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So we can never order your pizza?

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  • So we can never order your pizza?

    Okay, this was kinda weird. I called a particular pizza chain last night; not one of our usuals purveyors but one that we called a couple weeks ago.

    I had a coupon and that had the list of all the stores in the area. I couldn't find my copy of which store to call so I took a guess and called, 1st checking that they deliver in my area (in case I called the wrong one).

    Me: "hi, I'd like to order a pizza for delivery. Do you deliver to Such-and-such neighborhood (street about 2 miles long with several streets off of it with houses, apartments & townhouses)?"
    Pizza Person #1: "We deliver to part of it. Do you live beyond This Street?"
    Me: "Which one? That street is a 'j' & we live off one end of it. I live on That Place, if that helps."
    PP#1: "Let me check."
    I'm on hold.
    PP#1: "Sorry, we don't deliver there."
    Me: "Oh, okay, thanks.

    I check the list of numbers & go with my 2nd choice.
    Me: "hi, I'd like to order a pizza for delivery. Do you deliver to Such-and-such neighborhood?"
    PP#2: "Oh, sorry we don't. Try the ThisOtherLocation store. I think that they do."
    Me: "Thanks. Bye."
    D'oh, I should have asked for the number. This list of phone numbers doesn't give me enough location details. Oh well, I'll call back.

    Me: "Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me what the number, or at least the prefix of that store."
    PP#3: "Sure, the number is yadda-yadda."
    Me: "Um, that's the 1st store that I called. So neither you nor this other store deliver to my area, is that right?"
    PP#3: "yes, that's what it sounds like. I'm sorry." (tone of her voice expecting me to explode in her ear)
    Me: "ooookay, then, well, it's not your fault. Have a nice night."

    Me: "Hon, we're ordering from somebody else tonight. This company doesn't deliver to us!"

    Seriously There's a population dense area, decent neighborhood & your stores don't cover the entire thing?
    I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.

  • #2
    Sounds like it might be they had issues in that area. Decent neighbourhood doesn't automatically equal fine. Might have had a large number of people not paying/scamming/arses in that area, and it was just written off by both stores rather than put up with it. Especially likely if it's a densely populated area. Just chop out the couple blocks with the heaviest concentration.

    It sucks that you got caught in the crossfire of it though
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      Where my mom lives seems to be a pizza delivery dead zone. Pizza hut and Dominos both end about a block away, and papa johns and strawhat both use this one diagonal street as their cut off, so they actually will drive farther to deliver to people who are across said street but more north.

      The only place that will deliver is a mom and pop shop which has good pizza, but doesn't have the coupon deals... these coupon deals that we get in the mail from the other pizza places that don't deliver...


      • #4
        Really weird, too, because at least 3 other pizza places do deliver; 2 chains & one mom & pop place. And from the 1st guy's question, it sounds like they deliver to half the neighborhood but not the other half.
        I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


        • #5
          Yuck, I used to have the same problem. I'd call 4 different placed trying to figure out which was in my area. Only to be told "we're done with delivery for the night". At 7pm on a Friday from a well-established pizza franchise. I mean, WTF?!? Having gone there again (carryout this time), I can only surmise that their delivery drivers called in and no deliveries were being performed, since they normally did delivery (alledgedly). I complained through their website and would have appreciated at least a generic response email stating someone received it. Fail on that part also.
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


          • #6
            If you really like their pizza, you might call back and talk to a manager or one of the drivers. Where i deliver part time, most of the phone people don't know and if they don't type the address in exactly as the computer has it, it will tell them out of area.


            • #7
              There was one pizza place that we loved, but it only delivered within 4 miles. I called em up to see if they delivered to us (we moved a little further away than we used to be).

              They said it was too far, so I decided to pick-up, but out of curiousity decided to watch my odometer... turned out, we were only 3.8 miles away... but I didn't say anything to them, didn't wanna be an ass lol.
              <Insert clever signature here>


              • #8
                Quoth TryNotToBeThatOne View Post
                Okay, this was kinda weird. I called a particular pizza chain last night; not one of our usuals purveyors but one that we called a couple weeks ago.

                I had a coupon and that had the list of all the stores in the area. I couldn't find my copy of which store to call so I took a guess and called, 1st checking that they deliver in my area (in case I called the wrong one).

                Me: "hi, I'd like to order a pizza for delivery. Do you deliver to Such-and-such neighborhood (street about 2 miles long with several streets off of it with houses, apartments & townhouses)?"
                Pizza Person #1: "We deliver to part of it. Do you live beyond This Street?"
                Me: "Which one? That street is a 'j' & we live off one end of it. I live on That Place, if that helps."
                PP#1: "Let me check."
                I'm on hold.
                PP#1: "Sorry, we don't deliver there."
                Me: "Oh, okay, thanks.

