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Gas Lady butts in line at the 7-Eleven

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  • Gas Lady butts in line at the 7-Eleven

    Yesterday, while on my lunch hour, I walked over to the local 7-Eleven to get a bottle of iced tea, nothing else. When I was ready to pay for my tea, one other person was in line when suddenly, this woman came in with a roll of dollar bills, and stood right next to the customer who was in front of me. When that customer was done, Gas Lady immediately said, "I need $10 of regular....." when I said, "Excuse me!" and butted ahead of her. Her reply, as all of these sorry people have, was "Oh, I didn't see you!" I really wish they would come up with something better than this same old line.
    Last edited by greensinestro; 04-02-2008, 05:26 PM.

  • #2
    "Darn this inviso-belt, it keeps activating randomly"
    I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


    • #3
      Quoth greensinestro View Post
      Her reply, as all of these sorry people have, was "Oh, I didn't see you!" I really wish they would come up with something better than this same old line.
      My retort to this one is always the same - as sincerely and caringly as possible:

      "Oh! Good thing I saw you then, to save you from accidentally being horribly rude!"

      Gets 'em every time.

