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bring your freaking wallet with you next time!

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  • bring your freaking wallet with you next time!

    So I'm waiting in line at Taco Bell. Guy, wife and baby in front of me. The guy asks for the ingredient list of like 5 items, trying to decide what baby can eat (which is fine, whatever). He finally orders, then "oops, have to get my wallet in the car". He proceeds to saunter SLOWLY to his car outside, gets his wallet and walks SLOWLY back. His wife must have given him a "look", because he says "what? No harm done." I MUST BE INVISIBLE. *gggrrrrrrrrrrrr* I didn't say anything, it wouldn't have made an impact on his SC brain.

  • #2
    Every so often at Wal-Mart I'd get people who didn't have their wallet with them but it would be in the car. They acted like it was a big effort to go out to their car to get it.
    & sometimes they'd ask me if they could take their stuff & come back later to pay for it. I was like.."are you kidding? Do I have sucker written on my head??"


    • #3
      Why do people do that? Before I leave the house I make sure I have at least two methods of payment on my person and as I get out of the car to go into the building I recheck my pockets.
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        Quoth Bright_Star View Post
        Every so often at Wal-Mart I'd get people who didn't have their wallet with them but it would be in the car. They acted like it was a big effort to go out to their car to get it.
        & sometimes they'd ask me if they could take their stuff & come back later to pay for it. I was like.."are you kidding? Do I have sucker written on my head??"
        Sadly, at my last job, a dim-witted cashier let exactly that happen. Some young couple, mid 20's or so had $40 in groceries. They offered to do exactly what the SC's at Wal-Mart described. She says "OK!", and they go. They never came back.

        Also, because it was a union shop, the Disciplinary action taken against her(removal from register and 3 day suspension) was eventually removed, and she was put back on register!
        I'm Schizophrenic, and So Am I!


        • #5
          Quoth Bright_Star View Post
          & sometimes they'd ask me if they could take their stuff & come back later to pay for it. I was like.."are you kidding? Do I have sucker written on my head??"
          The grocery store I worked at we would take their cart with the receipt and store it in the cooler for one hour (most of our customers lived close by). If you weren't back when time was up, if someone was available, your items were returned to the shelves.


          • #6
            Quoth Jack7957 View Post
            The grocery store I worked at we would take their cart with the receipt and store it in the cooler for one hour (most of our customers lived close by). If you weren't back when time was up, if someone was available, your items were returned to the shelves.
            I used to live close to a store like that. They'd hold it for quite a while (once four hours for us) ... but, we were regulars.
            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


            • #7
              Quoth Hello Kitty View Post
              So I'm waiting in line at Taco Bell. Guy, wife and baby in front of me. The guy asks for the ingredient list of like 5 items, trying to decide what baby can eat (which is fine, whatever). He finally orders, then "oops, have to get my wallet in the car". He proceeds to saunter SLOWLY to his car outside, gets his wallet and walks SLOWLY back. His wife must have given him a "look", because he says "what? No harm done." I MUST BE INVISIBLE. *gggrrrrrrrrrrrr* I didn't say anything, it wouldn't have made an impact on his SC brain.
              Out of the 21 stores and 9 years with Taco Bell it never fails this happens at least 3-4 times a day. The worst was this guy in drive thru that spent almost 10 mins ordering $45 worth of food (thus holding up the 6 cars behind him) gets to the window and realizes he left his wallet at home. (grrrr...) OT Why do people with HUGE orders insist on using the drive thru? and ALWAYS when we are slammed. It's like "Thanks now that you have pissed off the 6 people behind you cuz you just HAD to call 4 different people to find out if they wanted anything"


              • #8
                I've left my bank card in the car before. And once, I left it at home.

                I literally drove right home (3 blocks away), and back. The cashier had cashed out the transaction and was holding the receipt and cart of groceries while Nekojin waited.

                When it got left in the car (always because I'd had it out of my wallet and never put it back because I'd be using it again, soon 9.9 ), I'd always trot right out and back. I hate holding up the line 'cause my brain took a nap on me.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  People leaving their wallet in the car happens at least twice a day. There's one guy who does it all the time.


                  • #10
                    I always get my wallet out while I'm waiting. If I forgot it I'd likely realize it before I even got to the cashier.
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                    • #11
                      Quoth Bright_Star View Post
                      Every so often at Wal-Mart I'd get people who didn't have their wallet with them but it would be in the car. They acted like it was a big effort to go out to their car to get it.
                      & sometimes they'd ask me if they could take their stuff & come back later to pay for it. I was like.."are you kidding? Do I have sucker written on my head??"
                      I had someone ask me that once. I cheerfully replied, "Oh, no need. I can have a CSM suspend the transaction and hold the merchandise until you return with your wallet." That particular customer's face fell and they just said, "Oh, that's okay," and left without their stuff or promising to come back.

                      One other time, I suspended for a lady who swore she'd just left her bank card in the car. She left her neice and nephew in the store with the cart while she ran out...and didn't return for half an hour. Apparently she ended up having to run home for the money or something. ::sigh::
                      "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                      - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                      • #12
                        Quoth Kogarashi View Post
                        One other time, I suspended for a lady who swore she'd just left her bank card in the car. She left her neice and nephew in the store with the cart while she ran out...and didn't return for half an hour. Apparently she ended up having to run home for the money or something. ::sigh::
                        I did something similar once... wanted to pay with a gift card, but left it at home! It was only a 5 minute round trip though.


                        • #13
                          I got away with not having a payment option on me precisely once--I was able to pull the regular card. It's great when a business owner trusts you that much. It sort of restores your faith in humanity.


                          • #14
                            I've done that precisely once, and it was a vet's office. Got the dog checked out, went to pay, and had the abrupt realization that I'd left my debit card, my only form of payment, in an ATM machine at lunch. The ONLY time I've ever done that. And this was at six so of course all the banks are closed.

                            Again, benefit of being a regular. I told them I'd be in the next day to pay, they said no sweat, and sure enough next day I came in and paid.

                            Helps that my vet knows me on a first name basis and I've helped pay for her BMW with all my furkids. And it was a total fluke it happened. Everytime I get out of my car I do an unconscous touch check of all my pockets...keys, ipod, cellphone, wallet. Everytime I leave the house, same. I'm sure I look like I have Touretts but it works
                            My dollhouse blog.

                            Blog about life


                            • #15
                              I've done the no-payment-with-me thing twice recently (I blame memory loss due to being a parent).

                              First was the worst. I had to pick up a few things at the store. Grabbed the items (some five or six, I think), got all the way to the register, dug through the diaper bag while waiting for the person in front of me to finish their transaction...and came to the realization that my wallet was nowhere to be found. Apparently I'd taken it out to get something out of it (probably using the card for an online payment) and forgot to put it back in the diaper bag. So I had to apologize to the cashier and explain I'd forgotten my money, I lived too far away for them to hold the merchandise while I went home to get it, and apologized again for the inconvenience, then left. I drove veeeeery carefully back home, since I was technically driving around without a license on me.

                              Second was better, but only marginally. I had just gotten to the store to do our bi-weekly shopping, which takes a good two hours as I scour the store for our various foodstuffs. I got the baby inside the store, put her shopping cart seat cover in the cart, put the baby in, dug through the diaper bag for the coupons and shopping list...and realized my wallet was once again missing. Once again left at home on my desk. At least this time I didn't have items in my cart, let alone the cartful I was going to have by the end of the trip. I was able to go home, get my wallet, and head back to the store to finish the shopping.

                              As a cashier, I've had more than one person show up without their wallet. At the last store, both people lived in the apartment complex just two blocks down, and thus walked there. One bought cigarettes, the other bought an R-rated movie (and looked plenty young). Both looked at me funny when I asked for ID, and one even said, "Of course I don't have my license! I live at the apartments. I didn't drive here!" I just gave them a level stare back and replied, "But that doesn't change the fact that I need to see ID to sell you this item. Sorry." Seriously, especially the cigarette customer. If you know you're buying age-restricted items and look young enough, you should bring your ID with you.
                              Last edited by Kogarashi; 03-26-2008, 07:49 PM.
                              "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                              - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