                Seriously There's a population dense area, decent neighborhood & your stores don't cover the entire thing?

                there was a similar problem at my store and one about 3 miles away. we had clearly defined and distinct delivery areas. there must have been some new people at the other store because for about 2 weeks we kept getting calls from the other store's delivery area. now I am not talking on the border but deep in the heart of other store's area.

                you might have just gotten someone new at the first store
                I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


                • #9
                  Where I live, just three places in the entire area will deliver; most say it's too far out. One place is terrible and has disgusting pizza (my brother once described it as "sick covered cardboard"); one has OK pizza but braindead employees (I used it once; they messed up my boyf's order three times. In the end, we settled for them comping the order plus a free dessert and decided not to use them again) and the third has good pizza and reasonably intelligent workers. It's not as good as the place I used to work, and slightly more expensive, but the place where I worked won't order to where I am, sadly as it's the best pizza I've ever tasted.
                  People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                  My DeviantArt.


                  • #10
                    I have family that live in a town called Pahrump, NV. It's about an hour outside of Las Vegas and you can buy property there without feeling like you've sold the souls of your great grandkid's great grandkids.

                    Anyway, Domino's doesn't deliver to my brother's house. Anytime he wants to order from them, he has to drive to the intersection at the furthest point they deliver (closest point to him) and wait for the driver to do the exchange. I've done this a few times and can't help feeling like I'm doing something illegal.

                    Me: "You got the goods?"
                    Delivery guy: "You got the money"

                    Then we each get back in our cars and drive away.

                    makes you wonde rjust how many truly illegal transactions go down at that intersection and go unnoticed.

                    Some People Are Alive Only Because It Is Illegal To Kill Them


                    • #11
                      When calling for pizza tonight, I first called the store that made sense to me - heck, I could've walked to it, if I wanted. But no, the lady there had the following convo with me:

                      Me: Yes, I'm at such and such address - it's the *mycompany* building on *indianname* rd.
                      Her: Now, is that North of *suchandsuch* expressway?
                      Me: You know, I'm terrible with directions, it's on *indianname* rd, between the road you're on and this other road.
                      Her: Oh, I know where you are. My now-deceased former husband pointed the building out to me whenever we drove by! No, we don't deliver there.
                      Me: (huhwha? face) Ok, um....thanks. Can I have the number for the store that does?
                      Her: Oh me number to farther away store, who, sure enough, actually does deliver here.

                      In the end, we got our tasty tasty pizza, but still.....what an odd thing to say to a complete stranger over the phone!
                      "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                      “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                      • #12
                        Where I live currently is a convoluted mess of where places deliver to. I stick with the couple of places I know, and that is about it. It is weird to be able to order pizza from a place almost on campus that is able to deliver to where my wife and I live almost five miles one way (I used to deliver for a pizza place who had a limit of 1-2 miles...small town, go figure).

                        I don't like ordering delivery mainly for the fact that the street I live on is less than 2 miles long and is somewhat secluded from, well, reality. Luckily the two times we've ordered food they've known where our complex is. (Basically, turn off the main road on to a side road, then onto the road the complex is on). The only good part is that there is a city park across the street with one of the three swimming pools in town, so I can always guide them that way.
                        Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.


                        • #13
                          At my current apartment complex there's no question of who delivers here.


                          It seems that about 4 years back, some driver from Pizza Hut was killed for his cash, so now this complex is on a blacklist. However, the complex right next door and the complex behind us are both still ok for deliveries.

                          Yeah, I'm baffled, too.

                          So, what we did last weekend when we wanted tasty stuffed crust pizza was to call the local PH, explain that we wanted delivery to the coin laundry around the block and ask if that was cool. The order guy checked with the manager, and we were good to go.

                          Quoth crashhelmet View Post
                          I've done this a few times and can't help feeling like I'm doing something illegal.

                          Me: "You got the goods?"
                          Delivery guy: "You got the money"

                          Then we each get back in our cars and drive away.
                          You're not kidding!

                          We were hanging out in front of the coin laundry, and it felt really weird. Of course the drunks and barflies from the "cocktail lounge" next to the coin laundry didn't help much. I know that one of the drunks was also homeless, and he put up a lot of whining when the laundry manager came out and took away the chair he was using. He whined at her, but she wasn't giving up on getting her chair back before he got too drunk.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

