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Odd Bus Riders

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  • Odd Bus Riders

    I'm in college and on Friday afternoon i ride the train to my house so i can relax all weekend. anyway to get to the station i have to take a 6 minute bus trip. This week was a little... odd, once again remember this was all in the course of six minutes.
    1. Overheard a man fairly loudly describing his night with is girlfriend. -One of those you don't want to listen but you do anyway with a sort of odd fascination
    2. Met Jesus.
    3. Got Grinned at by the toothless guy sitting in the corner

  • #2
    What was Jesus like?
    Pit bull-

    There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


    • #3
      I hope he wasn't the guy in no 3?


      • #4
        Quoth Kyree View Post
        What was Jesus like?
        Perfect hair. Nice smell. A class act all the way.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          Quoth Cyphr View Post
          Met Jesus.
          Pretty cool of him. Celebrating Good Friday with you guys on the bus. Kinda makes me wonder how he spent the day today.
          This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


          • #6
            I expected Jesus to be a Chinese guy. A gold star for anyone who gets that reference.
            Last edited by powerboy; 03-24-2008, 02:09 AM. Reason: Corrected a typo
            Under The Moon Paranormal Research
            San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


            • #7
              I refuse to answer because I hate gold stars.
     do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

              Chickens are Asexual!


              • #8
                I went to high school with a guy that resembles all those pictures you see in churches of Jesus. Except he wore modern day clothing....but he had the long shaggy hair and beard and moustache.....everyone called him Jesus and he totally bought into it and went around "blessing" everyone.
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                • #9
                  Guess its all part of it been Good Friday
                  I used to have to take a Bus straight through the ghetto here to another store of my chain where I worked for about a month or so... that was some interesting times and smells on the morning and night services I took
                  - Boochan


                  • #10
                    Quoth Kyree View Post
                    What was Jesus like?
                    Bit Crazy actually sounded like he was condeming one of the other bus riders, this area isnt the greatest but it isnt quite a ghetto.


                    • #11
                      Quoth powerboy View Post
                      I expected Jesus to be a Chinese guy. A gold star for anyone who gets that reference.
                      Flashman and the Dragon.
                      Proud to be a Walmart virgin.

