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Sightings for the weekend

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  • Sightings for the weekend

    So, on Friday, mom and I went shopping. As I'm supposed to be better managing my money, and only buying clothing that is work-appropriate, we ended up at Filene's Basement, where I had multiple not-so-great employee sightings.

    As we walk in, we're trailing behind someone who I immediately assume works there, based on her outfit and the fact that she's carrying food from Wendy's. This assumption is verified when she immediately rushes off to the back room. Not only does she cut us off heading for the doors, she then practically slams the first set of doors in my face, and then kind of half holds the second set of doors, sighing loudly when mom and I take a second to get there, as mom has a bum knee. Not impressed.

    Then, as I'm hunting through racks for bargains, I notice that apparently a sales associate wants to put merch back on the rack I'm looking at. While I can understand that she has a job to do, sighing loudly and giving me the annoyed face is not going to cut it. Saying excuse me, however, might. Too bad you chose option the less effective, non-verbal method. Strangely enough, it wasn't just her - I had at least one more employee pull the same attitude with me.

    Finally, we're on line to check out - there is one check stand open, with one girl stationed. At the next register are 2 managers chit-chatting, in full view of the line up, now containing 8 seperate people, all stuck waiting as 1 clerk very slowly helps the first guy on line......then the second.....finally getting to me after about 8 minutes. By the time I checked out, at least 3 more people had joined the queue. I didn't so much mind that the girl was slow, but that the managers stood there, in full view, and didn't bother to have another register opened, even as the line continued to get longer and longer.

    That was about it for that day....but then on Saturday, I decided to run to the grocery store. Silly me, I always forget that I should go late at night or during the week to avoid the crowds.

    Get there, am pleased the store isn't too crowded, actually have a good first few minutes - first chit-chatting with a bagger who I like as I donate to the jar he's holding for Special Olympics, then laughing as the ancient Hispanic man at the deli counter tells me "Anything for you, senorita" as I order some cheese and salami, then gives me a slice of roast beef "for the road."

    But of course, any place where people are given carts and room to roam.....well, they'll take up the whole damn aisle, won't they?

    I first ran into a mother/daughter duo who kept wandering up next to me and randomly, a lot. I eventually was skipping aisles and moving around a lot to avoid them, but still...I came to the salad dressing aisle, and wait....and wait....and they stand in front of what I need, trying to be polite, until I finally say excuse me and grab my olives. I then move on down the aisle, and park my cart all the way to one side, standing in front of it to allow maximum usable aisle as I look at cookies (sidenote: Yay cookies!) as seen below.


    lots of aisle space for people and carts!


    Somehow, when the mother/daughter duo make their way past me, daughter somehow manages to basically cop a feel of my butt. She kind of mumbles sorry, and I decide to go all the way to the other end of the store, and to check the aisles to avoid running into them again.

    Of course, just to finish the trip, when I decide to cut down the soda aisle to get to the meat at the back, as I've decided I want burgers for dinner, I have to run into the guy who decides to set up camp to debate what soda he wants as such:

    -------------------little space

    And then, he has to give me major cat butt face when I finally, after giving him a minute and hoping he'd finish, finally saying "Excuse me" as politely as possible, before he finally moved the damn cart.

    Thus ends the sightings for the weekend. I'm currently stuck at work and I don't believe I've had a call in, oh, 3 hours. So here's knocking on wood that the trend continues for 19 more minutes til I can go home!
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford

  • #2
    That was about it for that day....but then on Saturday, I decided to run to the grocery store. Silly me, I always forget that I should go late at night or during the week to avoid the crowds.
    Tsk tsk. After this weekend you should know better.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      Oh, I loathe the morons who setup camp. Just keep one half of the aisle clear you rude gits!
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
        Tsk tsk. After this weekend you should know better.
        After this weekend? I should have known that to start with. Damn my optimism!
        "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

        “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford

