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MoveIt movemovemoveMOVE NOW

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  • MoveIt movemovemoveMOVE NOW

    I'm not exactly sure where this goes, but since it happened to me away from work, I'll post it here.

    This morning my husband left for work. A few minutes later he came back in - his car is not working. This is not a huge problem, he has a good extended warranty. Its just an inconvenience. So, he gets his car started and I follow him to the dealership. We drop off his car and decide we have time to make a quick trip to the grocery store.

    We quickly cruise through the store and are at the checkout in a short time - doing good. Its not too bad at checkout, two registers with cashiers have one customer each. Four self-checkouts also have one customer each. We choose a self-checkout where an old woman was buying ONE THING. She had a half gallon of chocolate milk. Awesome - hopefully this will be fast. She sloooooowly conducts her transaction. OK, no big deal. She is old and we can respect that. Up to this point all is good.

    Then she turns into the Entitlement Queen of Ultimate Suckitude. After she collects her change and takes her receipt she strolls down to the other end of the counter. We step up to begin our transaction and...stop. She is standing there rooting for the Lost Ark inside her purse. Dig dig dig, rustle, root, pause, dig more.

    Finally I tell my husband to start scanning and I go around to the other side of the counter and begin bagging. She gives me a cat butt face and roots some more. I smile and continue bagging. Then she frowns at me and WANDERS AWAY. She left her milk sitting in the middle of the bagging area and walked away. Um...again no. I put her milk in her cart and moved it out of the way. I continue bagging and our stuff is piling up on the counter. When Mr. Zu finishes scanning I will grab the cart and fill it with the bagged groceries.

    She strolls back, notices her milk in her cart, huffs disgustedly at me, steps in front of the bag rack and begins to slooooooowly battle with the bags. She is vainly attempting to put a paper bag into a plastic bag and the bags are winning. Meanwhile, I cannot get to the bags and husband has to stop scanning. (I'll mention now that the self-checkout next to us was empty by this point and she could have bagged her milk there, it is where I placed her cart to get it out of the way.) As I stand there trying to contain my urge to kill. She wants to know where her receipt went. I say sorry I don't know, its probably under my pile of groceries. So she stands there and STARES AT ME. I'm still trying to be nice so I shift my Cokes and see it peeking out. I grab it to satisfy her receipt lust and accidentally tear it in half (I really wish I could say I did it on purpose, but no). She looks at the mutilated paper and gawps like I poisoned a basket of kittens. I hand her the other half and say Oops.

    She has to have the last word and in a sanctimonious tone tells me that old people take a long time and I need to understand that. She then sticks her nose in the air and huffs off to the parking lot. I so wanted to tear her a new one for being so inconsiderate but really, there is no way to yell at an old person in a grocery store without looking like a complete douchebag. I know plenty of people her age who are pretty agile and (more important) considerate of others. Aaaaaarrrrrggggh that woman was obnoxious. At no time did she try to be considerate or even apologize for hogging the checkout space. If she had been having difficulty we would have helped her, but she was getting along just fine. Her only problem was her self-perception as Center of the Universe.

    Of course, the worse she got, the more I started composing this post in my head. It really kept me from eviscerating her with a handy jar of Creamy Ranch(I would never really do such a thing to a jar of delicious innocent Ranch dressing).

  • #2
    Poor ranch dressing jar. Luckily it was saved. I hate it when people use excuses like that to make up for being jerks...
    "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


    • #3
      i would have said well concidering you wheren't in the middle of your transaction but finished and appartenly had deside to leave your lucky we where here so no one stole your milk. turned away and said to the hubby god some people just shouldnt be alloud to shop


      • #4
        Look on the bright side. At her age, the milk she bought could be a life-time supply.
        "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


        • #5
          Quoth justZu View Post
          She has to have the last word and in a sanctimonious tone tells me that old people take a long time and I need to understand that.
          Yes I was allowing for old and slow. You madam were deliberately staying in the way and a general twat. Now go home and eat your can of catfood and glass of warm milk.


          • #6
            sanctimonious tone tells me that old people take a long time
            no, only some of them are; i have a 63 yr old coworker who moves like the wind and i've never thought of him as old.

            excuses are just that...
            look! it's ghengis khan!
            Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


            • #7
              Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
              Look on the bright side. At her age, the milk she bought could be a life-time supply.
              Ooh that was so wrong! But still so very very funny
              "Honestly officer, he asked for a shot and I gave him one. Why do you need the handcuffs?" - MannersMakethMan


              • #8
                Quoth chainedbarista View Post
                no, only some of them are; i have a 63 yr old coworker who moves like the wind and i've never thought of him as old.

                excuses are just that...
                And I need to almost jog to keep up with a 59 year old tech at my school, even though I walk faster then most of the school in the first place
                Linux user (Debian and Kubuntu)
                Programmer in C and perl!

                I'm "only" 16 but do NOT try and outskill me with machines


                • #9
                  I despise people who go out spoiling for fights. She had the whole bitchy thing planned from the moment she saw you get in line behind her.

                  What a sad commentary on her miserable life that she wanted to do this.

                  If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at

