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Now what did I do?

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  • Now what did I do?

    recently, when I was about to fly back to Japan, at Melbourne airport I went into a store to buy a magazine to read and pass the time.

    I saw that the store was not overly crowded and I was after the 'Astronomy' magazine - my favourite (yes, I know I am a nerd, so what?)

    Anyway, I went up to the counter and the two CSR's were just chatting and having a nice laugh, I went up to the counter with the Astronomy magazine...

    Me: in a polite tone "Excuse me"
    CSR: in a very abrupt tone "What!!"
    Me; genuinely stunned "Oh sorry..." and walked out leaving the magazine behind

    yes, I was being polite and not a hint of sarcasm in my voice, before anyone asks. I always excuse myself when I see others are talking.

    All I wanted was to buy a magazine.

    I just had spent time with my dad who is recovering from cancer so I guess I was a bit fragile. This has happened many many many times before, and a lot during my trip back to see my folks in December-January.

    But, needless to say, I no longer shop in most stores anywhere anymore, I order online now and the shops I do have to go to, I never ask for assistance... not anymore, when I am asked, I politely, and I mean politely, decline.

    I am not an SC, I am a silent but polite customer, who will never burden people to ask for help

    flame away

  • #2
    No need to flame, you had poor customer service. Tack that onto your emotional state you did nothing wrong at all.
    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


    • #3
      but, I must have done something wrong for the CSR to be so angry - maybe I should have waited?

      a week before that, I had an employee of a restaurant almost throw a bowl of soup in front of me - slightly scalding my hand, I was offered a free meal, but that is not fair for the restaurant, so I paid for my soup and left - not in a huff, not stomping, just calmly left.

      Someone was calling out "sir, sir!" as I went down the street, but that could have been for someone else. I got on the bus and went home - stupidly did not get my appetite back for a few days.

      And yes, I was polite from the moment i walked in.

      I must have one of those faces (asides from being butt-ugly)


      • #4
        you didn't do anything wrong.

        it sounds like those employees need to have an attitude adjustment.
        I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


        • #5
          When I worked retail I was told that unless its life and death you stop talking to your collegues when a customer approaches.

          Simple as that.

          A polite 'excuse me' isn't a problem, yelling from the other side of the store that you've been in ther hours and demand free things would get you a mention on these boards!
          A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


          • #6
            interesting... it is going to sound idiotic, but I have been quite worried about what I had done wrong since these events occurred in December/January


            • #7
              You weren't an SC at all at neither time even. You were more like the good third brother of the trio of princes. The one who gave the little old lady all his food, the little hermit all your clothes...

              My advice...speak up a liuttle more and hold your ground a bit better. Getting burned with soup is a bad thing and yes I think the waitress at least owes you an appology. Getting yelled at when trying to buy a magazine deserves that clerk a slap upside the head.

              So... *hugs*


              • #8
                well if the little old lady is hungry...of course, and the hermit cold... of course - but thank you for that compliment - I am not sure I deserve it, but thank you.

                I guess I understand, I seriously thought I had done something wrong. In any case, I dd not want the waitress nor clerk to get into trouble - or in a worse case scenario, be out of a job, I would feel extremely guilty

                I guess I am weird


                • #9
                  No your not I said your just the third prince. As for loosing their job...I don't think the waitress would unless she made it a habit of scalding her customers. She could have been truley sorry and offering you your meal for free was her wa of appologizing.

                  As for the magazine clerk, yes I could see them being fired but not because of you. If that is how they treat customers in their store all the time management might have just been waiting for the final complaint, the one that would seal the deal, and make it so that clerk never acted like that again to busy travelers.

                  FYI, the three princes... The first price rides through and doesn't even give the only lady a second look. She's a witch who puts him on a twisty curvy road that won't stop until he learns what he did was wrong and changes himself. (That usually involves someone else teaching him that.) The second prince will stop but offer nothing and tell the old woman to go to the poor house... He gave nothing and so gets nothing, often times riding aimesly along until he returns to his Father in embarresment. The third prince, you my dear, give the old lady food and are told about the hermit. Give the hermit warmth and are told about the fox. Help the fox and the fox tells you of the princess. Help the princess and win a kingdom. So's better to be the third prince.


                  • #10
                    That is awesome, I am actually touched by thatfinal paragraph - I must remember it for my students - some of them are so very kind (I tell them that they will, in there own way be great people, greater than me, greater than they give themselves credit for). But there is no kingdom for me and no princess (not for 11 years now). I'd just help them then disappear into the sunset.

                    I would actually feel guilty for accepting a free meal, while a kind offer (and i did say "no, thank you"), is not fair on the restaurant. As for the clerk, I guess it could be because I really really do not like interrupting people.


                    • #11
                      Well then maybe your really the hermit. But I much rather like saying your the Prince. Maybe your just looking for your Princess and have yet to find the fox. Again *snugs*

                      Don't feel guilty for accepting niceness from other people. Please don't.


                      • #12
                        maybe so, but I would wander off to find someone else to help.Thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate them.

                        I just feel that other people are more deserving... for example, the free meal could have been given to the "old lady" - someone needing it.


                        • #13
                          *back scritches* Yes but the old lady wasn't there and you were. OR you could have accepted that meal and paid for the meal of another person thus providing the free meal to someone who thought was deserving.


                          • #14
                            I will remember that second option - can't think why I didnt think of it at the time - have done that a couple of times before


                            • #15
                              Quoth Damien View Post
                              I would actually feel guilty for accepting a free meal, while a kind offer (and i did say "no, thank you"), is not fair on the restaurant.
                              Why? I'm not saying this in an "OMGIWANTFREESTUFF" manner, but why would you feel guilty about accepting something like this as a gesture of goodwill? I wouldn't consider it unfair to the restaurant. It's actually a very reasonable reaction to a mistake on their part, and while I wouldn't demand a free meal, I would accept one in the spirit in which it was offered.

                              It's really a question of etiquette, like accepting an apology. It indicates that you essentially have forgiven the person's transgression, and hold no hard feelings. Indeed, were I to make a similar mistake and offer similar amends, I'd be somewhat taken aback if the person just rushed out. I wouldn't be offended, but I'd be more than a little confused.

