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Warm Weather Sunday

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  • Warm Weather Sunday

    This was just disturbing to me.

    Immediately after all the churches got out, I suppose the -25 girls in town decided to hooker-up their clothes for going to Wal-Mart. Plus, the boys wishing to impress them.

    On the way in, I was harassedby Girl Scouts, who would not let anyone in or out until the person said NO!! about five times.

    I passed a boy who needed to button his boxers back up. I can only guess he was there to buy a belt for his to-the-knee-hanging pants.

    A couple of women stopped in the rice aisle to talk, blocking the path with their carts and their kids. Who were engrossed in throwing rice boxes. You could only part them by not stopping your full cart careening into them, as demonstrated by an older couple who trove down the middle of all.

    I was looking at clearance clothes, when this mottle of girls all -17 decided to stop moving and stare at the pants-boy who left with no belt.

    There was a girl who could be no more than 12 walking around in hoochie shorts so high you could tell she was wearing no underwear, along with detail if you looked. Ew.

    Then at check-out, the girl gaggle of -17 was in my lane ahead of me, and done paying. And look, like that 12 yr old girl, you can see all kinds of detail. Ew.

    So, they stood there. Giggling and texting.

    I got tired of saying excuse me, and resorted to tapping them on the butt with my cart to get them to move, much to the delight of the cashier.

    Instead of walking away, they turned in a complete girl-circle, and after everyone got bumped... walked away going UUHH UHH UHHHH in a pissy manner.

    Leaving, I never gave the Girl Scouts the chance to talk. I just pushed the cart straight through them.

    (No one was hurt by buggy rage, btw.)

  • #2
    You're a better person than I. If I had to deal with rude, hoochie brats like that someone would have been hurt.
    Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


    • #3
      No wonder I don't go to Wal-Mart on Sundays.

      What a load of suck.
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        As a former slave employee of Wal-Mart, I can attest to the fact that Sunday is the absolute worst day to go there. If conversation ever allowed, I would advise customers to avoid going there on that day if they could help it.

        And the solicitors at the door, ugh . . . I always refuse to make eye contact, go temporarily and conveniently deaf, and beeline for the car at all costs.
        Last edited by ShinyGreenApple; 03-11-2008, 03:25 AM. Reason: Extra letter.
        The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


        • #5
          I hate solicitors at the door of a store. The ONLY time I've ever done anything there was when the local fire department was trying to raise money to buy a new device (infrared viewing monitor ... helps firemen find people inside smoke-filled rooms). I donated $200 there.

          Aside from that ... leave me alone.

          Regarding the hoochies ... while I don't want to see 12 year old details, 18+ is OK with me. Then again, I was born a perv, raised a perv, and am now an old (41) perv. Oh, by "perv" I really mean "male".

          People stopping in the aisles ... get the hell out of the way. Just move off to the side and talk. It's called being POLITE.
          "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

          Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


          • #6
            Yeah, whatever you do, when you see -14 hootchie crotch hanging out for all to see, don't call them on it, especially in the presense of a parental figure.......unless you have the time and want to have some fun with the cops.

            These parents called the cops while in the store and tried to have my friend pinned some sort of child molester pervert (she's a girl, and a mom!), until my friend pointed out to the cop that given the way the girl was dressed, made up, and what you could see of her *little girl parts* without having to put any effort into finding the right angle, he could easily haul the parents in for pimping.

            I don't know the end of the story except the cop gave my friend the ok to leave while he was still talking to the parents. When I asked her how much you could actually see (cause I couldnt' believe that the parents would let her wear something that bad, or that you could find anything around here that displayed that well) she said that she could see things she was sorry the back of her mind succeeded in identifying from a glance.

            Oh, and what started it all? Girl came out of the dressing room and my friend honestly thought that she had forgotten to put back on her pants/skirt/whatever and was trying to shield the store from the girl so that the girl wouldn't be embarrassed as much before she could run back in and put whatever back on.
   do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

            Chickens are Asexual!


            • #7
              first off, i wish we had girlscout cookies so readily available in utah

              second, this is why I do most of my shopping either at smith's or smith's marketplace (which is the wal-mart for people who are smart enough to not go to wal-mart)... I've sadly seen all of the OPs sightings... even when I lived in little ole Logan UT.
              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


              • #8
                The girl scouts selling cookies at our stores are all generally polite. If I don't want any, I say no politely and smile. That's really all it takes, at least around here.

                They started a cool thing this year. They had an adult standing seperate the girl scouts, along with a sign that they were collecting cash to send boxes of cookies to the troops in Iraq. So, if I don't feel like shelling out 3.00 for a box of cookies, I can stick a buck or spare change in the troop cookie tin. Makes me feel good.
                "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13

