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Reckless driver pwned.

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  • Reckless driver pwned.

    This happened a couple of years ago for me, soon after I started driving to work in peak hour traffic. About a minute before I get to work, there's a road I went down that, while only two lanes, could probably fit 4 cars abreast, two going each way, with a bit of a squeeze. Essentially, each lane was very wide.

    Anyway, before you turn onto that, the main road you drive down can get pretty congested due to a railway crossing just before. I was at the front of the pack, driving about 62km/h in a 60 zone, and there wass this young P-plater behind me, who I recognised from earlier mornings as being an annoying and reckless driver (He had very recognisable booties hanging from his rear-view mirror).

    I decided that, despite him sitting on my arse and revving, I was going to keep nice and level with the van next to me, which meant pretty much sitting on 60, i.e. not speeding, but certainly not crawling to impede traffic.

    He got annoyed enough that, as soon as we turned onto this wider road, he gunned it, and shot past me at close to 80km/h, I'd reckon. As soon as he did this, I saw the sweetest site I remember seeing on the road. The car that was directly behind him gunned it as well, tiny little blue and red lights flashing in its windscreen He'd just pulled that little stunt right in front of an unmarked police car which pulled him over very quickly.

  • #2
    Carma is a bitch when driving sometimes.

    Love it!

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
    I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


    • #3
      Heh, Carma got to the idiot that was behind me this morning, too.

      There's two vehicles in front of me - a fully loaded dump truck from the asphalt plant and a caravan. The dump truck, despite being so full, is doing the speed limit of 55 mph. So, I'm driving behind the caravan when this douchenozzle, whom I've seen on several morning commutes now (a new neighbor perhaps?) *sigh* Anyway, gets up so close that I can no longer see his headlights in my rearview mirror as they are blocked by my trunk.

      Then, he pulls out so he's straddling the double yellow lines and flashes his headlights at me.'s a single lane heading north, I can't pull over and there's no where for me to go if I speed up. am I supposed to do here? I respond by tapping the brakes lightly so he can see my tail lights blink and maybe get the hint that I'm not going to be intimidated. I'm an aggresive driver myself, if it will get me through traffic legally, but there was no place to go.

      We come up on a passing zone, I see three oncoming vehicles, too close for anyone in our lane to pass, but you know what douchenozzle tries to do anyway. He realizes his mistake slams on the brakes and drops behind me again. Wash, rinse, repeat for the next two passing zones. We've now traveled about 5 miles.

      Finally, he gets to a passing zone and manages to pass...just me. He's now squeezed in behind the caravan. Oh, there's a break, he passes the caravan...and is stuck behind the dump truck. We're all still doing the speed limit. There's a bit of a no passing zone then passing zone again and douchenozzle finally gets to pass the dump truck and take off down the road at about 75 mph. A 1/2 mile later he slams on the brakes and turns into the shopping plaza where they're putting up the new superstore. There are many trenches, soon to be repaired holes, etc. from the construction. Including a nasty one that's just inside the driveway... BAM! he slams into it, sparks fly from his undercarriage slamming into the pavement, and BAM! again as the rear wheels hit. Sparks continue to fly as he drives further with what I assume was his exhaust system now dragging on the ground.

      I'm both angry at his poor driving behavior and amused at the end result. Of course, he'll probably sue the company that owns the plaza and the construction crew over the damage to his car.

      Total distance he travelled - 7.5 miles.
      Total time he gained by passing - approx. 30 seconds
      Total damage done to his car by being a douchenozzle - hopefully priceless!


      • #4

        No better justice to someone who's in too much of a hurry than for their haste to make waste.. in this case, it wasted their car.
        A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


        • #5
          Just this morning, I had some raging moron behind me in a delivery trick. It's rush hour, I'm sitting the the intersection waiting for the arrow/ for a break so I can make a left turn. My left blinker is on. In the oncoming lane is, quite literally, a solid wall of cars. A SOLID WALL of oncoming trafic, right?

          This guy is beeping at me the whole time. He wanted me to go...where, exactly?

          I love guys who bust ass to get around you so they can squeeze in behind the guy in front of you going the EXACT SAME SPEED. Again,

          And of course the tailgaters who try to get you to speed up, regardless of the fact that there is trafic in front of you going the same speed. The fk is that about? Are they so single minded that they can't see the ass end of a semi in front of me?


          • #6
            I love seeing Karma hit bad drivers.

            I got to see one a couple of years ago on my way to work. I was travelling down the highway going 65-70 in a 55 mph zone. As I reached the end of the highway where it merged from 3 lanes to 2, then 1, a woman in a big white SUV came up suddenly behind me. I slowed down to 60 mph, knowing the area is a popular place for speed traps. SUV woman sped around me to try to get in front at the merge, and was immediately pulled over by a State Trooper.

            I could say I handled it with quiet dignity and grace... or I could tell the truth that I pointed and laughed as I drove by.


            • #7
              "delivery trick"

              A typo, I know, but it did give me the idea for a new business.


              • #8
                I have to turn left at a 3 lane each direction 4 way street light intersection.

