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wherein I lose my cool politely

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  • #16
    I shouldn't say this, but I've always loved veal.


    I absolutely detest parents who cannot control their children in public, much less bring an inappropriately aged child to a move. In fact, the best part of Pirates of the Carribbean was when the usher came in and told the lady with the unruly child to get the fark out.


    • #17
      Quoth donruss View Post
      A small thing we have called Freedom of Speech! I guess we will just agree to disagree.
      Actually, the server for this site is in the UK. US laws do not apply. Please stop posting nonsense on my thread, or I'll have it closed.
      The report button - not just for decoration


      • #18
        Quoth donruss View Post
        A small thing we have called Freedom of Speech! I guess we will just agree to disagree.

        I put that up many moons back.



        • #19
          Quoth Rapscallion View Post

          I put that up many moons back.
          Well said Reginald.
          A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


          • #20
            Quoth Rapscallion View Post

            I put that up many moons back.

            I lol'd. As vehement a supporter of the 1st amendment, even I concede that it only applied withing US territory, and even then only protects you from the government (nor does it insulate you from the backlash should said speech prove unpopular... Dixie Chicks, I'm looking in your direction)


            • #21
              Steering the boat back into on topic....

              For the most part, I've quit going to the movies, unless it's something I truly cannot wait for DVD release for.

              Too many kids being let into R rated movies. And I don't mean kids. I mean tweens. The Grindhouse movies and The Hills Have Eyes 2 would have been a whole lot better if it hadn't been Middle School Dance Night at the cinema, all those stupid kids and their cell phones and their idiot giggling.

              Back when I was a young teen, we were never allowed into R rated movies. Ushers carded. Nowadays they don't give two poops.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #22
                I feel ya blas. Back when I was a kidlet, the theatres were way more strict. The ushers would actually take you INTO the cinema and show you your seat. Nowadays, not so much. Which is why underages can get in so easily. *sigh*
                The report button - not just for decoration


                • #23
                  Well, I have to think that this is a problem that will eventually fix itself. That, or movie theaters will become a relic of the past. Prices are going up, common courtesy is going down. Business Weekly did a very good article...was it last summer?...about why movie ticket sales were down. It cited several of the top reasons...lousy movies, soaring prices, and yes, terrible manners by other movie patrons. Nobody wants to pay 8+ bucks to get in to have to listen to some braying jackass on a cell phone, listen to a bunch of underage girls runs their mouths, put up with people running around and kicking chairs, etc.

                  It's just not a fun night out anymore, and people are opting to stay in and spend their money on Netflix, Blockbuster, HBO, and any number of cheaper and more enjoyable alternatives. Movie theaters are on the ropes, and rightly so.


                  • #24
                    Too many kids being let into R rated movies. And I don't mean kids. I mean tweens. The Grindhouse movies and The Hills Have Eyes 2 would have been a whole lot better if it hadn't been Middle School Dance Night at the cinema, all those stupid kids and their cell phones and their idiot giggling.
                    I feel the same. I'm a major horror movie buff. I feel that horror has a stronger effect when viewed on the big screen in a theater, but unfortunately the experience is often ruined by other patrons. I agree with you that teens and tweens are mostly the problem. R-rated movies would be much more pleasant if age restrictions were enforced. When I think about it though, I see people my age (mid 20s) acting like children in theaters anyway.

                    They talk to the characters on screen. They can't hear you!
                    They make fun of the movie. If you don't like it, go away and let the rest of us watch in peace!
                    They constantly ask questions about the movie to their friends. If you'd shut up and watch, you'd know what was going on.
                    They ignore the movie completely and chat with their friends. Why bother coming here in the first place?!
                    They either spend the movie running in and out of the theater to talk on their phones, or just talk right in the theater. I really doubt you're so important that you can't live without your phone for 90 minutes.

                    I try to not to go to movies on the first week of release. I try to hit matinee movies, or I go at slow times like a Tuesday evening so as to avoid the crowds.


                    • #25
                      I grew up an Air Force brat myself. I remember, when we lived in Omaha, we'd go to the movie theater on the base. (They'd play the National Anthem before the previews - the first time I went to a "civilian" movie theater, it freaked me out that the Anthem wasn't being played. )

                      Anyways, if any kid got caught sneaking into a movie without paying for it (or going to one that wasn't age appropriate) then it was whichever parent who was in the Service who would get a talking to by their Commander. And of course, once that little lecture was over, the parent would come home and lecture their kid.

                      Maybe somehow, make the parents a little more responsible? I'm not sure how, but it's a start.


                      • #26
                        Quoth idrinkarum View Post

                        Maybe somehow, make the parents a little more responsible? I'm not sure how, but it's a start
                        TING!! Thats the sound of the nail being struck on the head! How many times have we heard the phrase "Little Johnny would neverdo that!"? How many times are the parents right? How many times is little Johnny seen to be smirking behind his parents back while they argue with you?

                        Too many to count.
                        A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                        • #27
                          Keeping kids out of movie theatres is nearly fracking impossible nowadays, since management and corporate have hamstrung the staff. I was discussing with someone else, and we came up with some decent ideas for improving theatres. Two of the best ideas to come from the discussion were these (imo):

                          1) age restricted building. No kids at all. Easy to accomplish too. Just make the place serve alcohol, classify it as a bar.

                          2) have an usher in each theatre during the show. The entire show. Anyone acts up, they get one warning before getting turfed. Acting up ranges from using cellphones to talking to loudly, to throwing food. The payroll justification for this one's a little harder. Still, be nice, eh?
                          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                          • #28
                            Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                            Nobody wants to pay 8+ bucks to get in to have to listen to some braying jackass on a cell phone, listen to a bunch of underage girls runs their mouths, put up with people running around and kicking chairs, etc.
                            Or to sit through a bunch of commercials at the beginning. Or sometimes the movie itself is one big long commercial.
                            Sometimes life is altered.
                            Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                            Uneasy with confrontation.
                            Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                            • #29
                              1) age restricted building. No kids at all. Easy to accomplish too. Just make the place serve alcohol, classify it as a bar.

                              2) have an usher in each theatre during the show. The entire show. Anyone acts up, they get one warning before getting turfed. Acting up ranges from using cellphones to talking to loudly, to throwing food. The payroll justification for this one's a little harder. Still, be nice, eh?
                              If either such theater existed, I'd gladly patronize them, even at a higher-than-normal price. Though, I imagine the first one would need to employ bouncers to remove unruly drunkards.


                              • #30
                                Quoth Norton View Post
                                If either such theater existed, I'd gladly patronize them, even at a higher-than-normal price.
                                Seconded, (but I'd still have to find someone to go with )
                                A PSA, if I may, as well as another.

