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Bad parent sightings

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  • Bad parent sightings

    Hallo all I'm new so I figured I'd start with a couple shorter stories while I try to remember some better ones.

    These are short stories of some bad parenting.


    Okay I know people should discipline their children when they throw a temper tantrum, but seriously people wait till they actually through the temper tantrum

    Child:"Can we rent this one?" *note: there was not a hint of whine in his voice*

    The father then grabs the child by the arm like he was about to either give the kid and Indian rub burn or put him into an arm bar and screams
    "I already told you we are renting this one!"

    now one we weren't busy and it's a small store so I could hear everything, kid asked once. Even if he asked in the car still not enough to call for a wrestling move.

    and 2nd it was a pg-13 movie and the kid was 7 or younger.

    Embarrassment:(warning abit of grossness)

    Okay parents if your child is ill, sick, or should be in bed for any other reason. DO NOT drag them out to a video store, parents generally come in pares, send one up to rent some stuff.

    I felt so sorry for this child, she kept telling her parents "I don't feel so good."
    and even I could tell she was sick.

    eventually they goto check out.....yea to little to late.

    what followed cannot be described as projectile vomiting, maybe "Biblical deluge of vomit" That was this milky orange color like a cream*sick*el
    *oh yea guess who got to clean that up *

    Now you think this would be bad enough on a very busy Saturday night
    But it's what the parents did that sucked.
    we had to drag the rug that was on the tile outside so the customers didn't walk on it now.

    So the father stayed in and apologized to everyone saying "I'm sorry my daughter is sick.".....these apologies were on an individual basis to every human being in the store and at a very loud volume.

    the wife on the other hand stayed outside and said to any one who entered

    "I am sorry, our daughter is sick"
    "I am sorry, our daughter is sick"
    "I am sorry, our daughter is sick"
    "I am sorry, our daughter is sick"

    I was expecting them to hang neon signs on there daughter about her puking.

    I felt sorry for the kid.

    Do as I say....not as I do

    this one is shortest of my stories
    I worked at a games kiosk in the mall, selling boardgames right next to us was a sunglass kiosk.

    This one mother and sun stopped at the sunglass kiosk so the mom cna look at the sunglasses, lady took forever and the child was visibly bored so he came over and started looking at the games. Any time he went to touch one of the games she turned around with sunglasses in hand(or wearing them) and screamed:
    "Don't touch anything you'll break it!"

  • #2
    Um, sounds like the parents were trying to be nice. Sure, they were idiots for brining their kid out ... but, still.
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      Sometimes it would be nice if PARENTS could be aborted.
      "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


      • #4
        I continue my position of, like a license to drive or operate heavy machinery, parenting classes must come with a licensing exam at the end, and periodic retests.

        Sounds to me like the second video-store guy was the type of person who must apologize for everything. Poor kid, not only is there embarrassment from being sick in the store but her dad had to broadcast it to everyone who didn't already know.
        Last edited by Dreamstalker; 02-18-2008, 02:54 PM.
        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


        • #5
          color like a cream*sick*el


          Well, at least it was on a moveable rug ...

          but geez, apologize to the employee who has to clean it and TAKE THE KID HOME!!
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            As a teenager, I was dragged to a religious meeting (I'll leave it at that) by my dad. I told my parents I didn't feel well. By the end of the meeting, I was sitting there crying because I just felt miserable. I was hauled home, yelled at all the way for my behavior. Guess who ended up spending most of the night vomiting? Yeah.
            Labor boards have info on local laws for free
            HR believes the first person in the door
            Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
            Document everything
            CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


            • #7
              Quoth wagegoth View Post
              As a teenager, I was dragged to a religious meeting (I'll leave it at that) by my dad. I told my parents I didn't feel well. By the end of the meeting, I was sitting there crying because I just felt miserable. I was hauled home, yelled at all the way for my behavior. Guess who ended up spending most of the night vomiting? Yeah.
              I got horribly sick after a religious meeting myself as a young one. The Sunday School I went to had a party with all kinds of cake and ice creams and insisted that I have some. That's fine and well... except for the fact that I'm allergic to the protein in dairy products*! Yeah, I was throwing up for most of that night at home and had to stay home from regular school the next day. My parents were none too thrilled.

