeps. They both stop talking and take the time to flip me off. The other cars begin beeping and they get flipped off as well. So, I lean on my horn, making it impossible for them to have a reasonable conversation.

    They finally stop and the guy in front of me pulls ahead and parks in front of the post office, I park next to him only because that's where I was going. When I get out, he glares at me and says "Patience is a virtue, jackass!" and storms off down the sidewalk away from the post office. I yell at his back "So is courtesy, moron!" I know it's not the correct saying, but I felt it was appropriate.


    • #3
      Quoth Gerrinson View Post
      "Patience is a virtue, jackass!"
      "And blocking traffic is a ticketable offense."

      I had a similar one going home from work the other day. My coworker and I (I carpool a lot) turned the corner to get stuck behind a city snowplow that had stopped to talk to *another* city snowplow going in the opposite direction. Now they have both directions of a relatively busy residental street blocked, and obviously don't care.

      Another car comes up behind the other snowplow and sits there for a short time. Amusingly enough, the other car and I both lay on the horns at the exact same time. The plow drivers looked around, noticed the cop sitting in the school parking lot next to them, and decided to move.

      Wonder if the cop got their unit numbers.....

      **edited for typos**
      "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


      • #4
        Quoth Gerrinson View Post
        We have a similar situation, not at our apartment, but in the "center" of town, which is about a block long, hence the quotes.

        Sounds like a small town.... Maybe next time you should sit and wait.... While calling your local cops on your trusty cellphone.


        • #5
          Anyone ever notice it's the rude bastards who expect the rest of us to be patient? You can be that those folks would go nuts if they had to wait behind a couple of morons talking.

          Park your cars, get out, talk. You know, act like humans.
          "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

          Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


          • #6
            i will admit to the stop-and-talk thing, but never on a main drag, only on the backroads where no cars go, and we can see them coming so we can wrap it up. i think it's just part oof that bumpkin mentality.

            Hobby Twitter.


            • #7
              They finally stop and the guy in front of me pulls ahead and parks in front of the post office, I park next to him only because that's where I was going. When I get out, he glares at me and says "Patience is a virtue, jackass!" and storms off down the sidewalk away from the post office. I yell at his back "So is courtesy, moron!" I know it's not the correct saying, but I felt it was appropriate.
              and so what if he calls you a jackass... you still got him to move
              his little pridey-hidey was just bruised. don't worry he'll go home to mommy and cry like a big boy
              either that or just say. "so what...I still won."

              personally... i only blocked traffic at my old apt when i was moving large stuff in or out... like when my couch was being delivered... or when i was moving out. but i tried to do it as fast as possible too.

              but in a similar situation... at the apt complex parents had this weird lazy thing going... instead of standing at the bus stop waiting for their kids, they'd park in the outgoing lane and totally block it... and it wasn't even bad weather...and it was barly 400 feet to their doors...they were just freakin lazy b****es.
              Last edited by PepperElf; 02-07-2008, 05:47 AM.


              • #8
                I get that around here. Once, I was already running late, because I had to come back and grab something. Well, when I was just about to work, these 2 idiots just stopped and started to chat away. Well I gave them a minute, then I tapped the horn a few times. When they would not move, I just laid on the horn. Got flipped off. I flipped them back.
                Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research

