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Motorcycling 101

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  • Motorcycling 101

    Today's lesson: Just because you have a vehicle that can drive between the lanes, doesn't mean you can.

    My wife had our vehicle for her daily errands yesterday, so when she picked me up from work we were going to grab a bite to eat at the local Pizza Hut. After we ate, it was getting into rush hour and the road towards home from Pizza Hut unfortunately gets rather backed up. The cause is a road where cars have to cross a lane to turn in to it, there's no stop signs or lights, and thus no one stops to let these people turn. Since it's a two lane road with no turn lane, traffic backs up behind the people waiting to turn.

    Enter two motorcycle riders who startle me as they drive past my window, between the lanes, and along the line of stopped cars. First thought through my mind was, "Where's a cop when you need one."

    No more than 15 seconds later, Karma was bestowed upon these two, as I see a state trooper's lights flick on and go after them! YES! He was in the line of stopped cars with us.

    The cop pulled them over into a car dealership just up the road, and we could see him out lecturing one of the riders, the other up above on his bike listening, and most likely giving him a ticket, as I do recall seeing his ticket book in hand. The look on that rider's face was priceless, a look that just seemed to say 'Oh f***'.

    Motorcycle gear: $150
    Motorcycle: $20,000
    Motorcyclist busted for reckless driving: Priceless.

    ETA: In talking with a co-worker, he witnessed this pull-over while driving the other direction. Since he had to come back that way about an hour later, he saw the guy's motorcycle being loaded into a trailer. It seems Mr. Daredevil didn't get to ride it away from the traffic stop. I'm guessing his license got suspended/revoked, especially if he had a history of it, but this just adds to the Karma factor.
    Last edited by IT Grunt; 04-10-2008, 03:07 PM. Reason: Got more of the story!
    A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....

  • #2
    I have nothing against people who love motorcycles or drive them....but I see such stupid stunts being pulled by bikers around here that sometimes I think they bring it upon themselves when they get pulled over or get hurt. I think there are proper places for practicing or executing stunts, and highways/freeways/neighborhoods/busy streets/etc etc are NOT proper places!

    Around here, packs of them travel together, and they weave in and out and in and out of lanes of traffic, just because they are smaller and accellerate faster.

    One night in fall '06, on my way to work, I was behind some moron on a bike who popped a wheelie at every single red light when it turned green. Call me evil, but I wished the next time he did it, he'd fall off. The second that we entered the freeway, he rocketed it and was probably up to 100 mph within seconds and gone into the night. Oh where was a cop when you needed one?
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3

      Ok, I'm done...



      • #4
        Don't leave it to just motorcycles to go between things. Little old ladies in big freaking SUV's do it, too! Yesterday, right before I went into the store to get Hexol for what I'm hoping is chickenpox, I watched this gal do a very scary thing. And lose. And not care.

        /b/ /x/ /
        \ \z\ \ \

        This is roughly how the parking spots are layed out. B is the ole blue hair, Z is me, and X is a car with no one in it. There's a gap between the front end of my suburban (you know my rig was pulled into the spot as far as it would go) and the sedan that was X. Of course, the lot was clear and B COULD have backed out and drove off like anyone else would do.

        Guess what she did? Drove forward and tried to fit in between the noses of Z and X!!! She didn't hit me, oh no, because I was in my car watching her (and frozen like this: ). But through her windows I saw the sedan jog a bit. Lady didn't stop, didn't look, nuthin. So I tore a page out of my notebook, wrote a note to the owner of the sedan telling them what I watched happen and the license number of ol' blue hair. And my name and phone number if they need a witness.

        Just the front passenger side of the plastic bumper was folded in, but still, that car was pristine before she pulled her stunt. Idiots. I really am curious as to what her line of thinking was. Oh wait, she wasn't! do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

        Chickens are Asexual!


        • #5
          Quoth zzapp the witch View Post
          Guess what she did? Drove forward and tried to fit in between the noses of Z and X!!! She didn't hit me, oh no, because I was in my car watching her (and frozen like this: ). But through her windows I saw the sedan jog a bit. Lady didn't stop, didn't look, nuthin. So I tore a page out of my notebook, wrote a note to the owner of the sedan telling them what I watched happen and the license number of ol' blue hair. And my name and phone number if they need a witness.
          Good thing you got that info! I'm sure the sedan owner went after her for damages, I certainly would. Parking lots just seem to be concentrated traffic stupidity. I can't count the number of times I'm driving through a lot that has one way parking lanes, and have to avoid some moron driving the wrong way.
          A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


          • #6
            Quoth IT Grunt View Post
            Today's lesson: Just because you have a vehicle that can drive between the lanes, doesn't mean you can.
            While personally, I don't do it. In Florida it's perfectly legal for a 2 wheel vehicle to pass a vehicle between the lanes, as long it's not a no-passing zone. I've seen police bikers do it too. Someone opening their door to "dethrone" you while you're passing, is the reason I don't do it. I go to the left and hit the dirt to pass if I'm in that much of a hurry.

