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David's Bridal sucks I guess..

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  • David's Bridal sucks I guess..

    I never imagined myself being lucky enough to find a guy who could stand me long enough to marry me, so I'll probably luck out and never have to go through the whole ordeal of a wedding dress (much less a wedding!). I guess it's a blessing...

    One of my trainees, this cute innocent little 18 year old girl, oh what a sweetie pie, not a mean bone in her body, is getting married this spring. She came into work a little miffed last night, and I asked her what was wrong.

    She said she'd gone to David's Bridal to pick up her dress, veil, bra, shoes, etc....and the woman there was a total bitch. Now, this girl is spending a total of $2,000 total on her bridal "gear". ANY of you guys who have ever been through this before know that you need a perfect fitting dress, the right size bra, the right size shoes, etc. It HAS to fit.

    The dumb bitch working there told her "I couldn't find a bra in your size, so here's a 32 C. It'll fit. And we don't have anymore of these shoes in size 8. So here's a 9. They'll fit."

    Um. No.

    Maybe my little trainee should wait until they have more, because that's an awful lot of money to waste if the bra and the shoes aren't going to fit! I can't believe she just let the lady give her the wrong size stuff and call it even! The lady made no attempt to make the situation right. Didn't offer to let her know when more shoes would come or more bras.

    Now, this is a secondhand story, I may have goofed....but it sounds just awful!
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    I got married at 19 and I ended up making my Mom come to town to go with me because the one time I went in alone the ladies were all mean to me. Granted, I was in Salt Lake and not getting married in the temple (so I didn't need the long sleeves etc.) and was shopping at ZCMI (the mall), but still.
    I think this is a situation where someone should go with her. Do you like her / know her well enough to go with her back to the store to get what she needs in the correct size?


    • #3
      I have been bridal 'back up' an inumerable amount of times. Even when I was younger (and I still am technically young (22!)) I was used by many cousins and friends to come along to their shopping.


      Because they DON'T take you seriously unless there is a grand manage with you, or at least one ordering B*tch other then yourself. Your shopping by your lonesome, they suspect your a 'shotgun wedding' and don't give to flying hoohaa's.

      Tell her to return the missfitting things. It's her BIG DAY. I myself am on your side of most likely never walking down the isle (never thought of it really) but each time I was involved with family and freinds, I MADE SURE I helped them get the BEST they could. Ill sized shoes and bra! What an insult!

      The best part about a wedding is that the BATTLE you have to go through to GET there is over!


      • #4
        Have her take the stuff back. Find someone who'll go with her and tell that sales bitch to stuff her attitude.

        Sorry, if you wear an 8, 9 doesn't fit (this I know). I have no idea what she wears as a bra ... if it's 32D and she's wearing a 32C, send me pictures then take the bloody thing back. No excuse.

        Seriously, how hard is it to order product?
        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


        • #5
          An ill-fitting bra is pure torture. Too-large shoes will cause her feet to cramp up. And both WILL show.

          The woman who told her to take them is some combination of stupid, cruel, and lazy.

          Yes, bridal dresses take more work and more expensive materials than normal dresses, but that's no excuse for being too lazy to order the correct sizes from their underwear and footwear suppliers. And if she's being too lazy to fit the bra correctly, I shudder to think of how poorly the dress fits!
          Seshat's self-help guide:
          1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
          2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
          3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
          4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

          "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


          • #6
            That's awful! I went to David's and had the nicest saleslady you could imagine, she was very helpful (and I needed lots of it- I am fashion clueless!) and very kind. And I got my dress on clearance for $99 so I didn't even spend that much!

            I would definitely advise her to return the items and get the correct sizes ordered, and tell the manager about the rude lady while she's there.


            • #7
              If it is the right cup size but the band is too small, she can get an extender that will, well, extend the length of the band (I googled "bra extenders" and got a ton of hits). If the problem is the wrong cup size, or the band is too big, there's not much you can do about that (other than adding a bit of "filler" to a too big cup). That said, there is no excuse for just saying, take it, it'll the very least, she should have had her try everything on again to make sure. She should also have called another branch or ordered the correct sizes.
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                I wonder if thats a common theme with David's Bridal. A girl at work went there for her wedding dress, and she was on a diet (like a lot of brides). She was going to get a dress at the size she would need now (size 16 I believe), and get it altered closer to the wedding. The sales lady was completely rude, said that she should order it 2 sizes larger because she wouldn't fit into the size 16 even if she lost weight.

