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I just wanted some poptarts man (long)

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  • I just wanted some poptarts man (long)

    My best friend's mom (Lady) is the after hour on call person for the schools in her area. Since I am over there all the time and she is one of those tiny ladies who puts too much stock in her internal warning system (my instincts will tell me if something bad is going on), I end up going with her on a lot of her calls. J (her son) and I have been trying to train her on the whole "you do not go check out the burgler alarm until the police get there not even to just go to the alarm panel." So far it's starting to work

    So J and I are over there and she gets a call. One of the damn theater students broke into the vending machine. (As a disclaimer, I did tech for theater and can honestly say, while there are some awesome people, I see where that star attitude comes from and it's not all from the fame.) The three of us drive over, the entire time expaining why she needed to call the police first and have them meet her there instead of going and checking things out herself first. I mean, the guy pried open the damn vending machine!

    So we get there and one of the cleaing guys (C) tells us what happened. He saw some guy (D)rattling at the machine. When he asked D what was going on, D said that the machine had ate his dollar. C was so nice as to give him a dollar so D could get his pop tarts. D goes back to cleaning. A little while later he wanders back. The front of the machine has been pried open and the whole front row of poptarts are gone.

    Police get there and take a look at what's going on. We all go up and the kid gets called out so that the police can talk to him with J and I waiting down the hall to stay out of the way. D admits that the machine ate his dollar. He then states that the bottom of the machine was already sticking out a bit and all he had done was pull a bit and it had popped open. It was an accident but he saw nothing wrong because "I just wanted my pop tarts man. I just wanted my pop tarts." I stand down the hall and try not to giggle as he's saying this in a way I can only describe as an arogant stoner voice. According to him, all he took were the pop tarts. This doesn't explain why the first row and some of the second row are missing all the pop tarts.

    Lady states that she doesn't want him in the building for the rest of the night. He doesn't get why. He just wanted his poptarts. The whole time he kept repeating that line. "I just wanted my pop tarts man. I just wanted my pop tarts." He honestly has no idea what he has done to warrent getting kicked out of the building. I mean, yeah, he pried open the vending machine, but hey, it was already slightly bent right and I mean he did put the dollar in so he should get his pop tarts right? He ended up being escorted out of the building and they may or may not have asked to search his bag. Didn't see that part.

    I just loved how he didn't get what he had done wrong.
    "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall

  • #2
    ALL I WANTED WAS A PEPSI. [suicidal tendencies]


    • #3
      mmmmmmmm now i want a peanutbutter poptart sandwich


      • #4
        If that is what he does for poptarts, what does he do when he wants a sandwich?
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5

          That may be the best idea I've heard in months. Unfortunately I'm trapped in a building surrounded by zombies and cannot obtain the required ingredients... Unless the vending machines have been stocked... Hmmmm.....

          As for D, I'm gonna go with "stoner" as my diagnosis, and "busted with lots of poptarts, and the munchies" as my prognosis.
          "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


          • #6
            Quoth Hello Kitty View Post
            ALL I WANTED WAS A PEPSI. [suicidal tendencies]
            "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


            • #7
              Quoth Hello Kitty View Post
              ALL I WANTED WAS A PEPSI. [suicidal tendencies]
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

