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Vegetarian chicken, hmm?

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  • Vegetarian chicken, hmm?

    Okay, so I wasn't sure where to put this, but it's funny. They're not exactly sucky, but they are dumb.

    Two football jocks walk past me the other day in our cafeteria. One has just caught up with the other and is laughing. I overhear the conversation.

    Jock 1: Over there on the soup bar they had vegetarian chicken soup. How can chicken be vegetarian?

    I just stopped, looked at them as they passed and shook my head. I had just been by the soup bar and the soup menu read vegetable chicken soup. Talk about literacy. And these guys are in college...

  • #2
    Big jock eat MEAT! No vege! MEAT!

    Anything that has vegetables is immediately a vegetarian dish in some peoples' minds, I guess.
    Would you like a Stummies?


    • #3
      Quoth phoenix_rising View Post
      Talk about literacy. And these guys are in college...
      My wife went to a rather hippie college. One of her years there she and some friends conducted a rather blind survey. The students thought they were being surveyed on food and eating habits, the truth was to show how little "educated" people even knew about being a vegetarian.

      Students *and* faculty took the survey, this is a very "green" college today, small and I bet most people here never heard of it.

      The results showed: (rounded to the nearest 5%)

      80% of the student population considered themselves "vegetarian".

      No surprise here.

      85% ate meat.

      40% ate beef
      60% ate chicken
      30% ate "wild" game (venison, bear, etc..)
      95% ate fish

      Don't forget, these people are in college, too.
      Quote Dalesys:
      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


      • #4
        Quoth draggar View Post
        Students *and* faculty took the survey, this is a very "green" college today, small and I bet most people here never heard of it.
        Damn, that sounds sillier than anything that came out of Antioch... which, depending on your social views around here, is either the greatest university in the history, or... um... let's just say that the best explanation of their financial troubles is: "They left-winged themselves out of existance".


        • #5
          I love how some people call themselves "vegetarian, except for fish" or "except for white meat"... like... what the hell? How is that vegetarian???


          • #6
            One of my co-workers claims to be a vegan. Frequently they get frozen pepperoni pizza for lunch. I have yet to break it to her that pepperoni is a PORK product.


            • #7
              Quoth mattm04 View Post
              One of my co-workers claims to be a vegan. Frequently they get frozen pepperoni pizza for lunch. I have yet to break it to her that pepperoni is a PORK product.
              I assume this pizza also has cheese on it? Sorry, not vegan...!
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                My brother in law claims to be a vegetarian but he eats venison, steak, chicken. He won't eat "processed" meat (salami). Odd that I've caught him dozens of time slicing pieces off a slami that his father bought...
                Quote Dalesys:
                ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                • #9
                  God, that reminds me of the Special Dietary Needs class we had to take before graduation. As we were studying, it astounded us how dumb people are when it comes to term "Vegetarian" and how easily they can be confused.

                  One of the girls got put right in her place by the Chef.

                  'I'm vegan," she stated. "and my favorite dish is mashed potatoes."

                  Chef turns to her and asks "So, what's in this recipe?"

                  "Butter, milk, sometimes cream.. I much prefer it with sour cream. Oh, and potatoes!"

                  C: Moo, moo and MOOooooOOOO
                  G: Huh?
                  C: Butter comes from milk as does cream. What do they all have in comon? In most places, usually Cow. Sometimes Goat, even Pig. These are all living creatures. You're not vegan, you're vegetarian.
                  G: No I'm not. I don't eat meat!
                  C: You still eat animal by products. Vegetarian.
                  G: Bu--
                  C: Vegans, wether by choice or needs, don't consume: eggs, butter, milk, gelatin, etcetera. These are not 'meat' products, but come from a living animal....

                  The look on the girl was priceless.

                  So there you go. Vegetarians, Vegans, Pescatarians*... hell there's even a different sub section of Veganology -yes, I made the word up-- but I can't remember. I LOVED that class.

                  *A pescatarian diet consists mostly of fruits and vegetables but when consuming ptotein from animals it general comes from fish, squid, crab or other ocean-based creatures. Mostly fish. (I cant' really see a pescatarian eating Dolphin.)
                  "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


                  • #10
                    Quoth AnqeiicDemise View Post
                    C: Moo, moo and MOOooooOOOO
                    G: Huh?
                    I would have love to been a fly on the wall when the Chef-Instructor Goes mooo, mooo in class. I would not have been able to stop laughing.
                    Last edited by Broomjockey; 02-13-2008, 06:05 AM. Reason: edit quotes


                    • #11
                      I admit on first reading the post, I thought the jock was asking how the CHICKEN could be a vegetarian...
                      Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


                      • #12
                        Ive seen vegetarian chicken, it was tofu shaped flavored and texturits like chicken.

                        Quoth AnqeiicDemise View Post
                        So there you go. Vegetarians, Vegans, Pescatarians*... hell there's even a different sub section of Veganology -yes, I made the word up-- but I can't remember. I LOVED that class.

                        *A pescatarian diet consists mostly of fruits and vegetables but when consuming ptotein from animals it general comes from fish, squid, crab or other ocean-based creatures. Mostly fish. (I cant' really see a pescatarian eating Dolphin.)
                        off topic-
                        ever read princess diarys? Mia in the book is a "vegetarian": actually better than a lot no milk no eggs only soy and subsitutes but!! she loves fish... i giggle....


                        • #13
                          Just because you're in college doesn't mean you're smart. You just have book learning.

                          I don't usually eat meat of any kind. Every once in a while I WILL have a hamburger or some pepperoni pizza or some such.

                          I will not EVER give up my milk and butter, though.
                          Unseen but seeing
                          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                          3rd shift needs love, too
                          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                          • #14
                            My favourite argument:

                            You are what you eat.
                            Cows etc. eat vegetables therefore they are vegetables.
                            I eat cow etc., and so eat vegetables.
                            I must be a vegetarian.

                            A great way to catch out vegetarians, or vegan, is ask if the drink beer. If so ask if they've researched the filtering process. It usually involves something called finings. Otherwise known as fish guts.
                            ludo ergo sum


                            • #15
                              Quoth rvdammit View Post
                              My favourite argument:

                              You are what you eat.
                              Cows etc. eat vegetables therefore they are vegetables.
                              I eat cow etc., and so eat vegetables.
                              I must be a vegetarian.
                              Therefore, people that eat vegetables are vegetables. That's the logical conclusion right?

                              As for the original post, I've had vegetarian "Chick'n" before. It tasted horrible and had a texture of rubber and fail.
                              "Jester, I have an opportunity for you." Uh oh. What does he want me to clean? "It 's a chance for you to make some extra money." Crap, it must be really gross!


