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DipShit at Wal-Mart!

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  • DipShit at Wal-Mart!

    Ok, it wasn't really sucky that he was there.

    The real sucky part is because of a certain cashier at Wal-Mart. He is the most annoying person........I mean, he stalks the customers. Before they had another store and self-checkouts, I used to go through his line and he wouldn't shut up and he'd forget half of your order or a few bags or he'd scan stuff twice because he wasn't paying attention.

    I'm not the only one who feels this way. We've brought it up at work on break, and we all agree that if we're there and we see him, we usually go to the checkouts on the other end of the store. Today was no different. One look at him and I knew which checkouts to avoid.

    But there I was, headed towards the grocery section, with an almost empty cart, when I saw a familiar trot and I stopped so hard, so fast, that my cart and I nearly tumbled over.

    I'm like 95% sure it was DipShit. I don't know anyone else whose walk is to trot like a pony at a fair (ya know the ponies that little kids ride on? And how happy the ponies trot? Yeah...that!). I also vividly remember DipShit covered his entire head and almost his entire face with a stocking cap.

    His protruding beer gut pretty much gave it away, too.

    But the biggest give away was how he trotted to where all the registers were, and desperately started looking to the left, to the right, to the left, to the right, the same way he would when he worked with me. When I'd give him an answer he didn't like, he'd trot to the middle of the production area and look left, right, left, right, left until a room runner saw him and helped him.

    I'm not sure if he saw me or not. As soon as I put the pieces together that it truly was him and I got my cart under control, I made a beeline for the girls' clothes section. I did NOT want a confrontation with him. I didn't want him coming up and saying "Well blas, funny story here, I got you know anything in regards to that? I received a very distressing phone call that I was no longer needed, why?"

    He may have seen me. He may not have. I waited until he was checking out before I snuck back into the aisles.

    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    Wait, wait, wait - DipShit got fired?? Really?? I've been following his saga and didn't see that! Congrats to you then if he did!!


    • #3
      He got fired right before my birthday......some people at work joke that it was my boss' birthday present to me, lol.

      Karma came back and bit me, though. My bf dumped me two days after DipShit got fired, lol....

      The funny thing is that even though where I live is a big city, this Wal-Mart is in my parents' town, which has about 14,000 people give or take. Big enough where you SHOULDN'T run into too many people you know.
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        Quoth blas87 View Post
        which has about 14,000 people give or take. Big enough where you SHOULDN'T run into too many people you know.
        My home town has just over twice that, and you can't go to the grocery store without running into an old friend you haven't seen in years.
        The High Priest is an Illusion!


        • #5
          Quoth blas87 View Post
          Karma came back and bit me, though. My bf dumped me two days after DipShit got fired, lol....
          I would argue your boyfriend dumping you wasn't karma, it was stupidity.

          The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
          "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
          Hoc spatio locantur.