            I was actually shocked that it was legal. We got crazy riders in Florida.
            I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


            • #7
              Quoth blas87 View Post
              One night in fall '06, on my way to work, I was behind some moron on a bike who popped a wheelie at every single red light when it turned green.
              i remember one time having this bike behind me attempt to pop a wheelie... or at least i think he tried, i don't know if he did it on purpose or not, but he took a spill and i saw the bike bounce in the rear view mirror and him standing up...


              • #8
                Lane Splitting is perfectly legal - under certain circumstances - in CA. Rush Hour traffic is one of those circumstances.

                However, I don't know whether it's legal in circumstances like that of the OP.
                The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


                • #9
                  In California, it is perfectly legal for more than one vehicle to share a lane as long as there is enough room in the lane for both vehicles and it does not cause a traffic hazard.

                  Passing on the right when there is a wide right lane (without shoulder markings) falls under this category so long as it isn't otherwise unsafe.

                  Of course, you can't really trust sucky drivers to understand what is and is not hazardous.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #10
                    I'll clarify a bit more what these guys were doing. This was a two lane road, with the double yellow line down the middle. Our lane was full of stopped traffic, the oncoming lane was flowing freely with traffic. These guys were driving up along the left side of the stopped cars, along the double yellow line. In this state, definitely not legal.
                    A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


                    • #11
                      Back when I was working over nights at OfficeMax, there was a motorcycle accident. There was a biker that was driving around the building, the whole night. Well apperently, he made a sharp turn or something. Because all we saw was sparks going by. We locked the door and ran to see if he was alive. Thank God that he was, but still. Oh and it was This type of bike
                      Now if I ever do get a motorcycle, I am going to be a good driver and not pull stunts like that. The type I would get is this.

                      I can not think of the names of those types of bikes off hand right now
                      Last edited by powerboy; 04-12-2008, 09:42 AM.
                      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                      • #12
                        Quoth powerboy View Post
                        Back when I was working over nights at OfficeMax, there was a motorcycle accident. There was a biker that was driving around the building, the whole night. Well apperently, he made a sharp turn or something. Because all we saw was sparks going by. We locked the door and ran to see if he was alive. Thank God that he was, but still. Oh and it was This type of bike
                        Now if I ever do get a motorcycle, I am going to be a good driver and not pull stunts like that. The type I would get is this.

                        I can not think of the names of those types of bikes off hand right now
                        I love bikes but hate irresponsible bikers as they give all us bikers a bad rep.

                        Bikes though can be apt to throw you off if you encounter less than ideal conditions on the road (diesel, other fluids on the road, even thin sheets of ice and black ice) can send you from cruising to bruising in no time.

                        Here's my baby, not the biggest of engines but I don't mind, since it's a nice bike and has nice history and character (yes, bikes do have their own characters) It's a 1974 bike, was used for racing for 3 years until the guy that owned it had a bad accident and was unable to race, was in a basement since 79 till 2004 when I got it for the lovely sum of £500 (it cost £500 to get it in good road condition and getting it back to its original look)

                        I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                        • #13
                          This last week we've been on vacation and rented a cabin in Georgia. On the way back we took US 129 through the Smoky Mountains from NC to Tennessee.

                          Apparently (as I learned afterwards) this is a famous road for the "sport bike" people to test their skills. There's even a business that spends its days out on the side of the road taking pictures of people driving their cars and riding their bikes around the curves, then selling them the pictures from their online site. (You can see our car in the April 10 group, but I'm not telling you which one it was. )

                          Our interest was sightseeing, not speed, so if a car or bike got caught behind us I always pulled over in the next turn-off to let them by. Of course, none of the bikers were willing to wait that long. We got passed a lot over the double-yellow lines, and saw a lot of "wheelies".

                          We also had to stop on the road three times: one to wait for an accident scene to clear, where a bike's passenger apparently fell off the back of the bike, into the river alongside. Again at a large bridge further down the road, where the aforementioned passenger was being transferred from the ambulance into the emergency helicopter. And again to allow a motorcyclist to help another push his bike out of the ditch.

                          It's a beautiful piece of highway, and if I owned a motorcycle, I'd probably want to ride that road too. But it seems like many of these riders consider other motorists as just another obstacle to take at the highest speed possible (or an audience for their stunts).
                          Lack of freedom can be measured directly by lack of stupid. --Penn Jillette

