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sucky neighbor

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  • #61

    My neighbor that is friends with the guy who stole my laptop and his brother moved out. The apartment is officially empty today.

    I do a whenever I think about it.


    • #62

      Update on the sex fiends upstairs from me. They. Are. Moving! Thank you oh numerous deities! However, this is the not so much sucky as it is a moment. I got a good look at the girl today without her metric ton of make-up on. I came home and told the family that if that girl was 16 then I'm a size 5. Later my mom is taking out the trash and runs into the nosy dirty woman from across the way, NDW congratulates mom on getting rid of the sex fiends, and tells her about how she was talking to the girl awhile back and the girl told her how she was ALMOST 16 and she was so excited her b/f was teaching her how to drive! If I had known this weeks ago this problem would no longer be a problem, the guy has to be over 18 to have an apartment, and she is a MINOR! Felony, anyone? She is there 24 hours a day, why isn't she in school? WHERE ARE HER PARENTS?!?!?!? When I called the cops on them and they made her leave, why didn't they find out her age and arrest him and take her home?!?!?! There's no way she's an emancipated minor, so WTF gives?

      I'm honestly at a loss here! Do I drop a line to CPS? The crime free multihousing liaison? Do I just IGNORE the flagrant laws being broken?

      What would you do?
      "I've never had a heart attack, but it isn't for my son's lack of trying." - Me


      • #63
        Quoth TTAZ View Post
        WHERE ARE HER PARENTS?!?!?!?
        Maybe they're like the mom of a girl my brother was dating. And I mean girl.

        She was still 17 when they first hooked up, and he was in his mid-20s.

        But her mom liked the last guy she was dating much more. Sure he was in his late 30s () but at least he had a lot of money.

        Don't you wish you had a mom like that?

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #64
          Okay sucky neighbor time for me and I thought I was going to get away scott free...

          I don't know WHICH neighbor it is but someone called the pound on me today. Turns out she complained because she never sees the dogs out duriung the day and they are ALWAYS inside. So the cop is out leaving me a notice when I pull up and have to park on the street because the cop is in my drive way and I don't want to block them.

          It was a wonderful day today...

          Cop: Got a neighbor who says that the dogs are inside all day.
          Me: I work from 7 to sometimes 5:30 in the evening.
          Cop: Says they are inside on the weekends too.
          Me: I sometimes work six day weeks.
          Cop: So what about Sunday?
          Me: Thats the day I get everything done that I can't in the week...
          Cop: Can't you just put them on a chain for during the day?
          Me: They know how to get out of their harnesses.
          Cop: Are they ever walked?
          Me: At 4am, 4:20am, and 4:40am also at 10pm, 10:20pm, and 10:40pm.
          Cop: So 20 mins each?
          Me: No, 15... They alternate at getting walked earlier in the evening for a longer amount of time.
          Cop: Thats not good enough. What about the second person who lives here?
          Me: Second person? There is no second person.
          Cop: Neighbor says a older lady lives here...
          Me: You mean my Mom? The one who comes here to do laundry and use my net connection for her online classes and to visit me and the dogs? She works during the week at Lansing and then goes home to her own home.
          Cop: We'll be in touch. But you do need to walk them more.
          Me: Find me more hours in the day, more energy to do so, and I will.

          Honestly I know these guys need more but I can only do so much.


          • #65
            Quoth Aethian View Post
            Cop: We'll be in touch. But you do need to walk them more.
            Um, is there an actual law about required exercise for dogs?


            • #66
              wow i can under stand that law requires a dog to have more freedom, but god you do pretty good if you ask me.


              • #67
                I have a feeling the only reason they came out was because the witchy neighbor bitch moaned and complained.

                I mean my littelest one was taken to the vet not to long ago and he was declared a healthy weight even though he doesn't look it. So if they ever do come back I can show proof that none of them are being mistreated.


                • #68
                  Quoth Aethian View Post
                  I have a feeling the only reason they came out was because the witchy neighbor bitch moaned and complained.
                  That's exactly why they came out. Where I live, if the cops get called they *have* to come. At least with the goofballs next to my parents, there are always 2 officers, and they never actually go *into* the house. Why? They aren't about to take a chance that the goofballs will claim "police brutality" or any other trumped-up charge. What I always found funny, is that when the cops came, they'd actually tell us "you know those idiots next door called us, but we're not going to do anything. But, we have to tell you so they'll think we did..."

