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HNNGH. Trash cans exist for a reason!

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  • HNNGH. Trash cans exist for a reason!

    As I was walking over to another building here on the college campus, I witnessed something that made me just stand and stare for a few moments as I felt my faith in humanity diminish just by the slightest bit. You know the feeling. Your brain's constantly looping through what you just saw, trying to comprehend and perhaps infer some kind of logical reasoning for the act, but eventually you just give up and feel your heart sink just a little lower.

    Anyway. I was passing by a shrubbery (ni!), when I saw a guy hurl his empty Pepsi cup into said shrubbery and keep walking. Now, what got me was not the act, but the utter "I don't give a rat's <censored>" demeanor in which he threw the cup, as well as the fact that he did so when there were at least thirty people milling about between classes.

    That's when the staring commenced. I stared at the cup. I stared at his back. I contemplated calling him on it, seeing as there was a trash can TEN METERS AWAY and in his direct path of travel. I decided against it, as I didn't want to piss the guy off (he looked rather irritated as it was).

    So, muttering to myself, I picked it up and disposed of it properly.

    Honestly. Some people...

  • #2
    My mother had an odd experience with a litterbug.

    She was sitting at the bus stop along with a young girl, about 3 years old she said, and the girls mother. Apparently straw wrappers and Capri Suns (like juice boxes for those who don't know) were involved. The little girl took a wrapper off the straw and threw it on the ground. My mother looked at the little girl's mother who never said a word the whole time. After a few minutes my mother picked up the straw wrapper and put it in the garbage can, which was on the other side of the girl's mother. No one said a word.

    Eventually the little girl finishes her Capri Sun and throws it on the ground as well. My mother contemplates how long she's going to wait before picking this up as well when the mother gets up, picks up the Capri Sun package, and THROWS it into the street and traffic. She then sits back down. Again, no one spoke. It would have been easier to throw it in the garbage can, but for some reason the woman was compelled to litter.

    My mother, who has had quite a few odd bus stop experiences, ranks that as one of the weirdest things that has happened to her at a bus stop. It's like they were determined to litter and no one was going to stop them.
    "Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did."
    George Carlin


    • #3
      Sorta on topic. Let me know if I stray too far. Both of these instances occurred at our local Krogers Supermarket. We have a seagull problem. Why? Because there's a lot of goddamn'd litterbugs, that's why. So yeah...I was a little dismayed, that's pissed for those that are keeping score, when I found a car pull up to a bunch of gulls, roll down the window, and feed them some bread.

      Look, I don't have much against the farkin' buzzards, but the fact is they're a nuisance and nobody REALLY wants to maul the **** out of a pack of 'em simply because they're in the way. And here's another goodie. Old biatch is walking her cart to her car while my wife and I, on a cold winter night, are trying to find somewhere to park. Well, she gets done with her groceries, then leaves her cart RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF A NORMAL SPOT RIGHT NEXT TO THE ENTRANCE! BITCH.

      I hate people. That makes me a people person.
      You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


      • #4
        Reminds me of today. I was going out of our room between classes. The trashcan is right next to the door. Laying on the floor next to it is a Payday wrapper. You could tell that the person missed the trashcan but just didn't care to pick it up of the floor and put it in. So I did....right in front of the idiot that I know did it.

        Quoth gunsage View Post
        We have a seagull problem. Why? Because there's a lot of goddamn'd litterbugs, that's why.
        All I can think of is the seagull in Aberdeen (Scotland) that steals Doritos from a McColls.
        It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


        • #5
          I always did think that 4-legged animals were smarter than the 2-legged ones.
          I don't have an anger problem! I have an idiot problem!-Hank Hill


          • #6
            Quoth Whyme View Post
            My mother contemplates how long she's going to wait before picking this up as well when the mother gets up, picks up the Capri Sun package, and THROWS it into the street and traffic.
            That's just being a flat-out bitch. At the very least I'd have shot that woman a nasty look.
            ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


            • #7
              My mother contemplates how long she's going to wait before picking this up as well when the mother gets up, picks up the Capri Sun package, and THROWS it into the street and traffic
              Maybe someone should've thrown HER out in traffic. Problem solved!
              You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


              • #8
                Bus stop incident:

                "Lady you got 3 choices. 1 pick that up and put it in the trashcan. 2 Join it in the middle of the street and I 'd really hate to do that in front of your kid but she seems to need the lesson as bad as you. 3 I call a cop and have him give you a $250 ticket for littering. So, what's it gonna be?"

                I think most of my posts push the limit on violence towards others but you will notice it is usually a choice they can pick not just beat them down.


