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News getting it right

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  • News getting it right

    So last night on the news they had a bit about how people are tipping less because of money being tighter. Instead of it turning into a "this is how to make life harder for those in the service industry" thing, they actually scolded the people who aren't tipping as much/at all. I was impressed.
    "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall

  • #2
    The media, portraying the service industry correctly. Bloody hell, I've come over all faint...

    *pops off to lie down somewhere*
    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


    • #3
      Move over Crazylegs, I too need somewhere to lie down before my knees give in.

      They SCOLDED people??

      The report button - not just for decoration


      • #4
        I still think restaurants should just pay a fucking living wage so that wait staff doesn't have to pray for tips.
        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


        • #5
          About time, I say.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Quoth Shangri-laschild View Post
            So last night on the news they had a bit about how people are tipping less because of money being tighter. Instead of it turning into a "this is how to make life harder for those in the service industry" thing, they actually scolded the people who aren't tipping as much/at all. I was impressed.
            Quoth crazylegs View Post
            The media, portraying the service industry correctly. Bloody hell, I've come over all faint...

            *pops off to lie down somewhere*
            Gods I wish they would do that where I live. over the last 6 months or so my tips have almost fallen to the point where soon it is going to cost ME money to continue delivering. I used to have a 13 - 15% average now I am down to 10% (if I am lucky) and below (many nights in the last 3 weeks have been 4% or 6%). the moderate to generous tippers are now for me not making up for the stiffers anymore.

            whats more puzzling is I am now starting to get stiffed on larger orders more than smaller ones. take last night I got stiffed 6 times on 16 runs. the funny thing is the $30 or more orders I got only 50 CENTS or staight stiffed (wnated exact change back) . I had one person ACTUALLY write 75 cents for a tip on a CC slip to round up the total to th nearest dollar amount ie 33.25 tip 75 cents total $34.

            yeah times are tough but come on you still want that expensive big order of pizza and wings and cheese bread AND YOU WANT EXACT CHANGE BACK?????????

            Times are tough MY ASS. if you (the stupid asshole out there who are lazy and do not want to tip) are that cheap go to Wally World and get cheap pizza and wings you can make yourself. OH I'M SORRY that would involve thinking and work and effort and planning and using that thing in your kitchen called A STOVE

            I wish I had the money some of the people I deliver to have (the slip give the number of times they have previously ordered some worder every 2 days or so) and still live in the getto housing and have the 52 inch HD TV AND that Xbox/PS2-3 AND cable/dish AND drive that expensive car inthe dirveway

            sorry for the rant but this is really getting to me. I have had to bite my tougue more in the last 6 months and it is getting very hard to keep my mouth shut.
            Last edited by Racket_Man; 03-19-2008, 04:17 PM.
            I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
            -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

            "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


            • #7
              Quoth Racket_Man View Post
              Gods I wish they would do that where I live. over the last 6 months or so my tips have almost fallen to the point where soon it is going to cost ME money to continue delivering. I used to have a 13 - 15% average now I am down to 10% (if I am lucky) and below (many nights in the last 3 weeks have been 4% or 6%). the moderate to generous tippers are now for me not making up for the stiffers anymore.
              Reasons like this is generally why I'm a generous tipper. Deliver to my house and you're guaranteed a minimum of $5. When I lived in NM, the delivery drivers would flip coins to see who delivered to who.
              Last edited by Broomjockey; 03-20-2008, 10:48 PM. Reason: editing quotage
              Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

              Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

              Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


              • #8
                Quoth Evil Queen View Post
                Reasons like this is generally why I'm a generous tipper. Deliver to my house and you're guaranteed a minimum of $5. When I lived in NM, the delivery drivers would flip coins to see who delivered to who.
                I am the same. I have worked CS for far too long, and yes I can be a SC when the situation demands it, on the whole I treat the service worker very well. I am not rich. In fact I am below the poverty line as defined by our wonderful government, and money is extremely tight for me. But I always Tip. I have been told that I am the ONLY one in the city (Pop. 15000) that tips the cabbies (Taxi drivers). I tip minimum 20% for any food service. Hell I even tip our postal carrier, and paperboy.

                there was even this one time that I was at a restaraunt watching a waitress endure the SC from hell, and the guy was so rich, he stunk. had as much in his billfold that I make in a year, a quarter million dollar car parked outside, and owns a multimillion dollar house, earns a six figure income (Almost 7 digit), and my god, you'd a sworn he made as much as the average Cambodian. Spent over $200 on his one meal, and tipped the waitress 2 cents . The poor dear! the look on her face was heartbreaking, but not ONCE did she let it interfere with her duties. I tipped her $20, on top of the $10 that I tipped (Which was about 20%) for my meal, and when she asked why the extra $20, I told her that she deserved it after dealing with that asshat. She broke down in tears, gave me the biggest hug ever, and now guess who get's the royal treatment when he goes back?