                She got the lady back when she went into get the dress, the same lady helped her, and she would have been able to fit into a 12.


                • #9
         I know when that time comes for me that I should have my "team" (future MIL,my mom,sisters,cousins and best girlfriends) come with me to the bridal shop.
                  I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                  Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                  Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                  • #10
                    I'm always willing to help anyone, but I'm not sure if she'd rather have a family memeber or just a coworker go back with her.

                    I'm usually just a sweetie with salespeople, I'm not bitchy enough, however, there's no way in hades I'd tolerate a sales lady trying to pawn off wrong size clothes for me for my big day.
                    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                    • #11
                      There are some SE's at David's Bridal. I stopped in the store one night after work when I was planning our wedding (DH lived about 2000 miles away at the time). I was looking for a catalog so I could get bridesmaid's dresses that everyone could access (I had a couple wedding party participants living out of state). The employees at David's Bridal did not even look up when I asked for a catalog. I walked out, threw their pamphlet in the trash and informed my wedding party of this event. It is a simple matter of customer service: I would have ordered everything from David's Bridal for convenience but we ended up at a couple wonderful bridal stores (Demetrios has outlet stores with some AWESOME employees) and we were all happy with the results.

                      To be fair, David's Bridal DOES have a nice corset type bra that was wonderfully comfortable and I had a nice employee out of state help me get that item. Most bridal stores are horrible whether chain or locally owned.


                      • #12
                        This is exactly why I will not go to David's Bridal if I ever get married. Sure their dresses are inexpensive, but if I'm getting married I want everything to be just right. Honestly, I'd shop around at smaller bridal shops. Smaller places usually have very professional staffs who have been there for years and they know what they are talking about. They will usually also go out of their way to make sure you get everything you need. Sure you might spend a bit more on what you're buying, but their dresses aren't exactly astronomically expensive (and some include tailoring at a very small cost) and the service you will get is generally outstanding once you find the right place.

                        I actually went into a bridal shop with my mom one day for shits and giggles even though neither one of us was getting married. The sales lady was super nice to us, even though we told her that neither of us was walking down the aisle anytime soon. She also gave us so much good advice about wedding dresses and shopping for them so we would be better informed should one of us need to shop there. If I do get married, I will definitely make the two hour drive to go to them. If I can get that service when I'm not even shopping, I'm sure the service when I am shopping will be that much better.
                        Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


                        • #13
                          A snobby, no-good SOA made my sister cry at David's Bridal. He flat out told her "we don't serve your kind here."

                          Which, of course, made me go into 'protect mode' and it wasn't pretty.

                          So there was, seventeen year old me, chewing this ass of a sales rep a new one, loud enough to make the other brides walk out of the store. I asked if he had some memory loss or suffered from some mental issue that made him believe he was working for some higher-end store than he really was... because last I knew, we were in Pico, not Beverly Hills, California. (hey, I was 17 and with a temper even Satan would quiver at.)

                          Then I spun on my heel and told my sister we were going to spend her 15k dress budget somewhere else.

                          Which we did... and found a *gorgeous* dress for 2k in Huntington Park at the 'prommenade' (a little series of stores about four blocks long). ... and it was much better looking than anything we could find at DB.


                          But I've also run into sweethearts at *other* DBs when I was helping a friend of mine plan her wedding.

                          Some people are just @$$holes.
                          "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


                          • #14
                            David's tried to pull a scam on me by insisting that I alter the dress I had on (an 8). It felt really big, and when I asked to try on a 6 they told me it would be too small. It tried it on anyway, and it fit great!

                            I'm not the only one to tell this story. They make a lot of money of all those alterations. Ladies, make sure what you're paying for fits. As much as they charge, there's no excuse for it not to.
                            I HATE stupid people!


                            • #15
                              You should only have things altered if they need to be.

                              Even if pigs flew and I ever got married, I probably wouldn't even go to a bridal store. I can't stand wearing white and I don't like long dresses or the thought of having to buy a train and a viel and a bra and shoes costing hundreds or thousands of dollars.

                              I'd probably just buy a bridesmaid's dress, LOL. Like I said, I hate white. If I declared that in a bridal store, I'd probably be told "OMG ELEVENTY!! You MUST wear white!"
                              Last edited by blas; 02-10-2008, 04:38 AM.
                              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

