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sucky neighbor

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  • #16
    Have I ever told you about Creepy guy? if not here he is.
    Creepy guy is really Creepy guy Upstairs.
    Hes been here for awhile, before us and i think his brain is fried or something because his dad lives next door (who is almost as bad) no creepy guy randomly comes out of no where, use to park in our spot, does construction in his condo at night, deside at one point because we had a printer and a computer that we had to help him with a resumee...., and likes to sit on the stairs at night... smoking... and staring at us....
    im this close about starting to file noise complaints against him every night


    • #17
      I have issues with one of our neighbours who is directly next door. She has 2 dead cars filled with stuff and trailer also filled with crap in her front drive.

      She never mows her front or backyard and her backyard is filled with bike parts and has rats (which are coming on to our side) she has 5 cats that she doesn't feed, her front porch is filled with crap so that you cant even get in her front door and she used to constantly borrow money off my mum and me til I put my foot down and said no more! Then she tried borrowing everything from bread and milk to toliet paper and cat food!

      The guy next to her is crazy (literally) and goes insane when he doesn't take his medication and comes and bangs on our door late at night screaming abuse saying our dogs are barking (when they aren't) The other day we had to have the police called because he was throwing rocks at mine and my mothers cars and threatening to stab us!

      The woman on the other side of us is 80 and deaf as a post and will yell at her dogs when they aren't barking but wont yell at them when they are!
      So yes I do have crazy Neighbors! I feel your pain!


      • #18
        I ranted about my former neighbor, the crackwhore elephant, many times. She had two evil rotten children who would run around screaming all day long, sometimes outside, sometimes inside. She would slam her doors, cupboards, it sounded like she dropped bowling balls on the floor....she'd scream at THEM, she'd scream at her bf/kids' father, she'd beat the crap out of him............oh gosh it was horrible living by them. Her apartment wreeked of pot. Her windows were always open, so it permeated.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #19
          uh, wow. I always thought my neighbor Jim was crazy because he would raise his voice really high and say "Hey girlfriend!" to my Mom anytime we were in the yard. Great guy, had the greatest stories and he was always there when we needed a hand (or a shotgun...). His wife was a character too, but she was normal compared to his antics.

          I guess you could say he was the good kinda crazy. I sure miss old Jim.
          Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

          Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

          Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


          • #20
            I don't think I've ever really had bad neighbors. Worst are the family right next door and downhill, and the guy who used to live across the street years ago.

            The family next door tends to let their dogs run loose. Usually said dogs (a pair of beagles) stick to their backyard, but they'll still roam on occasion. They're not biters at all, and tend to shy away from people, plus we live in the country so most people don't mind if there's a little extra dog crap in their fields. But those dogs are scared of my parents' current dog for some strange reason. I don't know why; Dexter is the friendliest thing in the world.

            What annoyed me most about these dogs is when we still had our own beagle (may she rest in peace), one of the neighbor dogs stole a nice big bone us kids had bought Sophie for Christmas (and spent good, hard-earned sock-folding money on). How do we know it was one of those dogs? Because no one else's dogs are allowed to roam the neighborhood free, no other dogs have been sighted ever, and I highly doubt the stray cats and local coyotes would've done that. Otherwise, though, I could care less, and Dexter is a lot better at defending his turf (by barking) than Sophie ever was.

            The guy who used to live across the street was annoying in his own special only-a-kid-would-understand kind of way. His crime? Leaving his porch light on on Halloween night. In our area, that's how you indicated that you had candy for the kids. So we trotted across the road to ring his doorbell, and after a good five minutes standing there, wondering what was up (we could see and hear people moving around inside), the guy came to the door and curtly told us he had no candy. I knew that light could turn off, because he did it other times. Being ten at the time, that irritated me to no end. But he moved out a year later and a nice family moved in, and all was right with the world.

            Some friends of ours in the same complex here have irritating downstairs neighbors. These neighbors like to stay up until 3 am talking loudly (and keeping the wife-friend up at night when she's trying to catch sleep with her year-old child having a poor bout of sleeping through the night). However, they complain when said year-old child wakes up bright and early at 6 am and won't go back to sleep. Apparently wife-friend makes too much noise in the morning. These friends actually went downstairs to their neighbors when the bad sleep first started to offer apologies and earplugs, but all they're getting in return is complaints.
            "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
            - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


            • #21
              Growing up we had problems with two kids who lived up the street and their parents, but not much ever came of it.

              At my townhouse we had some interesting people across the street and an odd lady near us, but nothing worth writing about again (

              Thankfully I seem to live in a great neighborhood right now and haven't had any issues other than some kids using our front lawn instead of the sidewalk, but I haven't seem them lately, and we want to add a fence so they can't anymore.

              But right now at my parents there's been a problem. My parents have a larger dog (my dog's son actually) he's a sweetheart, but he doesn't like other dogs and he barks, a lot.

              They always kept him on a chain, but once he got out while my dad was talking to a neighbor who was walking his dog. My parent's dog (Tater) knocked the dog over, never bit him, just knocked him down.