                Guess who has been banned from the restaurant

                What is it about those that make the least are the ones that are the most generous, and does that make sense to anyone?
                Windows Operating System is an oxymoron."

                Oh, You want instant Gratification? Go f*ck yourself then!
                I found the problem. /dev/clue was linked to /dev/null


                • #9
                  Quoth marasbaras View Post
                  I still think restaurants should just pay a f*ing living wage so that wait staff doesn't have to pray for tips.
                  Amen to that. I hate this whole way the American way of tipping works. I wish it worked more like in other parts of the world where wait-staff and others are paid normally and tips are only used if the service person does something above-and-beyond.


                  • #10
                    Quoth marasbaras View Post
                    I still think restaurants should just pay a fucking living wage so that wait staff doesn't have to pray for tips.
                    AGREED! For the life of me I can't understand why servers are paid such shit.
                    Yeah, they're expected to get tips which, in theory, should balance it out, but in practice it rarely works out that way.
                    Even if they were only making minimum wage (and not the "servers" minimum wage) it would be better.
                    No one wants to be only making $8/hr, but it's better than $6.95 (those are the wages here) or shit, the $2/hr in a lot of other places.


                    • #11
                      When I had the newspaper route, I tried to do a good job...tip or not. There was one guy who just pissed me off. He had no screen door, no porch (other than a cheap concrete slab)...meaning that the paper would get wet in rainy weather. Rather than let that happen, I always wrapped it up in a plastic bag. Did I ever get a tip for that? Of course not. Not even so much as a thank you, or even a card at Christmas. Annoyed the hell out of me, because I had a few families on that route who were struggling, yet they *always* tipped.
                      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                      • #12
                        Ya know, that 'times are tight' BS excuse pisses me off.

                        I used to order pizza 3 times a month. MY solution to the gas crunch was to cut down to 1-2 times a month, and still tip well.

                        Ordered 25.00 worth of pizza last night for me, my son and my friend and tipped 8.00 because it was pissing buckets.

                        I am by NO MEANS well off. I'm a single mom who works really hard to live very modestly. If I can do it, anyone it really irks me when I hear people give that lame-ass excuse about having to cut back and doing it at the expense of someone else.

                        I order from the same place all the time and my order is ALWAYS at my door in 20 minutes, even when they are quoting 40-50 minutes in bad weather.

                        The old adage is true: Treat people like you wish to be treated.

                        I tip well, I receive extra-good service. That's the way it should be.

                        Shitty tippers and stiffers deserve to have the BARE minimum. And if my order gets to my house before theirs does and it's hotter, hmmmm - whose fault is that?
                        Last edited by Peppergirl; 03-19-2008, 10:24 PM.
                        "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                        • #13
                          Quoth Shangri-laschild View Post
                          So last night on the news they had a bit about how people are tipping less because of money being tighter. Instead of it turning into a "this is how to make life harder for those in the service industry" thing, they actually scolded the people who aren't tipping as much/at all. I was impressed.
                          I didn't get to see the article, but, I read about one on a local station's message board. If you don't mind me asking, what Illinois station was it (just in case I saw the same article)?
                          Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Racket_Man View Post
                            Times are tough MY ASS. if you (the stupid asshole out there who are lazy and do not want to tip) are that cheap go to Wally World and get cheap pizza and wings you can make yourself. OH I'M SORRY that would involve thinking and work and effort and planning and using that thing in your kitchen called A STOVE
                            Exactly. When I'm short on money, I'm not ordering delivery food - especially since most places around here have at least a $15 minimum on deliveries. I'm either driving my butt through a cheap drive-thru for food, or I'm buying groceries on sale and cooking for myself, thank you.

                            That mentality has always annoyed me - the way I look at it, the tip should be factored in when determining if I can afford a meal. If I don't have enough cash on me for a decent tip, or I don't have the CC with me, I will go somewhere like Subway where tipping is not required.
                            "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                            “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                            • #15
                              Quoth marasbaras View Post
                              I still think restaurants should just pay a fucking living wage so that wait staff doesn't have to pray for tips.
                              in alaska tips don't count towards minimum wage, so they have to pay $7.15

