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All in the family, unfortunately

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  • All in the family, unfortunately

    I had to get on my godfather's case this weekend, as he was being an SC. Him and my father, when they get together, can get a bit entitled for my tastes. Thankfully our relationships are good enough that I can knock them down without any major trouble.

    We were in Indianapolis for the Big Ten Men's Basketball Tourney. We stayed at a Marriott near Conseco for the duration. Now, both my dad and my godfather are crazy Marriott Rewards guys - we stay at Marriott hotels on every trip we take, even ones to MI, so probably upwards of 10-20 stays per year, if not more, and we usually get up to 4 rooms between the two families. Therefore, dad and g think that they're entitled to super special treatment, and occasionally get out of line.

    At the beginning of the trip, dad and g got a little bit PITA at check in, basically (and somewhat understandably so) because the reservations were made, like, back in October of 2007, and somehow, they still couldn't wrangle it so we could have rooms adjoining, or at least nearby - we were all on the same floor, thankfully. Not a huge deal, but annoying.

    After the games on Saturday, we were grouchy with results and decided that we didn't feel like watching the game on Sunday (boo Ed Hightower!), so we decided to check out and go home that night - around 5pm, I think. The rooms were already paid up through the next day, and we didn't expect them to waive those bills. However, they were running a deal where the first guests to check out (and I quote) "before 12 noon on Sunday" would get a $20 gas card. As we were paying for Saturday night's stay in 4 rooms, and checking out before noon on Sunday, dad and g figured that the gas card deal should apply.

    Now, technically, I agree with them on that. The signs did not anywhere state that you had to check out on Sunday, just "before noon." (I know it does depend on how you read it, but I think the signs were unclear enough that it wasn't an unreasonable request). However, g got grouchy and started spouting off in classic SC fashion about writing letters to the owner, and dad got a bit punchy as well.

    G also refused to talk to the manager at one point, which I nearly smacked him for. As he was telling us about it in the car, I just said, "you realize that the desk clerk probably didn't have the authority to just give it to you, so by refusing to speak to the manager, you were just spiting yourself, and kind of being an ass?"

    I just hate when family gets out of line, and I either have to smack them back in line, apologize for them, or just walk away out of embarrassment. Anyone else have this problem?
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford

  • #2
    Last Christmas me and my mom were in Wal Mart getting one of my gifts. Season One of The OC.
    There was a bit of a price discrepancy, wherein the scanned price was higher than the shelf price.
    Now, rather than politely pointing this out my mother chose to snap at the electronics cashier and order her to have someone check the proper price tag.
    The cashier walked away to check it herself, and I took this opportunity to very angrily remind my mother that she doesn't need to be treating the cashier like that, and that it's not her fault the price wasn't changed. I also reminded her that this was the same Wal Mart I used to work at, and asked if she remembered when I would come home in tears because of people treating me the same way she treated this girl.
    When the cashier returned my mother apologized.

    She can get pretty SC-y at times and I've just taken to wandering away when she does it.


    • #3
      I've had people like that in the hotel[s] where I work; I wish the jerks would come back and apologize because they generally upset the clerks enough for them to lock themselves in the back and cry (I've seen it happen and nearly screamed at one person for it but I didn't want to risk getting fired).
      Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

      Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

      Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


      • #4
        I agree there were a couple of instances that they were SCish. But, I also think that they should have gotten the gas card because they paid for the Saturday night stay and were the first ones to check out. They shouldn't have gotten pissy at the poor hotel clerk though.

        The only time I ever get annoyed with my husband in a customer situation is when he just throws the money on the counter instead of handing it to the clerk and when he does not tip. Fortunately he does these things not because he is trying to be sucky but because he is just ignorant and does not know better (like a lot of other customers).


        • #5
          After the games on Saturday, we were grouchy with results and decided that we didn't feel like watching the game on Sunday (boo Ed Hightower!)
          That was an unbelievable comeback, wasn't it?

          Oh...remind me to tell you about my store manager and Tom Izzo.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            My aunt is an SC. We had asked someone in the store about hoses and sprinklers and she said she would let the guy who knew about that know so he could help us. The guy took a while because he had been busy and then either forgot about us, hadn't been told, or thought the next people he started helping were us. They also may have been there before us, I don't know. Well we finally just figured out what we needed and got it. She had my sister go around the back isle so she could walk up to the poor lady who wasn't at fault at all and as she walked past said "you know, I don't have time to wait" and acted like she was just giving up on the hose despite my sister having it. I felt really bad for the employee. All she could do was let the guy know. After that it was out of her hands.
            "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


            • #7
              Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
              That was an unbelievable comeback, wasn't it?

