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    Ok, this isn't mine. It comes from a blog I found. But it was way too amazing to not share.

    blog =

    mother knows best

    tonight one of those annoying spoiled teens came in, but this time with her mother. mom was being nice and bought huffy teen a twenty dollar gift card. teen orders a venti caramel frappuccino with extra caramel around the cup, extra whip cream, and extra caramel on top of the whip (you know - the staple drink for high schoolers).
    teen hands me her gift card to pay for her drink ($4.15), but mom wants to order something as well.

    "oh, can we add a small passion iced tea to that order?" she asked pleasantly.
    i was about to give the teen her new total when she whined "mooooooooommmm!, this is MY starbucks card!"
    "i know, i just bought it for you and i forgot i didn't have anymore cash. i'll give you the $1.45 when we get home."
    "nnooooooo!" huffy teen whined even louder. "this is MY starbucks card! use a credit card if you don't have anymore cash!"

    this was the point when mom got pissed.
    "excuse me? actually that's my gift card because i paid for it. are you really going to be that selfish and not pay for my iced tea?"
    then mom turned to me and said, "i'm sorry for wasting your time. please cancel both drinks. apparently my daughter doesn't deserve a drink tonight." and then she turned to her daughter and said, "you won't get another frappuccino until you learn how to behave. when you quit acting like a spoiled brat maybe i'll let you come back here."

    and off they went.
    so nice to see a parent actually parent in a bux!

  • #2
    OMG - what a little bitch!

    Me and my son went through the McD drive through last week since he wanted to use the last of his gift card he had from christmas. He had about 10.00 left on it. He ordered and I added an iced coffee to the order for myself. I started to hand him the 2.00, but he looked at me like I was crazy and said 'no mom, I got it'.

    I was so proud! Don't get me wrong, he can be a shitty teenager with the best of them, but it's nice to see that he isn't a completely selfish monster on occasion.

    Good on mom for shutting her down!!! Did you high five her? Im sure you felt like it!
    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


    • #3
      Awsome parenting powers go! It's great to hear a story like that.
      "Because that's how magical meteoric size-altering space goo works." IMDB Message boards.


      • #4
        Situations like that used to be the rule & not the exception. Nowadays it's the other way around.


        • #5
          Always nice to see a flagrant act of parenting like that.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            My mom and I are always fighting about money, but not in the way you'd think. For example, she's been driving me around a lot lately when my husband's at work, because I have sold my old car and will not get a new one for another few weeks. So when I borrowed her car this morning, I filled up the tank.

            You'd have thought I'd committed murder. "What did you do that for? You keep your money! I don't need it!" She kept trying to pay me back, but I wouldn't have it.

            She had dinner with us tonight, and right after she left, I noticed a $20 bill sticking out of my purse. She got me.

            I'll get her back, though. I'm buying her that bag she wanted. Cost: roughly $20.

            If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


            • #7
              Huzzah for the parent who knows how to parent! ::applause::

              Quoth Boozy View Post
              She had dinner with us tonight, and right after she left, I noticed a $20 bill sticking out of my purse. She got me.
              My grandma did that to my dad rencently, when he was out visiting her for a holiday. She kept trying to give him some money to reimburse him for some work he did around the house, and he would have none of it. He got home and opened up one of his bags to find said money tucked inside.

              Hubby and I have learned that we can politely refuse his grandma once or twice, but after that she'll just get sneaky and/or mad and make us take it anyway, so we don't bother fighting.
              "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
              - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


              • #8
                Yeah, took the whole family (that's mom & dad, grandma, us four kids, the 4 great grandkids and two a few adopted kids) out to dinner on my dime. Later I found 2 hundreds shoved in my jacket pocket.....on the side where my grandma was sitting. (So she got a gift card to her favorite fabric store in return ).
       do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                Chickens are Asexual!


                • #9
                  Heh. And I thought I was the only person who would break into people's purses/pockets to deposit money I owe them.

                  My boss at work is still trying to catch me at it and never has. It's driving her nuts that I can constantly get into her purse and she can never figure out how. Once a pickpocket, always a pickpocket. Only slightly in reverse now.

                  So far as the OP, it would have been absolutely priceless if the entire store could have pointed and laughed. LASTING MEMORY.
                  "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                  • #10
                    Quoth Boozy View Post
                    You'd have thought I'd committed murder. "What did you do that for? You keep your money! I don't need it!" She kept trying to pay me back, but I wouldn't have it.

