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Would you just Listen?

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  • Would you just Listen?

    I went grocery shopping about six days ago. I gave my atm/debit card to my husband to go buy some pizza slices at the stand while I packed up our stuff since he had left his wallet at home.

    All's good.

    Until today, when I needed to put gas in the car and I realized my card's not in my wallet. Okay, so hubby brought it home with him... I t hink

    Can we find it?


    So I call to report it lost and the following ensues. I actually started crying I was so frustrated.

    M: Yes, my name is AnqeIiC Demise, calling in to report my credit union card stolen. That'd be D-E-M-I-S-E, A-N-Q-E-I-I-C.
    G: Thank you. Now can I have the last four digits of the card you want to cancel.
    M: If I had that information, I'd give it to you, but given the card's not here...
    G: Well, can I have the last four digits on the recipt?
    M: The recipt was wrapped around the card, so I don't have it.
    G: Okay, can I have the four digits on the recipt, m'am?
    M: ..... No. I don't have the recipt.
    G: Well, you can find the last four dig--
    G:..... sorry m'am...
    M: Its okay.
    G: So, which card do you want to report stolen?
    M: Mine.
    G: Which one? There are two here.
    M: I only have one under my name. Please don't cancel my husband's card as we need it to put gas in my car.
    G: We don't have one under your husband's card, just AnqeIic Demise, which one do you want to cancel?
    M: -baffled- I only have one debit card in my name. The one ending in XXXX is my husband's card.
    G: I don't see one under your husband's name, but I see two on your name. Maybe one is old?
    M: .... I've only had one card.
    G: So do you want me to cancel both cards?
    M: I only have one card.
    G Which one do you want to
    M: None of them are under Ama No Kagaseo?
    G: No.
    M: I just don't want you canceling his card on accident. We opened the account on my name at first.
    G: What's it ending in?
    M: XXXX
    G: Do you want me to cancel that one?
    M: Don't cancel the one ending in XXXX, its my husband's card.
    G: Which?
    M: MY HUSBAND'S CARD.. you know, the little plastic card with his name on it, ending in XXXX? DONT CANCEL THAT ONE.
    G: w---
    M: For God's sake, just cancel them both!
    G: Okay. And what's your name?
    M: -fuming and trying not to cry now- ANQEIIC DEMISE... -sniffles and spells it out in a slightly raised, though frustrated tone of voice-
    G: That's AnqeIic with two I's?
    M: .....-stares at the phone- ... yes.
    G: AnqeIic Demise, right?
    M: -trying not to strangle the phone- Yes. That's my name. -repeats it again, with proper pronounciation-
    G: Angelic Demise?
    M: No. AnqeIic Demise.
    G: and your mailing address.
    M: -repeats it-
    G: and your phone number?
    G:ma'am, we need to type it in and I can't understand you.
    M: -crying now- for god's sake, its xxx. xxx. xxxx
    G: -long silence- okay, thank you.


    The whole time, my husband sat there in disbelief at how many times I had to repeat myself to make Guy understand what was going on. I understand, really, I do, the sucky part of stupid company scripts. But.. you know.... if your brain weren't on auto-pilot and stuck on scripting, maybe you'd LISTEN to what was going on and not make the person at the other end of the line frustrated.

    Especially when it comes to something as sensitive as.. I don't know.. stolen or lost credit/atm/debit cards.


    Props to him for not being an ass, though.
    "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa

  • #2
    Yeah.. it sucks..

    You caught it quick, so any problems are covered.


    • #3
      My wife never received her replacement card after the old one expired (didn't even know it until she tried to use it.) Actually, she thinks she may have mistaken the envelope for junk mail and tossed it without opening it. She almost did the same thing with a rebate check shortly before that, but luckily I recognized the return address.

      She called in to request a replacement card, and they kept trying to sell her all these additional services. I heard her say three or four times, "No, I just want the replacement card." I don't blame them, as they were most likely just doing what they were told to do, but that had to be annoying as hell.
      Sometimes life is altered.
      Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
      Uneasy with confrontation.
      Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


      • #4

        You had more patience than I would've.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          I feel like a goober since I lost my debit card today. Fortunately bf had his debit card so we could still buy groceries. After we got groceries I called the automated number my bank has and had my card canceled. They gave me a choice of which card to cancel so I just canceled the one that was not my bf's number. I'll just have to order a new one when I get to work on Tuesday. Thankfully nobody used the card in the 20 minutes between when I lost it and when I reported it lost.

          Losing a card is a stressful thing. I wish customer service people were nicer about it.
          Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


          • #6
            I understand, really, I do, the sucky part of stupid company scripts. But.. you know.... if your brain weren't on auto-pilot and stuck on scripting, maybe you'd LISTEN to what was going on and not make the person at the other end of the line frustrated.
            This is why I'm grateful that my call center is only vaguely scripted - really only the greeting, and making sure that we get all the proper info in case templates. But I'm always uber-flexible about helping people find missing info that we need, etc. It's especially great being able to do that when people need parts shipped out in the middle of the night for a system down, and of course do not have all the necessary info on hand.

            I've been in a situation like the OP before - not with a debit/credit card, but a cell phone ordered direct from the manufacturer. Even the supervisor I finally got on the phone sounded scripted, which was unbelievably frustrating, as instead of answering my questions, he would just respond with an unrelated question I'd either already answered/already told them I didn't know the answer to/already explained was completely unnecessary to even ask.
            "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

            “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


            • #7
              Several years ago, I found a VISA card at a 24 hr remote gas station, after normal business hours. When I got home, I called the number on the card to cancel it for whomever had lost it. VISA had no record of that account/card number. After a few rounds, we figured out it wasn't a credit card, but a debit card (before debit cards were common). There was no other phone number on the card except for the one I had already called. Thankfully, they were able to do some further research and find the bank it came from, and they agreed to call it in first thing in the morning.

              Moral: not everybody who finds a lost card is going to try to use it, but yes, it's a good idea to cancel it as soon as it's noticed missing!
              Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


              • #8
                I feel your pain. The card we use for the business is in all 4 of our names and it never fails that any time I have to call to deal with something they can never find my name.
                They will insist it's not there in that tone of voice they reserve for dealing with someone who has no rights to the account. How many times to I have to tell them to scroll down and read all the freakin names before telling me I have no access to my own account!!!

                "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


                • #9
                  That sounds like me, when I was trying to deal with Tracfone...and the cable company. :Þ
                  I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                  Oh, and your tool box got out again.

