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One for the apothecaries

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  • #16
    Every time I see this thread I think of a sandwich bar near here called The Apothecary (because the building it's in used to be an apothecary). Then I think of some crazy old lady hoarding sandwiches.


    • #17
      When I saw the thread title, I immediately thought of the pharmacy my family owned for ten years, also called The Apothecary.


      • #18
        I'm one of those people who ends up with way too many pills when I get prescriptions.

        If it's a "take as needed for " type, it takes an awful lot for me to even think about taking it.

        Of course, when I get antibiotics, I'm pretty anal about taking those. I've browbeaten a couple of coworkers that didn't understand that you have to take the whole regimen, and you can't just save up the second half for the next time you're feeling under the weather.

        Right now I've got leftovers from my trip before the last one, which was muscle stiffness in my neck so bad that I couldn't turn my head very far in either direction. I went in just to make sure that's all it was and to get something to make it stop.

        One was generic flexeril as a muscle relaxant with 30 tablets. I used one the day I got it. I didn't actually have spasms, but it's possible that any more stress would have eventually caused them. One bottle of ibuprofen for pain and inflammation with 100 tablets. Again, I took one that day and no more. And, finally, one bottle of generic vicodin for pain with 30 tablets. I took half of one immediately, and the other half before bed. They don't make me sleepy at all, but they work exceedingly well for pain, and that lets me sleep normally.

        By the next morning, I had regained almost full movement in my neck and shoulders, and it didn't restiffen, so I never needed any of the rest of it.

        I've also still got the bottle of naproxen from my last visit. Again, I only ever took one. The earliest one is marked to be discarded in September. Since the only people ever in my house are me, Nekojin, & the cat, I don't see any reason not to keep them.

        I've actually had several prescriptions that were refillable. Both of the 100 tablet bottles I have can be refilled 3 times, but I have to call 24 hours in advance. The other two say to call 48 hours in advance if a refill is required and don't list a number of times I can do that. I've never refilled a prescription.

        So, I'm a bit of a hoarder, but not a collector.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #19
          Quoth edible_hat View Post
          Every time I see this thread I think of a sandwich bar near here called The Apothecary (because the building it's in used to be an apothecary). Then I think of some crazy old lady hoarding sandwiches.
          Funny, I was thinking the same, except with a big guy in clonking white power armour.

          I have recurring otitis externa and my doctor gave me some cream to deal with it when it flares up again. Which today it did, painfully, so I was thankful then. Also I need a repeat prescription to stay with adequate brainwaves, getting 360 anti-spazz pills at a time, which could only be good, right? And what about my housemate-to-be whose repeat prescription is huge because he's diabetic?
          "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


          • #20
            My wife has some health issues from an accident several years ago and takes several different types of pills a day. The fun she's having right now is a paper pusher at the insurance company has decided that she (the paper pusher) is now a doctor and will decide if the presciptions my wifes doctor writes should be filled. Needless to say, my wifes lawyer has already been contacted.


            • #21
              Quoth Jack7957 View Post
              The fun she's having right now is a paper pusher at the insurance company has decided that she (the paper pusher) is now a doctor and will decide if the presciptions my wifes doctor writes should be filled. Needless to say, my wifes lawyer has already been contacted.

              I'm glad to hear you've gone straight to pulling out the legal guns at first blush. No paper pusher should ever even think they have the right to countermand a doctor's orders.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #22
                Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                I've also still got the bottle of naproxen from my last visit. Again, I only ever took one. The earliest one is marked to be discarded in September. Since the only people ever in my house are me, Nekojin, & the cat, I don't see any reason not to keep them.
                Actually, that's safe... Naproxen is just Aleve The exact same stuff you can buy at the store... only reason for prescription is because you can get it in higher-dose amounts. It's not any more potent than the OTC stuff, just more of it per pill.
                <Insert clever signature here>


                • #23
                  And it's a lot cheaper when you can get a huge bottle full of the stuff for a single prescription copay.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #24
                    [QUOTE=I was under the belief that they are NOT allowed to decide what to fill or not fill, unless, of course, they own the pharmacy, and even then, it would be a matter of running off the client rather than selectively filling only some of their Rx's. I may be wrong about that, though.[/QUOTE]


                    I talked with my friend. She got the RX filled at another pharmacy and they were astounded that the pharmacist just refused the script and did not even offer to call the dentist. She also called Walgreens' the next day, lodged a complaint and a District Manager called her back. He apologized and said they would look into it. Par for the course, but at least he listened to her. I guess suck happens on both sides of the counter, eh?

                    I think the idea was that a pharmacist, who actually should know more about drug side effects and interactions, could refuse to fill a script until he/she spoke with the prescribing physician for clarification. I am hoping that no one in their right mind decided it was just OK for a pharmacist to just be able to refuse to fill a script because he was in a mood.


                    • #25
                      As a pharmacy tech, there have been times I wish I could refuse to fill prescriptions. The pain killers for the guy at my counter reeking of pot, and trying to score drugs on his cell phone while giving me his script.
                      I'd say... fill the scrip and then call the cops on him. when they ask for details... well you DO have his personal information.


                      • #26
                        Sorry if I make a point already made but I am not up to reading all the post tonite.

                        Doctors here in the US are afraid to write prescriptions for what is actually needed. I have quite a few pain issues, do NOT abuse drugs of any kind nor alcohol.

                        When I get kidney stones the urologist is one of the few docs that will give me quite a few pills. I usually get through the stone before I'm out of pills. I save them for other emergencies like this. Take them for a few days pass the stone saved a bunch of money. If it hasn't passed then I go in and get it removed the hard incision either.

                        Or I have it on hand for what ever else is going on.

                        Ok time for something for this migraine and I'm out of the controlled stuff. Nite all.