                • #9
                  Quoth MiloMorai View Post
                  Bus stop incident:

                  "Lady you got 3 choices. 1 pick that up and put it in the trashcan. 2 Join it in the middle of the street and I 'd really hate to do that in front of your kid but she seems to need the lesson as bad as you. 3 I call a cop and have him give you a $250 ticket for littering. So, what's it gonna be?"

                  I think most of my posts push the limit on violence towards others but you will notice it is usually a choice they can pick not just beat them down.
                  We need people like you to be judges.

                  "Won't pick up that litter? Sounds like a paddling!!!
                  I don't have an anger problem! I have an idiot problem!-Hank Hill


                  • #10
                    People are just plain lazy. At work we have a social hall (area with table and chairs, big hang out spot for kids in the winter). We have both recycling and trash cans in there. We used to have the bright blue recycling can in one highly visible spot and the garbage can slightly hidden behind a column, but everyone knows it's there. So what happens? If you said people throw everything into the recycling, you get a cookie. After getting sick of seperating the recyclables everynight i moved the garbage can next to recycling. Boom, overnight problem almost gone.
                    Losing faith in humanity, one customer at a time


                    • #11
                      I've got a similar bust stop littering story.

                      I watched this guy walking up to the bus stop, pulling the tobacco out of his cigarello to use the wrappers to roll himself a blunt. He dumped the tobacco on the sidewalk up against the building the stop was at.

                      I, being me, made a rude comment about him having walked past the trash can at the stop to dump his carp on the ground.

                      This dude goes off. You'd think I'd insulted his manhood the way he starts ranting. Oh, and since he was Hispanic and I'm Caucasian, it's all about "the white man keeping us down." Yes, he really did say that.

                      He also told me that he'd bring his "old lady" with him tomorrow so she could "beat my ass." I just laughed since if he came at the same time, I'd be long gone since I was running late that day.

                      While he was mouthing off, there was a black kid using the other half of the bench to finish up a school project. Through this whole tantrum, he'd been dumping the paper bits he was tearing off the edges onto the ground at his feet. I hadn't said anything to him because I was still taunting the guy with the shrunken manhood.

                      Much to my surprise and delight, the kid actually made the effort to pick up all of his little bits of trash and throw them out once he was done with the work he had left to do on his project. I like to think the ranting of the asshat at my chiding maybe caused him to think about it himself, but I'll never know.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #12
                        We had a lot of snow around here the past few months. Most of it is melting now, but there were mountains of plowed snow in all the parking lots. Now that the mountains are disappearing, I'm discovering piles of water-warped and dirty trash where the snow once was.

                        I figure it has to be one of two things.
                        1 - The normal amount of litter (that I can grudgingly accept as some people just accidentally dropping things) was plowed up with the snow and just accumulated in the same spot,
                        2 - My slovenly customers and co-workers adopted the Out-of-Sight = Out-of-Mind thought pattern and stuffed their trash into the snow piles, thinking that it had magically disappeared. Sadly, I think this is the more likely explanation. I've seen them do it.

                        Yesterday I found a diaper--used--on the ground in the parking space I usually use.
                        I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
                        - Bill Watterson

                        My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
                        - IPF


                        • #13
                          Since there is no smoking in my dorm, the smokers go right outside the dorm to smoke on the benches. With all the people I see smoking, it's almost a wonder how the many ashtrays right outside the dorm seem perfectly clean. There's just hundreds of cigarette butts on the ground. Lazy SOBs.
                          "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


                          • #14
                            Its always been a wonder to me why cops looking for an easy way to get their quota at the end of the month don't go after litterbugs. Right off the top of my head I can tell you that the ticket for littering is higher than some of the minor traffic crap. You'd think some cop wanting overtime (for sitting in court) and wanting to generate some revenue would come up with this. Hell, I wish *I* could do it....and I'm usually pretty hands off when it comes to law enforcement (unless there's violence). God, I'd love to stick it to some litterbugs.
                   do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                            Chickens are Asexual!


                            • #15
                              Quoth Greenday View Post
                              Since there is no smoking in my dorm, the smokers go right outside the dorm to smoke on the benches. With all the people I see smoking, it's almost a wonder how the many ashtrays right outside the dorm seem perfectly clean. There's just hundreds of cigarette butts on the ground. Lazy SOBs.
                              People have to smoke in the parking garage at my job, and we've had problems with people throwing them off the catwalk, where they either land on someone below, or in the tan bark, where they smolder. We haven't had a fire yet, but according to the nasty public emails that have gone out, we've had a few close calls.

                              They've also threatened to completely ban smoking on the whole property, but haven't actually followed through with it.
                              Sometimes life is altered.
                              Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                              Uneasy with confrontation.
                              Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right