                  ...and yes, it's common knowledge down at the police station that they're fucked up. Seriously--I went down there to file a report over some unauthorized credit card charges (some asshole in NY got my number in August, and was making phone calls to Australia...)...and as soon as the cop read my name, the first thing out of his mouth was... "How are the goofballs today?"
                  Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                  • #69
                    Protege hit that one right on target.

                    The police have been here multiple times because Sheriff has called them, because of stupid shit like people supposedly parking too close to the entryway, people parked too close to the fire hydrant/mailbox.....funny thing he never notices Tommy Lee's friends parking here all the time...

                    Anywho, every time a cop has came, I've seen them act interested, and once they finally rid themselves of that annoying Boss Hog wannabe, they don't even ticket anyone or do anything. They just shake their head and leave.
                    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                    • #70
                      Quoth Aethian View Post
                      Cop: Can't you just put them on a chain for during the day?
                      Me: They know how to get out of their harnesses.
                      Was the cop telling you to tie them up outside ALL DAY?

                      Somehow being inside where the temperature is regulated, there is ready access to food and water and comfy places to lie down trumps being trapped outside subject to weather, people, other animals and the sun to me!


                      • #71
                        Quoth Hello Kitty View Post
                        Um, is there an actual law about required exercise for dogs?

                        So what if you have a dog that is limited to the amount he can be exercised? Mine for example, cannot walk but about a block or so and then he limps for the next 3 weeks due to his hips and knees. Vet is ok with the amount of exercise he does get and says he is a wonderful creature.

                        Will post about my crazy neighbor lady soon.


                        • #72
                          Quoth Reyneth View Post
                          Was the cop telling you to tie them up outside ALL DAY?

                          Somehow being inside where the temperature is regulated, there is ready access to food and water and comfy places to lie down trumps being trapped outside subject to weather, people, other animals and the sun to me!
                          My youngest sister's dog is outside 24/7/365, due in part to not being housebroken and in part to my mother's animal allergies. He's got a nice long chain, his own room in the back of the barn where his doghouse and one or two large rugs/blankets are for his comfort, and thanks to the length of the chain the freedom to roam his whole room and a good swath of outside at his liesure. Plus he gets walked regularly.

                          Yeah, being inside a lot of the time might be nice, except that he's a toughie and my parents' house is really too small to let him wander around in it. He's better off outside. And hey, he doesn't let his bone get stolen by the neighbor dogs like our old dog used to.

                          Though honestly, if Aethian's dogs have enough room in the house and are well cared for, why should they be forced to be chained up outside?
                          "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                          - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                          • #73
                            Quoth Hello Kitty View Post
                            Um, is there an actual law about required exercise for dogs?
                            In some places, there are various animal protection laws... excercise is one of them. Not too common, but yes, there is.


                            • #74
                              Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                              In some places, there are various animal protection laws... exercise is one of them. Not too common, but yes, there is.
                              There aren't any where I am, but also they are walked just not during the day. I don't like having the chance of them getting distracted by other people especially my little one (55lbs) who is skittish of almost everyone.

                              The dogs had a trial time of being outside today with a friend watching them from inside. The dogs saw her 'leave' with me and she snuck back inside where they couldn't see. Lasted ten minuets on their own before one was almost out of his harness and getting ready to book. A second one was digging at the fence and just hadn't made the hole deep enough to get through. The third, my baby, was just watching where my car was usually parked and muttering under his breath. So yea they are NOT staying outside all day unless I can find better body harnesses for them that won't let them pull out.
                              Last edited by Aethian; 04-09-2008, 08:16 PM.


                              • #75
                                Yet, if you left them out alot and they barked, she'd be bitching about that too.

                                Sounds like she was just looking for something to get you into trouble.

                                Oh, and that cop is a jerk too. I know they have to do their jobs, but it was clear after your question-and-answer session that it was just a whack-job neighbor. Most cops I've dealth with who respond to known whack-job complaints will sigh and say something like "Yeah, I can tell everything is fine. I just have to respond to complaints, even when they're silly."

                                Must have been a slow crime day in your area...geez.
                                "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13

