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I didn't do it on purpose! (walk in clinic sighing)

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  • #16
    Somehow I came down with bronchitis after singing in a school musical. Wasn't fun. I sounded like a frog.
    "Jester, I have an opportunity for you." Uh oh. What does he want me to clean? "It 's a chance for you to make some extra money." Crap, it must be really gross!



    • #17
      Wow, that does sound like a nice setup...i was at the urgent care yesterday, with a nasty cold turned sinus and ear infection. I brought my own tissues, and my own bag to throw the nasty ones i hadn't been there before, but the waiting room was tiny,and i felt bad whenever i had to blow my nose, or hack up a lung....

      Fortunately the drugs are working, and i'm on the mend...but if someone had said something to me, i would have had the same reaction you did...when I'm sick, i'm pissy, so leave me alone.

      And for those co-workers who i know will have something to say about my froggy voice and barking cough...i stayed home for 2 days, and worked from home today due to weather, and will have been on antibiotics for 3 days when I get back, so i am NO LONGER contagious!


      • #18
        Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
        well I get glares FROM sick people on the bus because I wear a custom hello kitty S.A.R.S. mask. I'm perfectly healthy and would like to be staying that way, so I wear a mask to prevent it-some of the looks I get you'd think I was wearing a mask made from a puppy I gutted with my bare hands. And it's always the ones that are hacking up a lung that glare at me.
        Those masks are ADORABLE. Then again I've been in Japan for a while where it's considered normal to wear masks like that when you're sick. But.. I'm sure if a healthy person wore one too it wouldn't make anyone bat an eye.

        maybe they're just glaring at the hello kitty image...


        • #19
          You should have handed him your used kleenex and said "Could you throw this out while you're up?"
          It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
          -Helen Keller

          I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


          • #20
            fma (and everybody else), I'm sorry you have been sick, but it could have been a little bit worse...imagine that cough on top of food poisoning. I had that fun experience on Tuesday. I did not need cough syrup--I was afraid to cough!! (I was already getting over the bronchitis.)
            Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


            • #21
              Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
              well I get glares FROM sick people on the bus because I wear a custom hello kitty S.A.R.S. mask. I'm perfectly healthy and would like to be staying that way, so I wear a mask to prevent it-some of the looks I get you'd think I was wearing a mask made from a puppy I gutted with my bare hands. And it's always the ones that are hacking up a lung that glare at me.
              I think I may know a reason. It's that we're already feeling like crap, are a wee bit touchy to begin with, and this makes us feel kind of like Typhoid Mary.

              Quoth fma_fanatic View Post
              This isn't my first bout with bronchitis. It never failed when I was in school I would come down with it at least every couple of years. But this is by far the worst I've ever been sick.
              Have you ever had pneumonia? I've had both and I kid you not, pneumonia is like all of my cases of bronchitis put together times 2. I don't ever want to get it again. But at least it wasn't mono....

              We've had some creeping crud going around Albuquerque that leaves you with a cough that will not go away. I got it a month ago and am still coughing. It also settled on my vocal chords and I lost my voice for a week. I still can't yell, or even talk loud, or sing.
              It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


              • #22
                Nope, never had pneumonia. It's always been bronchitis.

                I am feeling better, so much better. Drugs are nice Especially the steroids that kept me wired all week. There's something to be said for having a legal high, lol.

                As for the creeping stuff, yeah, we've got that here too. The doctor had said that my cold really didn't go away, but then again, I was just stuffy, not coughing. So I guess whoever had their creeping stuff passed it onto me.
                Last edited by fma_fanatic; 02-16-2008, 04:16 AM.
                Random conversation:
                Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
                DDD: Cuz it's cool

                So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


                • #23
                  Quoth Pagan View Post
                  Have you ever had pneumonia? I've had both and I kid you not, pneumonia is like all of my cases of bronchitis put together times 2. I don't ever want to get it again. But at least it wasn't mono....

                  i have pneumonia right now, and it is no fun. i can hardly breathe without having to cough, but i'm afraid to cough because i know it's going to hurt, but not coughing hurts just as much and makes it harder to breathe...

                  ugh. i think i'm dying.

                  but at least i seem to be over the flu that led to the pnuemonia in the first place.
                  My Space


                  • #24
                    Quoth tacohuman View Post
                    i have pneumonia right now, and it is no fun. i can hardly breathe without having to cough, but i'm afraid to cough because i know it's going to hurt, but not coughing hurts just as much and makes it harder to breathe...
                    Oh, I hear ya! I coughed so hard when I had pneumonia that I broke a blood vessel in my eye. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt. Although I got some funny looks from people! I didn't even know it happened until my mom said something. Luckily, she used to be a nurses aide in OB at one time and doesn't freak out about medical stuff.

                    I can completely understand about Heath Ledger - when you're that sick and that tired, you'll take damn near anything that might help....and sometimes you don't even remember what you took or when you took it.
                    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                    • #25
                      Oooh, I love being sick at work... I get paid to talk on the phone and surf the net... which oddly is about what I'd be doing at home sick... though I must admit, I have enough problems with difficult people when I'm not sick.

                      and if you didn't catch the sarcasm in the first sentence..
                      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