              *For the record, I am not lactose intolerant. Dairy allergies are different. The severity of my allergy has improved over the years, however. If I want to have a slice of pizza I'm usually fine. If I try to join the Ben and Jerry's One Pint in One Sitting Club, however, there's a pretty good chance that I'll end up at the local emergency room.
              Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


              • #8
                I'm very surprised my mother never got an anonymous call made to CPS.

                Although within the last 10-15 years, things have been more tight.

                My mom has a temper problem. I was never actually abused or beaten by her by any means, but she could not control herself in public. Even up until the time I moved out (read: age 19) we could NOT go anywhere in public without her blowing a gasket over something I said.

                There were many times I refused to go shopping or anywhere with her. I'd try to not piss her off, then I'd accidentally say something and she'd scream the whole way through the rest of the store, confused clerks staring at us the whole time.

                It was worst when cashiers were kids I knew.
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                • #9
                  Quoth wagegoth View Post
                  As a teenager, I was dragged to a religious meeting (I'll leave it at that) by my dad. I told my parents I didn't feel well. By the end of the meeting, I was sitting there crying because I just felt miserable. I was hauled home, yelled at all the way for my behavior. Guess who ended up spending most of the night vomiting? Yeah.
                  That was very heartless of your parents to do that...I hope they apoplogized once they realized you were sick.


                  • #10
                    I was hauled home, yelled at all the way for my behavior. Guess who ended up spending most of the night vomiting? Yeah.
                    i hope they at least apologized to you for that.
                    when i was a kid i yelled at the cat for barfing. then mom yelled at me pointing out, "how would you feel ?..." (so when my own cat barfed id cuddle him ...well after he was done i mean lol)


                    • #11
                      When I was a kid, I'll admit, I was a little sh**. This is partially due to the fact that I have/had ADHD and would often get very VERY bored if I wasn't doing something...ANYTHING. Of course, my mom was just as bad as she could have seen it coming and done something about it, but often didn't and would naturally scold me regularly for things that, in my opinion, are fairly normal for a kid who's relatively hyper, fidgets, and is almost always BORED.

                      In any case, it got to the point that she would do something she KNEW me and my brother (not ADHD, but just was bored) didn't find interesting and thought that FOR ONCE we'd sit still and be good (naaaahhhh). For example...

                      - Even now at 25, I can't even go to craft sections in stores now. Anytime I'm near one, I feel anxious and just WANT TO GO. My mother was a big quilter and such and as a result, we were often dragged to Wal-Mart and made to wait...and wait...and wait...and... Please note that I'm not trying to bash quilting. If you find something you like, fine, but if your kids don't, don't drag them along hoping they'll be good BECAUSE THEY WON'T!

                      - My mother was terrible about "forgetting" things or twisting her statements. Yes, I had some memory problems, but when she said something that was relevant to me, it would stick with me. Thus...

                      10:00 AM, before a day full of errands
                      Mom: "Okay, we need to go do this, this, and this."
                      Me: "Since we're over there, can we rent something?"
                      Mom: "Okay, sure."

                      Remember, she didn't say "if you were good," "maybe," or anything like that. And that to me was a promise. Sure enough, later in the day it was hit or miss. And it wasn't even like she said something along the lines of "Sorry, we just don't have enough money. Maybe next time." No, it was one of the aforementioned excuses. At least man up and give me a decent excuse!

                      I think the worst, however, may have been the bowling alley. Don't get me wrong...bowling's okay. But it's only "okay." It's a lot like miniature's fun...ONCE. There's no reason to be going every day or to do it multiple times a day. Once, maybe a week, is fine. My mother joined a bowling league. This would've been fine if she either A) let us stay at home or B) got a babysitter to fill in. No such luck...we were dragged every week to the bowling alley. Yeah, there are arcades, but it's not like we had infinite quarters.

