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"you're not a cop so you have no business asking me for ID"

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  • #31
    Quoth earl colby pottinger View Post
    Age and looks are not that closely related.

    Yesterday I was at the Chinese Buffet up the street from me, while talking to the teenage girl who was serving me she let slip that she had finished college. Surprised, I asked her age if she did not mind. She was 26.
    Just remembered about a Japanese lady who stayed with us when I was 16ish. I believe she was about 26. We went to a wax museum, since we were on a sight-seeing tour for her. The place had child, youth, and adult tickets. I got charged adult, she got charged child. Whoops!
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #32
      I have a cousin who has the opposite problem. He shaved off his beard because people kept referring to his wife as "your daughter"


      • #33
        It doesn't bother me to show an ID. It takes about 5 seconds.
        Under The Moon Paranormal Research
        San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


        • #34
          When I buy stuff that requires id, if i know ahead of time, i always get the card out. even if im not asked.

          as far as guessing ages, ill look at the back of a person's hands. seems that i can get a better idea if the person is young or old, but of course its more like, 40, not 40. hehe (course this is while riding around in a work truck on a college campus. hehe)

          Cyberpunk mayhem!


          • #35
            The retail store I work at also asks for ID on ALL cig and alcohol purchases. Don't care if you're a wee little old lady with a walker, you still get carded. We lost our liquor/tobacco license a few years back and that, shall we say, really hurts corporate's pocket book. So now we must card everyone.

            I also recently learned that corporate sends in "mystery shoppers" who check to see if we card for "R" rated DVDs or other restricted items. Now non-cig/alcohol purchases are strictly a judgement call age-wise, but I refuse to be fined or terminated for not carding someone. So if in doubt, I'm carding you. If you're buying cigs or beer, I am most definitely carding you. And a student ID, expired Drivers License (and I don't CARE how old you really are) or, most popular, the immortal work ID - are not valid forms of identification.

            As a side note, I used to work with someone in her 40s who was a very petite woman with a terrific complexion. She could easily have passed for 18. I've also carded people who were 23-25 range that looked well into their 40s. So guessing age isn't as easy as people think.
            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


            • #36
              Quoth edible_hat View Post
              I have a cousin who has the opposite problem. He shaved off his beard because people kept referring to his wife as "your daughter"
              From that, I'd think you were my husband's cousin. Except for one thing: he hasn't shaved off his beard. He has gorgeous grey-and-dark-brown striped hair, too.
              Seshat's self-help guide:
              1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
              2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
              3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
              4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

              "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


              • #37
                Quoth Seshat View Post
                From that, I'd think you were my husband's cousin. Except for one thing: he hasn't shaved off his beard. He has gorgeous grey-and-dark-brown striped hair, too.
                This cousin lives in Canada, he stayed behind when my uncle moved back to Australia. (but by the sound of it he has the same hair)


                • #38
                  Just remembered about a Japanese lady who stayed with us when I was 16ish. I believe she was about 26. We went to a wax museum, since we were on a sight-seeing tour for her. The place had child, youth, and adult tickets. I got charged adult, she got charged child. Whoops!
                  i'm not surprised. I met a man who was 25...and I was too shocked to say anything when I realized he'd married a Japanese girl who had to be all of 16...
                  Probably a good thing I kept my mouth shut. During the course of the conversation (we were at a spaghetti dinner) they happened to mention that she was older than him by about a year.

                  weirdest carding I've had... not sure if i mentioned this before... I got carded at Rite Aid a couple of years ago... for buying a lighter. I was surprised but didn't complain & the lady explained it was because it's technically for smoking.


                  • #39
                    Quoth PepperElf View Post

                    weirdest carding I've had... not sure if i mentioned this before... I got carded at Rite Aid a couple of years ago... for buying a lighter.
                    Got ya beat on that one.

                    I was in a bar about 8 months ago and was carded for buying Coke. Thats all, three glases of coke, bizarre.

                    (Legal alcohol purchasing age in UK is 18, there is (to the best of my knowledge), no minimum age for buying overly sugared fizzy tooth rot!
                    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                    • #40
                      Judging age

                      An acquaintance got mistaken for a pedophile, because he looks his age (late 20's) & his wife looks 14. Or she did, until she got pregnant. Now that she has kids, she finally looks her age.
                      I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


                      • #41
                        Quoth crazylegs View Post
                        I have a friend who will, this year, be 30. She looks around 16 unless you look *very* closely around her eyes .
                        One woman in our office looks about mid 20's, but is 40. For her, it's her hands that give a clue she's older than she looks.


                        • #42
                          When I was 12, I almost got rejected for a library card because I "refused" to show my driver's license. The librarian could not believe that I was younger than 18, 16 at the least. Granted I was 5'6", wearing my mom's hand-me-downs and using college-level vocabulary, but still.

                          The other day at Walmart I got carded for using my credit card. I pulled it out immediately, but casually mentioned that Visa prohibits merchants from checking IDs. The signature is supposed to be enough. The cashier switched from friendly chatting to explaining-things-to-a-child mode. I dropped it after the second time she repeated herself. Not worth it to me, especially since I was trying to protect her from the SC she tries to card next.
                          "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

                          "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein

