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I almost killed a man... because of sauce.

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  • I almost killed a man... because of sauce.

    I hate ketchup. I also hate assholes who yell at cashiers for something completely not their fault.
    About a month ago, my boyfriend, his two roommates, and I go to a wedding. I had totally rolled a 20 on my "Play Kings for maybe 10 hours and get waaaaay destroyed" save. It's rare that I drink to excess, even more rare that I drink to hangover. So the next morning when we go to Wendy's, I am NOT HAPPY. I get my usual meal and sit down. As soon as I've sat down, I remember I need something for my fries, and since I hate ketchup, that means a sauce. My boyfriend is ordering, so I politely butt in and ask for a sauce. Wait, when did they start charging for sauces? Uh, okay, I give a dollar to my boyfriend and the cashier adds it to his order. Done and done. Oh sweet n sour, how I love thee!
    His roommate J had just ordered and remembered that he too wanted an extra sauce. Only J doesn't like change; it's not that he can't afford to pay or thinks it's unreasonable, he just doesn't like it when something is different than before. He doesn't ask to see a manager or decline the sauce, because why be an adult when you can sniffle like a little girl with a skinned knee? J starts arguing with the cashier. After a few minutes, he pays the frickin $.20, making sure to complain loudly. The rest of us are enjoying our food and reminising about our favourite parts of the wedding and parties. J is CONTINUING to complain, stating over and over about how stupid and unfair it is. I think the whole restaurant got it the first 15 times you whined.
    Now, normally, I am just all sunshine and puppies and cookies. When I drink about 50 gin and tonics, get my face drawn on, and have to sit in a car for 6 hours, I get a little snappy. J and I normally don't get alone so well, but this was just plain childish. I pull $.20 out of my pocket, slap it on the table, and explain that if he was going to keep crying about it, I was gonna push him out of the car once we hit the Turnpike. He opens his mouth to snap back, my boyfriend puts up a hand. "Dude, seriously, I'll let her. The only thing stupid here is that you're freaking out about this. If you're not going to shut up, you should apologize to the cashier for being an asshole."
    J ends up sulking in the car while we finish our food. When we were leaving, our cashier was walking back into the dining room from outside. All three of us apologized for J's behavior. She accepted gracefully, saying "Hearing your threats was funny enough to make up for it!".
    I still refuse to go eat out with J. And I still love Wendy's sweet n sour sauce enough to pay for it and not complain.
    "I don't have to take this abuse from you, I've got hundreds of people dying to abuse me."
    "Free at last from my vegetable prison!"
    X-Strike Studios: Video game movies done RIGHT!

  • #2
    I think Wendy's in Texas has been charging for sauces for quite some time.

    I just don't like it when places are stingy with their sauces. I know the prices are going up on EVERYTHING, but geez. one packet of ketchup is not going to cover my extra large fries.


    • #3
      Quoth CorDarei View Post
      I just don't like it when places are stingy with their sauces. I know the prices are going up on EVERYTHING, but geez. one packet of ketchup is not going to cover my extra large fries.
      I don't think it's just that prices are going up. Some places have been charging for sauces for a long time. The problem is the people who ask for 20 or 30, or if the sauces are left out, just dump the whole thing in their bag.

      Either way, still massively funny threat there
      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


      • #4
        The threat was funny. The fact that your boyfriend had your back makes it golden.

        I don't like charges for sauces, but I can understand why it would be there. I'm addicted to Wendy's honey mustard, myself.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          My local Taco Bell goes the other way with the sauces. They don't charge and they give you about 4 of each type of sauce per taco. I used to have boxes full of them at home and would request no sauce, but they toss them in at the drive thru anyway. We wound up using them to make our own tacos rather than going out.


          • #6
            If they'd just make some of those packets BIGGER, there'd be no need to ask for 6-10 ketchups. One McD's ketchup packet is good for 2-3 fries, TOPS.
            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


            • #7
              i think most places have been charging for sauce for awhile now; granted, it sucks, but we can blame those who want infinite number of sauces with their orders just because they're 'paying customers.'

