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I needed Bread

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  • I needed Bread

    This happened today in my dining hall during dinner. The hall has multiple stations, grill, pizza, deli, entree, etc arranged in a row. Each station has the appropriate equipment to keep the food hot or cold. Behind the stations, on the other side of the wall is the kitchen where the food is prepared and cooked.

    Today they had a make your own sandwich station with assorted meats and cheeses, pre-sliced in a portable refrigerated bar. Well, the bar was running low on wheat bread. One SC, er, student is whining how this is f****** ridiculous, et, etc. eventually she says "That's it. I'm getting some f***** bread. Instead of going to the deli and asking the person fro another loaf, she just walks behind the counter, behind the employees and grabs a loaf of bread off the shelf. The Manager see this and is waiting for the student SC. When student SC comes near Manager, he stops her.

    M: What are you doing behind the counter?
    SC: I needed bread.
    M: Why didn't you ask the three employees at the coutner.
    SC: F*** you. *throws bread across back room*
    M: That's it. You have to leave.
    SC: NO! I;m Hungry!
    M: If you do not leave now, i'm calling the Police.
    M: *to someone else* call the police, i need her gone.
    SC: F*** you. *walks out*

    It amazes me that so many people are that dumb to NOT ask the people who would have gladly handed you another loaf of bread.

  • #2
    Had he stuck around till the police showed up then he would have been arrested & tossed in a place where you get all the bread you want-along with some


    • #3
      You can't blame her. Afterall, it's probably her daddys' bread that's paying for her to be there.
      "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


      • #4
        Quoth Bright_Star View Post
        Had he stuck around till the police showed up then he would have been arrested & tossed in a place where you get all the bread you want-along with some

        I'm not so sure about that. I know someone who spent a while in one of the county prisons and dropped thirty pounds in a month because his meals consisted of a bowl of lima beans with bits of 'bologna' in it. At least he says it most closely resembled bologna . . .
        The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


        • #5
          ... bet her parents wouldn't be too happy to get *that* call...
          "yes your daughter's been arrested cos she barged into the kitchen to take a loaf of bread instead of just asking for it. Not only did she violate health code laws, when we spoke to her, every other word was basically "f*** you""

          I think most of these college kids don't really think about it... Yes your dean CAN call your parents. No rule that says they can't afterall... It's not "private information" if they just call up to say "yes your kid has been acting like this" not if they're doing it in public.

          One guy i met at work actually got kicked out of his college (streaking on a weekend...and accidentally streaked where the dean was having a meeting). When he got called into the dean's office... the dean called the guy's dad up to tell him what had happened. I'm not sure what pissed him off more... the fact that the guy said, "It's MY money not Dad's. Um, can I go now?" or that the guy's dad said, "Yep that's him. Yeah it's his money."

          (and um... that lil s**t-head mentioned in the OP needs to learn this quickly. If you get kicked out of a college for stuff like that... you can't really get back in easily. Moreso if it's a community college, like the guy i mentioned above... he basically had to take a job he didn't like or want cos ... no college would take him after that)


          • #6
            If I were the manager, I would look her straight in the eye and say, "You have some deep-seated social, ettiquette, behavioral, and language issues that you need to work out. But your ass better work them out somewhere else. Now GET OUT OF MY DINING HALL!"
            ~ It is a beautiful day to be dizzy!


            • #7
              Yeah that's pretty sad but true. Just from this story, I sense this is one of those entitled college students who's getting a free ride.

              A little off topic, but you don't get bread and water in jail or prison anymore. Things have evolved a little bit. Actually, if you want to get really specific, the guy who killed my cousin probably eats better than I do.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