                    She had dinner with us tonight, and right after she left, I noticed a $20 bill sticking out of my purse. She got me.
                    Sounds like my grandmother. If I or my dad try to pay she says "put your money away. I want to pay." Sometimes dad or I put our feet down and say "no, you're not. We got it." It's like pulling teeth to get her to let us pay for a meal every so often. Not like the place we normally go is expensive. I paid for five of us one day for under 30.00 dollars (grandma left the tip).
                    Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.


                    • #11
                      Quoth daleduke17 View Post
                      Sounds like my grandmother. If I or my dad try to pay she says "put your money away. I want to pay." Sometimes dad or I put our feet down and say "no, you're not. We got it." It's like pulling teeth to get her to let us pay for a meal every so often. Not like the place we normally go is expensive. I paid for five of us one day for under 30.00 dollars (grandma left the tip).
                      At least she let's you pay. My father refuses to let me pay at all if I'm having dinner with him and Mom. But he gets it honestly. I've seen him (almost 60) argue with my grandfather (about 80-ish) over paying the bill too. I guess its just family tradition
                      The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                      "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                      Hoc spatio locantur.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Geek King View Post
                        At least she let's you pay. My father refuses to let me pay at all if I'm having dinner with him and Mom. But he gets it honestly. I've seen him (almost 60) argue with my grandfather (about 80-ish) over paying the bill too. I guess its just family tradition
                        I paid for my parents once. The power had been out all week (after a tropical storm) so he was taking everyone out every night. I paid one night and got the stink eye the rest of the night. My grandmother too, if we go out with her and tell her not to worry about it she gets pissed off.

                        Actually my friends do too.

                        I don't understand what the big deal is. If I say "dinner on me" people get annoyed, if someone says "I've got dinner tonight" I'll say "you don't have to do that" but if they still insist I drop it and let them pay. Hey, free dinner for me.


                        • #13
                          I always saw the same thing growing up when my Grandparents would visit.
                          My Parents saw it as they live on a fixed income and don't need to be out the extra money.
                          My Grandparents would plan for the expense and wanted to treat. They didn't want my parents wasting money on them that could be spent on us kids. (Let alone they didn't think my Mom should work. Generational thing I guess. Work made my Mom happy - she wanted to do it. Not a had to, to make ends meet kinda thing)
                          We finally got around it my eating most meals at home. Course Grandma would insist on doing the cooking.
                          I will never forget the look on their faces when I picked up the tab. We went out to eat . . . and I had snuck off - they thought to the bathroom - really I took my money to the waiter. Meal is over and I ask if everyone is ready to go . . . My Dad and Grandpa both reach for wallets. I look at them and say . . .oh sorrry I decided tonight was a chance to say Thank you for all the wonderful moments in my life that you have been there and supported me . . .so as my gift to you I picked up the tab so you didn't get into an argument over who was paying. (I was in High School with a part time job at the time) The wives both chuckled. Dad and Grandpa tried to give me money and I pointed out that would be insulting as this was me trying to give a gift to them. They dropped it.
                          Then we have my Sister's in laws . . . .when they eat out with my Sis and her hubby/ kids they pay for the two of them . . .when my parents join the mix they expect to be treated . . .if it is Me who joins instead of my parents they pay for their son, my sister, and myself . . .and now any of the kids that had a meal. (Niece and Nephews are 5, 3, and 1- so just now meals for them start to cost) So it gets planned that I will join one lunch outing every time they come to visit.


                          • #14
                            that little bitch got all whiny about lending her parent $1.45? on a gift card the parent just paid for? I lent my dad $100 cash just this morning


                            • #15
                              My parents, unfortunately, feel that now that I'm over the age of 20 I should be expected to pay for everything, even though I have explained that I'm borderline broke constantly because of school. Case in point being just after Christmas I received a paycheque of a whopping $80, due to restaurant holiday closures. That's $80 to last me two weeks. I happened to join my parents out for breakfast the next day with their running group and when our tab came, they looked at me expectantly. I explained my financial situation, and yet they still made me pay our whole bill! Half of my f-ing paycheque!

                              And again this weekend, my whole family went away. I explained to my mum that I'm a bit hard up for cash right now (making only just enough to cover my bills/school), so I would really appreciate it if they'd leave a few dollars for me just in case I needed it. Not only did they not leave any money, they didn't leave my ANY FOOD AT ALL. And on top of that, they left me alone for Easter and didn't leave me any chocolate (which I gave up for Lent and feel I'm more than entitled to indulge in now)! Needless to say, I'm fairly unimpressed with them right now.

                              But good on the mum in the OP. I wish more parents would discipline their bratty children like that!

