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  • #16
    Quoth FredKlein View Post
    I must have missed the part where it was the wrong receipt and outside the return period.

    As for 'being a colossal douche' and not "deserving" the return, I didn't know "not being a douche" was part of the store's stated return policy.
    And who says it has to be? People who act the way that guy did forfeit their complaints as far as I'm concerned.

    Methinks you're on the wrong website.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #17
      Quoth Broomjockey View Post
      Stores aren't obligated to take returns at all.
      Technically true, I suppose. But if they take returns, they need to have a posted policy, and stick to it, or face possible legal problems. For instance, in California:

      "the legislature has enacted a law (Civil Code section 1723) which requires retail sellers to post their refund policy, if the policy does not meet certain common expectations."..."If a retail seller has a return policy which does not meet these common expectations, the seller must conspicuously display its refund policy..."

      So, if "not being a douche" is a requirement, they need to have it posted.

      Don't get me wrong, If the guy was kicked out by the cops for trespass, and showed up again, that's one thing. But the story doesn't say that. The manager refused to do the return without a receipt: "you've tried to return something with no receipt. I'm not doing it for you anymore". The guy, admittedly, got upset, but returned "15 minutes later", and "he had come back with a receipt".

      If the real reason for refusing the return was the lack of receipt, then that issue was resolved, and the return should have been done. Evidently it was not done, as there was a "commotion from the service desk area" and the guy "threw a tantrum."

      Now, the question is WHY did the guy throw a tantrum? Maybe he was a SC. Maybe the receipt was for the wrong item, purchased at a different store, well outside the return period, and he still expected them to do the return.

      Or maybe, the manager saw him, didn't listen to him explain that he now had his receipt, and denied the return again? We don't know enough facts to fully understand what happened, hence my question as to WHY his return was refused when he had a receipt.

      And what I get back is that he was being "a colossal douche" (arguably true) and therefore the Store Return Policy didn't apply to him?


      • #18
        Quoth FredKlein View Post
        And what I get back is that he was being "a colossal douche" (arguably true) and therefore the Store Return Policy didn't apply to him?
        As I said, management in many threads have proven capable of folding. And in others, capable of digging in their heels. It probably wouldn't be too hard to find a technicality whereby they can honestly refuse his return, when for a *nicer* customer, they would have overlooked it. Hence "being a douche" means no return for SC. Obviously not the reason that would have been given, but at the least, they could say he's been told to leave the store and subsequently banned, meaning they can't do business with him anymore. Granted, that last bit is a bit extreme, but again his "doucheness" (Ye gads I'm having too much fun typing that word!) is the root cause of the finding a reason to refuse the return. It'd be basically short-hand in the back office.

        "Hey, why'd you refuse the return on this camera, just says it was scratched a little, you know we usually don't care about that."

        "ooohhhhh, gotcha."

        So it's not that the policy doesn't apply to him, it's that it applies EXTRA CAREFULLY to him. They'd find whatever reason they could to say "Go away, and take your item with you."
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #19
          Quoth Broomjockey View Post
          It probably wouldn't be too hard to find a technicality whereby they can honestly refuse his return, when for a *nicer* customer, they would have overlooked it.
          So it's not that the policy doesn't apply to him, it's that it applies EXTRA CAREFULLY to him. They'd find whatever reason they could to say "Go away, and take your item with you."
          I see what you're saying. Not "he's a douche, so I'm going to deny him the return out of hand", but rather, as you say, 'he's a douche, so I'm enforcing the policy to the letter'.

          Nothing wrong with that. (as long as you don't mind pissing the guy off more. Which doesn't sound like a bad thing, until he comes back with a gun, or drives his truck thru the front of the store or something.)


          • #20
            My goodness. You're having quite a debate on this guy. Allow me to quote myself:
            From what we could gather, he had come back with a receipt.
            "From what we could gather" includes a bit of speculation, so I'm not positive he had a receipt. We were almost on the other side of the store from where he had his tantrum, so it was difficult to make out what he was saying besides various curses.

            Anyway, receipt or not, police or not, the manager had told him in no uncertain terms to leave the store. By returning, he was trespassing. From the way he was acting even before he was asked to leave the first time, he gave off a vibe of trouble. You know, that SC vibe.


            • #21
              I asked the girl if BB had security and she replied "Oh don't worry. We're all family here." Sure enough, as Sucky Guy cursed and raised his voice louder, more and more blue-shirted employees began to surround him - many of them large, intimidating-looking men. Finally, he must have been encircled by 20-30 BB employees. Realizing he was outnumbered, he cursed at and threatened them all physically as they herded him out the exit. A number of them tossed snarky comments at him as he went.
              I knew it! No one expects the Best Buy mafia! I hear their theme song is a techno version of The Godfather.
              You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


              • #22
                Quoth gunsage View Post
                I knew it! No one expects the Best Buy mafia! I hear their theme song is a techno version of The Godfather.
                No, any BB theme song would have to have excessive bass, so they can show off their display speakers. Ugh.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #23
                  I'd just like to point something out from the previous I'm a douche arguement. While I can guarentee no one's return policy says we reserve the right to refuse your return if your a douche. I know my store and many big box retailers state at the bottom of the return policy we reserve the right to refuse the return at the managers descresion. That leaves a nice big loophole in favor of the store if there anything wrong with the receipt, product or the person returning it.


                  • #24
                    Quoth PhotoChick View Post
                    I'd just like to point something out from the previous I'm a douche arguement. While I can guarentee no one's return policy says we reserve the right to refuse your return if your a douche. I know my store and many big box retailers state at the bottom of the return policy we reserve the right to refuse the return at the managers descresion. That leaves a nice big loophole in favor of the store if there anything wrong with the receipt, product or the person returning it.
                    Also, isn't every store allowed to refuse service to anyone (for legal reasons, of course) they want? They were only using their right to refuse service when telling him to leave. And he came back, so they were still within their right to refuse him, because he was now trespassing.
                    Pit bull-

                    There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.