              Well the neighbor's bitch wife (I hated her as a kid and I was friends with their son) comes down and her dog needs stitches. Actually it needed one stitch, which my parents paid for.

              Then Tater was out on a chain when they walked by again, and he barked at them. Well queen bitch was standing at the top of the hill watching her husband and she storms down telling my mother she'll have the dog destroyed and etc.

              My mother tells her off (queen bitch should be happy I wasn't there at the time, or my dog, she would have seen aggressive) and tells her she likes how the whole neighborhood seems to think Tater is aggressive, and we wonder who was spreading that rumor. Queen bitch tells her she should stop being a gossip. My mother's retort "Who do I talk to in this entire neighborhood other than my mother" (My grandmother was the first person to move in/build in the neighboorhood back in 1954)

              Next thing my mother knows the local police are at the door. She introduces the officer to Tater, who sniffs him, licks his hand and lays back down and goes to sleep (a real killer he is).

              Cop tells her that Queen Bitch is a bitch, keep Tater on a chain so that she has no right to complain again, and all that will be said about him in the county records is that he doesn't like other dogs.

              Thankfully nothing more has happened, and I pray nothing does.


              • #22
                Quoth Difdi View Post
                Sortof a sucky neighbor and a sucky landscaper rolled into one.

                My parents have a large back yard, and one tree near the house died for no apparent reason one year. They had some concerns about branches falling off and hitting the house, so they hired a tree cutting service to come and take it down.

                So far so good. The company asks my parents to ask their next door neighbor if they can drop tree sections in the neighbors yard before hauling them away. Neighbor refuses and my parents let the company know.

                The company, entirely on it's own initiative, then calls the neighbors, and asks them if they'd like some "free firewood". Neighbors jump at the chance, and tell the company yes.

                Work crew shows up, takes down the tree quite professionally, but despite the earlier refusal by the neighbors, the work crew drops branches and log sections in the neighbor's yard. And does not haul even the tiniest scrap away afterwards!

                The neighbor then becomes sucky, and holds my parents responsible for the damage to their yard and all the huge log sections lying all over. As if it was my parent's fault the neighbors had allowed the company to give them "Free Firewood!"

                It never got as far as a lawsuit against my parents, but the neighbors still aren't speaking to them.
                I have a story similar to this that is actually kind of funny.
                Our neighbors had a huge tree taken out last summer. It was pretty close to the property line. It would have been very difficult to get it out without intrusion onto our property. The tree service came over and asked if it was okay if they could use our yard to back their truck & equipment into to work on the tree. They promised to be very careful. I gave them the go ahead. Next day I come home, pretty much the whole tree was in sections in our yard. The tree guy comes over apologizing profusely . Says the truck that was to haul everything away broke down on another job, and would it be okay to pick up everything tomorrow. Once again I said yes.
                Forward about an hour.....i'm out mowing the rest of our yard, my neighbor comes over, stops me, and is apologizing all over himself for the tree in my yard. I realized he had no knowledge of either conversation with the tree service. I laughed a little, and explained the situation. His face turned a little less red after that.
                Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.---Bullet Tooth Tony


                • #23
                  Quoth protege View Post
                  Now that's just messed up. "Trespassing" on your own property? How the hell is that possible?
                  This guy's claim of being a city councilman was taken into serious question by us after that, due to his inability to understand property laws. The hole in the chainlink fence on the retaining wall was behind our garage!--how the hell is that not our property?...maybe by some warped logic since the wall also ran behind his lot then the entire thing belonged to him.. The fence itself may have been a neutral zone, given that it was never fixed (if it did in fact belong to no one resident, why was he making a stink about it?).

                  We think he just hated kids (then why do you live behind a school dingus?).

                  Living in Montpelier was fun, if mildly surreal at times. Our closest "neighbor" was a pizza parlor on the first floor. There were a lot of local characters (we think sadly they were mentally disabled) who were strange but harmless. One guy would run around in winter barefoot with a broken ukelele and a Superman cape.
                  Last edited by Dreamstalker; 03-27-2008, 01:13 PM.
                  "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                  "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                  • #24
                    I haven't had a bad neighbor since I was about 10. The worst at my current neighborhood is the next door neighbors who smoke pot, but believe me that doesn't bother me what so ever. When I was little the witch who gave birth to the trailer park bully was my next door neighbor. Me and her son were always getting into it and she was always calling the cops on my father and occasionally me. She let the bastard get away with everything. Not that I'm surprised. Hell, when I was 3 she got away with hitting me until my parents realized I wasn't making up stories. I swear I could make a three volume series out of the shit that went on at my old trailer park.
                    Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


                    • #25
                      I shouldn't read this thread. I'm building a house in a new development and have no neighbors... yet. I'm truely scared that we're going to get some crappy people living around us, but, we cannot do anything until we're settled in and meet everyone. We're building in a mid-level development, so hopefully we won't have too many hicks and druggies around.