              Oh...remind me to tell you about my store manager and Tom Izzo.
              Feel free to PM me about the Izzo story. And I'd wager that you probably don't want to hear my thoughts about that game, at least not if you're a Wisci fan.
              "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

              “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


              • #8
                I'm hoping one of the hotel people can chime in, but here's my understanding of adjoining rooms:

                They are NOT guaranteed at the time of booking. You can request them, but they aren't guaranteed like the bedding type and smoking preference is. Hell, up until about 5 years ago, you couldn't even guarantee a non smoking room, so maybe it's changed about adjoining too.

                I just know that when I have a customer who wants adjoining, we book it and advise that we passed on the REQUEST to the hotel, but that it's not a guarantee.

                Like I said, I'm hoping some of the hotel people can pop in and shed additional light, but maybe that will help clear a bit of it up, anyway.

                Edit: And I can understand being embarassed at family acting like SC's. My mom called me today and was going on and on about how she gave her doctors office staff the 'what-for' about some minor infraction that they had no control over.
                "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                • #9
                  My mom and I were at Home Depo one day, to return something. Turns out she had to return it at another store. My mom was cursing and stomping like a five-year-old. I gave the clerk an apologetic look and chided my mom for it on the way to the car.
                  The pen may be mightier than the sword, but the D20 rules all!!!


                  • #10
                    Quoth Peppergirl View Post
                    I'm hoping one of the hotel people can chime in, but here's my understanding of adjoining rooms:

                    They are NOT guaranteed at the time of booking. You can request them, but they aren't guaranteed like the bedding type and smoking preference is. Hell, up until about 5 years ago, you couldn't even guarantee a non smoking room, so maybe it's changed about adjoining too.

                    I just know that when I have a customer who wants adjoining, we book it and advise that we passed on the REQUEST to the hotel, but that it's not a guarantee.

                    Like I said, I'm hoping some of the hotel people can pop in and shed additional light, but maybe that will help clear a bit of it up, anyway.

                    Edit: And I can understand being embarassed at family acting like SC's. My mom called me today and was going on and on about how she gave her doctors office staff the 'what-for' about some minor infraction that they had no control over.
                    Peppergirl, I think I love you...
                    Nope, hotels can NOT guarantee adjoining rooms under any circumstances (what happens if someone extends a stay, or there is a maintanence (i can't spell and neither can my spell check) problem that removes a room from inventory, etc). Does that stop some less scrupulous TAs from quoting adjoining rooms as guaranteed...

                    To the OP, as long as your parents aren't the type that demand a rewards member discount just because they're rewards members they aren't the classic EWs I deal with and I can forgive some of their suckiness.

                    And within my family, I will admit that there are times where I am extremely SC, if I have been in a car for 8 hours (granted not the employees fault) and you do something incredibly stupid then I will blow up because I am in a lot of pain, so much that I am visibly grimacing and you are having trouble doing something that should have been covered in day one of training (now before anyone goes off on me, the last time this happened was when the MOD at a wal-mart said he couldn't remove an item from a transaction, the cashier had accidentally scanned something twice, which I don't hold against her, mistakes happen, but when the MOD said there was no way to remove the second item charge, he couldn't remove it, he couldn't void the transaction, I was more than free though to grab a second of that item, oh yeah, I'm going to blow up on you in classic SC fashion)

                    Other than that my mother does the classic SC thing of everytime she goes to wal-mart complaining about how long the lines are and how crowded it is, stuff being out of stock... and I speak on behalf of the cashiers who listen to said complaining when I say "if you don't like the service here you are more than free to shop elsewhere, if you exit the parking lot there is a Smiths that you turn left to get to and a Raleys you turn right to get to and a Target 2 exits up the freeway."
                    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                    • #11
                      Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                      (now before anyone goes off on me, the last time this happened was when the MOD at a wal-mart said he couldn't remove an item from a transaction, the cashier had accidentally scanned something twice, which I don't hold against her, mistakes happen, but when the MOD said there was no way to remove the second item charge, he couldn't remove it, he couldn't void the transaction, I was more than free though to grab a second of that item, oh yeah, I'm going to blow up on you in classic SC fashion)
                      What. The. Fuck?!

                      (Also, maintenance. Doesn't it just drive you nuts when you've almost spelled something, but can't get it close enough for spell check to figure it out?)
                      The High Priest is an Illusion!


                      • #12
                        Technically, and as crappy as it sounds, our hotel is unable to garantee smoking or nonsmoking rooms either or types of beds. Well, mostly in the case of someone books a smoking and hopes a non smoke comes available, which odds are they won't! All of the rooms are labeled under "Request" which is a? Request. Oh those techincalities! They only thing we garantee is a room. That is it. And, sometimes, that doesn't work out.
                        When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---