                Basically I am headed East and in the single turn lane to go North onto the cross street.
                The brilliant man leaving the gas station at the corner is annoyed because he can't get across the three lanes and into the turn lane. As is the case every day the turn lane is backed up. To leave that station the only thing to do is go further west in the shopping strip about a 1/2 block and enter the street there at the end of the turn lane back up.
                Well this guy decides that due to him being a beverage delivery driver (bright red vehicle . . . company known for spreading the image of Santa at the holidays/ no medical degree/ world known beverage)
                So he pulls into lane 3/ on my immediate right.
                Arrow is green I turn left and so does he . . . .on a red light for a straight only lane.
                Now what this brain surgeon failed to note is the two fully marked cars with pretty lights. One directly behind him and one in the parking lot diagonal. (when I made my turn parking lot on my right)
                I had a friend a few cars back that didn't make the arrow fill me in that they guy was not happy. When the flashed their lights and sirens at him.
                Of course I at first thought I did something wrong as I was making my turn and the police car in the lot turned on his lights . . .I then realized the truck was in motion also. So I slowed but neither car came after me . .. so I kept going.


                • #9
                  Quoth Umingmaq View Post
                  "delivery trick"

                  A typo, I know, but it did give me the idea for a new business.

                  I swear if I ever see someone who tries to intimidate me get pulled over for speeding, I will pull over and tell the cop "And he was tailgating and harrassing me, too" just like an indignant toddler. I swear.


                  • #10
                    I've noticed drivers do something that I've termed "One Upping". I'll try and visualize my thoughts here.

                    X = Car
                    M = My car
                    J = Jerk

                    XXXX M J

                    I'm following a line of cars on a two lane highway. I'm in the right lane, behind everyone else, and the left lane is coming to an end. There's absolutely no traffic and we're all moving at or above the speed limit. There's a car about 5 car lengths behind me that's been back there my entire trip and is just moving along with everyone else.

                    But, suddenly, he decides he wants to get in front of me. So, he gets into the left lane and GUNS it, cutting me off before the lane ends. Obviously, I'm pissed. He then returns to his normal speed, which is slower than I'm going, and I have to pass him when the lanes open back up.

                    That is literally the one thing that bothers me more than ANYTHING. Why can't the just get in line with everyone else? What is the point in cutting off someone when it gains you ZERO time!!!


                    • #11
                      The point is to make sure you understand that his penis isn't really, really tiny.


                      • #12
                        Mmm.... reckless driver pwnage.

                        My favorite tale of such is as follows:

                        To set the scene, it is a foggy night heading south on the 5 freeway approaching the Grapevine. It's a very foggy night. It's so foggy that I'm not comfortable driving faster than about 30mph on what is normally a 70mph road. And even 30mph is a bit nerve-racking since if anything were in the road ahead of me, I wouldn't see it until it was too late.

                        I have just passed a semi, which was going about 20mph. I was a little nervous, but the visibility was good enough that I would have seen a car coming, provided they had their lights on.

                        I'm settling into my lane when a guy in a sports car comes running up on around the semi and me, hops back over in front of me, and proceeds to drive at about 25 mph. I'm cursing him for being such an ass and am just about to pull around to pass him, when this SUV comes whipping up from behind and pulls around the semi and me to cut in between me and the idiot that was in front of me.

                        I'm just getting ready to curse the SUV for being totally reckless when he hits his lights, pulling the idiot in the sports car over. I can only imagine what stupid shit the guy was pulling to have the cop chase him down like that, but his little maneuver was an utter failure.

                        Thankfully, the fog was almost entirely ground level. As soon as we hit the Grapevine and started gaining elevation, the fog completely disappeared.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          I'm betting the sports car was speeding massively, but saw the lights on the SUV and decided to try and pull a fast one.
                          The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


                          • #14
                            I've noticed that the easiest way to piss off a reckless driver is to honk or otherwise show that you saw him do something really dumb. Yesterday on my way to work I was driving down in the right lane when a guy ahead of me went to turn right. Now I wasn't close enough behind him that I had to even slow down because he was turning, but I was close enough behind him that the idiot on the right sidestreet definately did not have time to turn left in front of me since I almost t-boned him. I wonder why he would either assume that I was turning since I didn't have my blinkers on (although I've noticed that many many people seem to think those are a waste of time) or how he didn't see my RED truck.

                            Either way I slammed on my breaks to avoid hitting him while honking my horn, as that is about as aggressive as I ever get. The guy gives me the go to hell look like this was somehow my fault, guns his vehicle so hard that as he is turning left he runs into the median and a lovely sound ensued him forcing his tires up the curb and down again.
                            Last edited by tartxcherries; 04-12-2008, 05:03 AM.
                            Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica


                            • #15
                              I know! I use a short frontage road in the morning, not real heavily travelled, RR tracks on one side, residential on the other, no shoulder. People park sometimes sort of on the residential side of the street. No big deal, like I said, not a lot of traffic.

                              I'm coming down the road one morning and a chick in a trans am who is parked starts pulling into the street RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. She didn't look. Okay, I can see why you might be lulled into a false sense of security here, the road hasn't got lots of traffic. But it DOES have SOME traffic. It was clear she just didn't look before she pulled out, so I tapped the horn. I didn't blast at her. Just a quick, polite little toot to give her a heads up, you know?

                              She slams her breaks, whips her head around and gives ME the finger like I was the one with my head up my ass. Geez, I wasn't even mad at her, I was trying avoid an accident. I mean, she was pulling out RIGHT where I was, if she hadn't stopped she would have gotten creamed. How I avoided her was a miracle. It's not like I ran up on her ass to cut her off. Some people's kids...