                      • #26
                        Nothing especially horrible happened but we did have one family that didn't exactly fit in. In the neighborhood I grew up in, all the families got along rather well. Until a new family moved in across the street when I was in high school.

                        Now, my neighborhood wasn't exactly affluent, but were on the higher side of the middle class, we all kept our yards neat and didn't try and didn't do anything that would really annoy any of the neighbors. But when the people moved in across the street, you could immediately tell they didn't have the same ideas of being good neighbors. The worst was their dog, which would bark all night long. They'd also have crap all over their yard, etc. Pretty much your stereotypical white trash house.

                        The most annoying thing about them was that they'd be down right nasty to you if you tried to do anything nice to them. For example:

                        We got a package once. It was our address but nobody by the name on the package lived at our house. Since a few of the original families had moved away and other families had moved in, we weren't as familiar with who was in the neighborhood anymore. We called a few people to see if they knew who the person on the package was, so we could send it to them. We figured it was the people across the street, but weren't sure. My mom ended up looking up the phone number of the person (someone with the same last name) who sent the package, and made a long distance call to ask her who it was supposed to go to. I heard following side of the conversation:

                        - Hi this is <my_mom>, I got a package delivered for <person> sent by you and nobody lives here by that name, I was just curious if you made a mistake and meant to send it to <address across the street>. I'll bring it over there if it - Yes, I'm sure nobody lives here by that name. YES, I live here I think you meant <address across the street> not my address. YES, nobody is here by that name. YES I own this house! I've lived here for 15 years, nobody here has that name! ok. bye.

                        Lady my mom called calls neighbor and neighbor calls us, yes its her package. I walk over with package, she yanks it out of my hand without so much of a thanks. Ok. whatever.

                        But the next day I go to work, and I happened to work with the daughter of said neighbor. She comes over to me and starts bitching me out. Going on and on about how we shouldn't open other people's mail, etc. I kinda yelled back at her telling her we didn't open any mail, and we went through a large effort to figure out who it belonged to rather than just writing RETURN TO SENDER on the box. She just kinda sulked away.


                        • #27
                          Quoth Jbball View Post
                          I shouldn't read this thread.
                          Neither should I. My hubby and I are moving into our own house in a month, after renting apartments for 10 years together. It's starting to freak me out a little.


                          • #28
                            Quoth Jbball View Post
                            I shouldn't read this thread. I'm building a house in a new development and have no neighbors... yet. I'm truely scared that we're going to get some crappy people living around us, but, we cannot do anything until we're settled in and meet everyone.
                            I think it's safe to say that 90% of neighbors (like customers) are decent folks who won't hassle or bully you. Rotten neighbors (also like sucky customers) are few, though their rottenness tends to make up for it. The odds are still in your favor.
                            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                            My LiveJournal
                            A page we can all agree with!


                            • #29
                              Exactly. Most of the people near my parents are pretty cool. The exception is the pair of goofballs that live next door.

                              Since I bought a house in 2006, I've met most of the neighbors. Keep in mind that I've lived in the same neighborhood for over 30 years, and just moved 2 blocks down the street. I never really hung out on my end of the street, but I did go to school with most of the kids who lived down here.
                              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                              • #30
                                As small as our area is everyone is a neighbor

                                In our old house the lady who lived there year round was very nice but after she died her son used the place as a vacation home. Sadly, like most of the other vacation owners around here, if they're "on vacation" they don't consider that the rest of us aren't. He would yell and cuss at his kids late at night and early in the morning, the kids would shoot a potato gun at the fence knocking a hole in it and sending potatoes into our yard, he would shoot off his gun at night while drunk and he just got worse as his kids got older. One night they sat out on the street at 2am honking and another time a neighbor told the kid not to drive so fast around the neighborhood because the kids in the neighborhood ride their bikes and walk quite a bit around here. The dad got in his kids face and told him next time he should tell the guy where to go and that he'll do whatever he damn well pleases.
                                Because of his mother living there so long he would always claim "seniority" in the neighborhood.
                                My kids would never sleep in their room (near his house) when he was there.

                                A recent event was near my business. Again, so small an area that everyone is a neighbor. The local motel/bar/restaurant decided it would be a good money-maker to turn the old part of his motel, which is on the other side of the road from the rest of it, into a motel for the worst of the worst paroled child molesters. The ones that are the hardest to place. He had several moved in and had plans for several more. Up to, I believe, 12 were planned.
                                We were not happy at that. First of all, there are school bus stops adjacent to where he put them and second, the response time for any law enforcement up here is at the very least 20 to 30 minutes if not more. (once the sheriff called back hours after a situation - I'm better off calling a neighbor who's armed rather than 911)
                                Personally, I don't have a problem if someone with that background lives up here legitimately, it's not like we haven't had them before but I'll be damned if that slime was going to make money with that many of them while putting our kids at risk. It's bad enough he hires parolees and meth addicts that have caused my business problems and angered the locals.
                                The entire area got together over this, a last straw with this guy, and lets just say he's not entertaining that idea anymore.

                                "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."

