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Reckless driver pwned.

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  • #16
    I almost got sideswiped the other night, trying to leave work, sitting at the end of a row of cars, waiting to turn onto the main aisle of the parking lot, and I see this guy in a blue car coming up on my right. So, I hesitantly start to pull out, but the guy, who is about one store length away, doesn't even slow down,
    I slam on my brakes, let guy go by, and then turn into PMS raging psycho bitch! I peeled out of the lane, and went around to the second exit from the parking lot, so I'd be out on the road ahead of him, only to see him coming up the road already. And I'm still pissed, so I burned rubber to hit the turn, and fly down the road doing roughly 20 over the limit, only to watch guy turn off the road. Damn.
    I calmed down a few turns later, and realize I never would've let other drivers get to me like that back in MO, what the hell is Texas doing to me?
    "I call murder on that!"


    • #17
      Quoth Jbball View Post
      I've noticed drivers do something that I've termed "One Upping"...

      But, suddenly, he decides he wants to get in front of me. So, he gets into the left lane and GUNS it, cutting me off before the lane ends. Obviously, I'm pissed. He then returns to his normal speed, which is slower than I'm going, and I have to pass him when the lanes open back up.

      That is literally the one thing that bothers me more than ANYTHING. Why can't the just get in line with everyone else? What is the point in cutting off someone when it gains you ZERO time!!!
      Had a guy do something similar when I was driving on I-95 in Maine. The long, empty stretch of road from Bangor to Houlton which is roughly 120 miles of trees and moose.

      I had my cruise control on, so my speed only varied by about +/- 3 mph for pretty much the entire stretch. I come up behind a guy in his pickup truck in the right hand lane, going slower than I am, so I pull into the left hand lane and pass. I move back to the right lane and continue on. I did use my blinkers properly for all of my maneuvering as well, in case anyone wonders. About 30 seconds later he flies past me, pulls out in front of me, and slams on his brakes. I move to the left while wonder and pass him again as he's now going much slower than I am.

      We repeat the 'I pass him because he's going slower than my cruise control then he passes me back and slams on the brakes' routine for about 10 minutes.

      So, I finally give up and turn off the cruise control. I try to stay an safe (and constant) distance back from him, but I keep catching up. Each time I take my foot off the pedal and coast until I'm far enough back, then I match his speed. But somehow I keep catching up... wait a minute... We're now travelling 20 mph under the speed limit. On the highway. That's just too much. I pass him, get back up to speed, turn on cruise control and... well, you know he had to pass me and hit the brakes.

      We repeated this ridiculous bullshit for the rest of the 120 mile trip to Houlton, where we both got off the interstate and went in different directions (yay!).

      Fortunately, all that was really involved for me was turning the wheel and making smooth transitions from one lane to another. But I feel bad for the engine and brakes in that poor truck. I've seen people that will do this three or four times before finally giving up as my cruise control is more consistent then their crappy driving, but for 120 miles he just HAD to be first because why?


      • #18
        I haven't personally seen any reckless drivers get their just desserts...when I want to see that I just watch Disorderly Conduct and World's Wildest Police Videos. Plenty of , , and there!


        • #19
          My selling season is back up and I'm working the Saturday Market here again. It consists of two park blocks in the center of downtown that's just covered with vendors, the majority of us with our backs to the streets on all four sides. Some guy in a (quite nice) 72/3? Camaro was looping around the outer perimeter of the blocks, revving his (very nice sounding) engine. Because we were all bored, me and the ladies in my lane (at the north end of the blocks) took to turning around and waving and smiling at said man as he went by. About the third time, when the whole line of us was turned around, he paused in the lane right next to my booth and revved his engine at us again. My neighbor Linda (I love her, she's so sassy!) hollered, "We love your car!" to which he revved and smiled, "Its a shame about your penis!" to which we all laughed, and he finally gave up his shenanigans and left. Did I mention that this guy was conservatively in his late 50s early 60s?

          As far as the one-uppers, I drive a Suburban, which you don't think of as a performance car, and I don't drive her like she's one (most of the time), but I do take exceptional care of her, even if she's a teenager. My favorite way to get to work faster is to piss off a one-upper (especially if they're in a ricer or hot rod) with a little "pass and slow" and get them to "lead the way" as it were.

          Oddly enough, I've noticed I get improved gas mileage driving this way (80mph) than if I did the normal 65......

          Note: I'm not the one that starts the "pass and slow" fight, but I will admit to being the one that milks it for all its worth.
 do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

          Chickens are Asexual!


          • #20
            I don't understand why people pass me and then go SLOWER!!! That one bugs me to no end. Or go on red.

            Earlier today I was waiting for a green arrow to make a left turn. Across from me, there is a car waiting, she has the red light. When MY arrow turns green, the car infront of me both start to go, and so does the car heading straight with the red light!

            I honked and was pissed. There was no way that was an accident... Really. She kept on going slow and in her own little world. Lucky there wasn't a disel truck. And to whom, I believe besides pedestrians, they always have the right away. I will never get in their way. I don't want to be a hood ornament.


            • #21
              I got to see some idiot put her van in a ditch...simply because she wouldn't wait the 2 seconds for me to get out of the way...

              I'm in my grandmother's car, heading up one of the back roads. As I'm about halfway up the hill, some redneck idiot came flying down in her shitbox minivan. Being the nice guy I am, I slow down, and attempt to pull the car over as far as I can. On a narrow road, with a steep drop-off to the right, it's nearly impossible. Rather than risk flipping my grandmother's car (she was in her late 80s then, but could *still* kick my ass ), I attempted to pull over into someone's parking area.

              It only took a few seconds to move, but that maneuver apparently took too long for the other driver...who proceeded to gun her engine, swerve to miss me...and promptly get stuck in a drainage ditch. I was going to help push her out...but after getting screamed at, and various offensive hand gestures...I left her to her own devices. Dumb bitch. Sorry, but it wouldn't have happened had she not been in such a hurry.

              Then there are the idiots who blast their horns if you don't leave a traffic light *immediately* after it turns green. I had to deal with one of them last night. As soon as the light turned green, the guy behind me started blasting his horn. Never mind that I was turning left, and had to wait for oncoming traffic to clear And yes, I did give him the "Pittsburgh Salute" when a large-enough gap appeared. He ended up getting caught by the light
              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


              • #22
                Met one yesterday as I was leaving a trade show. I was in the main aisle leading out to the road when a car came out of a parking aisle (one of the aisles with parking spaces on both sides) on my right (equivalent of someone coming from a side street onto a main street) and turned onto the main aisle while looking to his right. In other words, he was coming into traffic without looking to see if anyone was coming.

                I gave a quick tap on my horn to get his attention, and after he stopped he gave a long blast. Note that since this was shortly after closing on the last day of the trade show, it would be reasonable to expect a lot of cars to be coming down the main aisle - along with some 18 wheelers trying to get to the loading docks to pick up the exhibits.
                Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                • #23
                  Oh, deja vu.

                  Nekojin was telling me a story from this morning where he was driving through a parking lot, and someone pulled out from one of the side lanes into the main lane without a moment's hesitation or looking at all.

                  He didn't honk, but he did have to hit the brakes pretty hard. They noticed him about halfway through the turn, and they stopped at that point with this sheepish look, then gave a little 'oh hai, sorry 4 bein dumm' wave and finished the turn.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