                      Yeah, there were other kids...that were constantly getting us in trouble (and vice versa). I can typically only play two games of bowling before I'm completely bored out of my skull and trust me, I won't be joining any leagues. I could go into more details, but needless to say, I'm glad she's a whole state away.
                      You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


                      • #12
                        Quoth wagegoth View Post
                        As a teenager, I was dragged to a religious meeting (I'll leave it at that) by my dad. I told my parents I didn't feel well. By the end of the meeting, I was sitting there crying because I just felt miserable. I was hauled home, yelled at all the way for my behavior. Guess who ended up spending most of the night vomiting? Yeah.
                        haha, that'll teach 'em

                        While I never got yelled at for being sick/injured by brother and I did get ignored from time to time or and/or made fun of for it, both of us ended up having real problems.

                        Me: When I was younger, I used to always complain that my knee really hurt after doing a lot of physical activity. I complained about it for YEARS. My parents just wrote it off as me wanting some attention. Finally one day when I was in 7th grade, I was playing tennis, and was running across the court, all of the sudden my leg had no support and I came crashing to the ground. Went to the doc and he said I had a weak muscle in my knee and I'm very lucky I didn't end up doing severe damage to it by running around without any sort of brace. He said if I had been running a bit faster, I'd have torn ligaments and stuff. I made sure the doc knew that I had been telling my mom about my knee hurting for several years.

                        My brother: In highschool my brother sprained his ankle a few times. Each time my mom just gave him an air cast and had him keep off the ankle some. Eventually it would get better. One day he sprained it really bad. He spent several weeks without it getting much better, complaining that it was worse than before. We went to visit my mother in the hospital (she had just had an operation), and my brother was hobbling along. My dad got a bit tired of him hobbling around and said in a very smart arse way "well we're in the hospital, do you want to get it xrayed?" My brother said no, since my dad was being a smart ass. A week later, my mom is back and she notices his ankle is no better and decides to take him to the doc. The doc x-rays it, comes out and goes "Has he ever broken his ankle before?" he holds up the xray and his ankle, which should be a smooth curve is all jagged from all the other previous "sprains" which were really tiny ankle breaks. This particular one, he had pulled off a good part of his ligament and was on crutches for two months.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Toujin View Post
                          That was very heartless of your parents to do that...I hope they apoplogized once they realized you were sick.
                          Yes, they did. But it really hurt that they didn't believe me, especially as I wasn't a little kid. I believe I was at least 15, possibly 16, at the time.

                          When I was 15, I came down with the flu, and ended up missing about a week of school. Afterward, I started complaining that my ribs hurt. My chest and back hurt. It hurt where my bra was, wherever there was pressure (like sitting or leaning against something), and it got to the point that breathing hurt. This went on for about 5 months. Finally, my mother took me to the doctor. I had rickets. It was apparently a combination of teenage dieting combined with a growth spurt and being very sick. Yes, again, my mom did apologize. But, good grief, I'm 15. I'd grown up a tomboy, outside all the time. I'd fallen off buildings and fences, been thrown off horses, been attacked by a dog and nearly killed. If I say it hurts to breathe, it HURTS TO BREATHE. </hijack>
                          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                          HR believes the first person in the door
                          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                          Document everything
                          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                          • #14
                            Well, on the flip side to parents not believing when it hurts, you get kids like me. Grade 3 my knee started to hurt. A lot. I just toughed it out, kept on walking. Eventually it got worse, but I never let anyone see. Turns out my hip was slowly dislocating, and my knee hurt from referred pain. My parents were more than slightly mad with me for hiding it for weeks.
                            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                            • #15
                              Poor mom, she was so shocked when I screamed as she picked me up (I was 5 years old). Since picking a child up under the arms should not induce screaming, she immediately took me to the doctor.

                              Who tested me & found out I'd gotten an impossible disease. Impossible because you only get it as a result of breaking bones & I've never broken any, despite several 'attempts.'
                              I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.

