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I guess we look honest

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  • I guess we look honest

    I've just remembered an experience my boyfriend and I had a few months ago at our local Friendly's restaurant.

    The meal was uneventful until we after we ordered our ice cream. After taking our ice cream order, I could see our waiter going back and forth between several tables. We waited an unusually long time to get our ice cream, but we were seated in the back and couldn't seem to get the waiter's attention. After a bit, he starts walking towards our table. We made eye contact, and I could just see the thought of "Oh shit! I forgot!" on his face. He immediately pivoted and got our ice cream. It must have been sitting a while because it was half melted. (I'm not complaining, just so you know - I like melty ice cream. Just seeing that look on his face struck me as funny.)

    The real kicker is when it was time to pay. My boyfriend and I are both smokers, so after a meal we like to pay and then get outside as soon as possible. We waited a few minutes, but the waiter was obviously busy, so we left a tip on the table and took our check up to the counter to pay. The waiter happened to get to the register right after we did, and so rung us up. The waiter emptied his apron pockets of his tip money and put it all on the counter. I forget exactly what the problem was, but he needed more change for us. He then asked us to watch the money while he ran in the back for change! There was over $100 on that counter, only two steps from the exit!

    My boyfriend and I =

    Good thing we are honest people!

  • #2
    But even so, you didn't take it, right?

    While I would never do this in a million years, nor suggest anyone here do this in a million years, your odds of asking a thief to watch something worth stealing are not as high as you think. You will likely instinctively choose someone you can trust. After all, this guy did.

    Now, granted, this guy was a blockhead, no argument there, and eventually, he'll learn a hard lesson. And likely he got lucky this time. But the observation still stands. You are more likely to pick a trustworthy person than not.

    This is not foolproof.


    • #3
      exactly this logic is good in most cases my favorite case being the running joke in 8bit theatre :Honest Ackbar's Emporium vs Deathtrap Dan's Emporium: (of whatever they selling in that strip)
      Last edited by Cyphr; 02-07-2008, 11:49 PM.


      • #4
        I had a situation like this with a roommate in college. He was from Japan, and he kept large amounts of money in his desk drawer his parents sent him. (They were loaded, this guy had enough to buy a car to drive while he was over here.) The guy was an absolute slob, (even more than me, and I'm not big on neatness either), and had a habit of just leaving the dorm room door open when he left to go to class. This ticked me off, because it wasn't just /his/ stuff he was exposing, it was mine too. This is in a residence hall, with people going up and down this hallway all day. One day I came back to find the door wide open again, and his desk drawer left wide open. Inside was over $1000 in $100 bills... just staring at me. I couldn't help it, a thought darted through my head of how easy it would be to snatch it, and then claim that someone must have come through the door he left open and took it. Honesty prevailed. But oh it was tempting...
        Last edited by IT Grunt; 02-08-2008, 03:19 PM.
        A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


        • #5
          Quoth IT Grunt View Post
          Inside was over $1000 in $100 bills... just staring at me.
          I think I'd have hidden it, just for a little while. To teach him a practical lesson. Not because I'm a little sadistic, really, I swear.
          The High Priest is an Illusion!


          • #6
            Quoth Cyphr View Post
            exactly this logic is good in most cases my favorite case being the running joke in 8bit theatre :Honest Ackbar's Emporium vs Deathtrap Dan's Emporium: (of whatever they selling in that strip)
            It was airships!
            Pit bull-

            There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.