              (we, the many, pay the price for the actions of the few, the stupid/selfish, the SUCKY CUSTOMERS )
              look! it's ghengis khan!
              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


              • #8
                Its not just fast food places that are charging for sauce lately. My daughter and I were out shopping last Saturday and decided to stop at Bill Bateman's for lunch. I think it is just in the local Baltimore area - sit down and order lots of yummy kinds of chicken dishes, many flavors of wings.

                Anyway...we got buffalo chicken and asked the waitress for bleu cheese. The poor girl looked so scared to tell us that the restaurant charged extra for it. Now honestly I thought it should be included but, no big deal. It was not her fault and if I couldn't afford some change for the sauce then I shouldn't be eating out.

                We told her it was fine and we still wanted it and she just looked so relieved. I bet she has to deal with so much SC behavior because of that rule. She was so relieved that we didn't go all SC on her that she gave us the bleu cheese for free (Score! ). Needless to say...she got a good tip.

                Also needless to say - I used a LOT of emoticons this time.


                • #9
                  Quoth Gerrinson View Post
                  My local Taco Bell goes the other way with the sauces. They don't charge and they give you about 4 of each type of sauce per taco.

                  Made me think of this story that made the Trib back when I lived in Chicago....



                  • #10
                    I hate getting charged for sauces, but I try not to make a big deal about it. I just want one BBQ sauce for my Mickey D fries, okay. Usually I can get away with it, because I ask real sweetly and make a point of saying "May I have ONE BBQ sauce please". I mean I understand store policy and all that, but you'd have no problem giving me 10 ketchups for free, when all I really want is one BBQ. I know, I am the exception. Stores start charing because of the idiots whose idea of a few napkins is a few INCHES of napkins that later go unused and tossed in the trash. Same goes for ketchup, sauce, ranch, salt, etc. If people really only used what they needed, it would save stores a lot of money. Oh well. I love the BBQ.
                    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                    • #11
                      Indeed, or those who clean out anything thats given free just for the sake of taking it home and using it themselves. The local McDs here has ketchup along with the drink straws and napkins, but BBQ Sauce and other sauces are kept behind the counter for the McNuggets, you have to ask specially for it if you don't want it.. but they don't charge for it thankfully.

                      The main reason people charge for the stuff is purely because people take advantage and take piles of the stuff to take home/be very cheap about. Irritating, but thats how life goes with anything thats free.
                      - Boochan


                      • #12
                        Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                        . Usually I can get away with it, because I ask real sweetly and make a point of saying "May I have ONE BBQ sauce please".

                        I've noticed this too. Even if there's a sign that says they charge, I always make it a point to ask REALLY nicely and be polite about it. I think out of probably 20-30 times I've asked over the past year or two, I've been charged once.

                        Policy or no, most of it is in the way you ask.
                        "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                        • #13
                          I've never worked fast food, but I had the whole spiel explained to me. Simply put, those sauces cost money. As anal as it sounds, money is money is money. I don't know what each restaurants' specific rules are, but they charge because they allot a certain amount of sauces for whatever the order.

                          Most of these fast food chains are franchises, so that extra money comes out of the owners pockets to pay for the extra condiments. If they didn't charge, they'd have people grabbing at 6 and 7 sauces for a 6 piece. Which will probably get thrown away and it adds up. When you ask for sauce for something that it would normally not be included w/like fries instead of a nugget meal, they'll charge. Ketchup and all that other stuff is always free from what I know, but they get that in really bulky quantities. If you want extra sauce for the nugget meal, you got how many ever they give you, then they start charging. You can get away with asking for extra sauce for nugget type meals though most times.


                          • #14
                            You guys can have my sauce packets.

                            I don't use them, and I tell them so, but I get them anyway.
                            Unseen but seeing
                            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                            3rd shift needs love, too
                            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                            • #15
                              Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
                              I don't use them, and I tell them so, but I get them anyway.

                              Sorry, you just reminded me of the place I order pizza and wings from. Every single time I say "No dips please. None, nadda. Zip, zilch, etc." And I get 12. I've tried sending them back, the driver gets really pissy.
                              Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


