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Bad Mommy

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  • #16
    it reminds me of a horror book i read a long time ago about an evil babysitter who worked from home. all i remember was she would only let the kids pee when she said they could. if they had an accident they were physically punished.

    and im reminded of the time i yelled at the cat for barfing. mom yelled at me, saying, "how would you like if it i yelled at you when you got sick?" lesson learned. so, years later, when i had my own cat i always made a point of pampering the kitty when he barfed.


    • #17
      Quoth PepperElf View Post
      and im reminded of the time i yelled at the cat for barfing. mom yelled at me, saying, "how would you like if it i yelled at you when you got sick?" lesson learned. so, years later, when i had my own cat i always made a point of pampering the kitty when he barfed.
      The only time I've heard a friend of mine yell at her cats for barfing, it was because they were, once again, nibbling on some of the house plants (which require amazing mountianclimbing skills to reach), and throwing up because house plants don't agree with kitty tummies. She never yelled at them when it was legitimate sick.

      And no, these weren't toxic house plants. These were just two cats that never figured out that nibbling on the plants made them barf, and therefore they shouldn't nibble on the plants.
      "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
      - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


      • #18
        Quoth Kogarashi View Post
        And no, these weren't toxic house plants. These were just two cats that never figured out that nibbling on the plants made them barf, and therefore they shouldn't nibble on the plants.
        If my cat gets sick, I check to see what it is. If it's not pure food I worry. If it happens again I take it to the vet. Never yell at it or anything - I normally hold, pet and ask it what's wrong (like the cat will say "I ate something bad").

        But I'd never think of punishing a child for not making it to the bathroom -- especially if they said "I have to go"! I remember back when I was a kid (due to a medical thing) I literally had a 30second warning from "I have to go" to it coming out (couldn't be held in or anything). I'd feel completely fine then it hit, then I went. After I had the condition taken care of, the hour after surgery I had to go, panicked (since I knew it was going to come) - never did, I went from not being able to wait to being able to wait 15min->hr after feeling like I needed to go.

        But blaming a kid for that.... that's just wrong.


        • #19
          Oh, I agree that blaming a kid is just wrong. My sister had a very similar situation to yours, thankfully rectified by surgery.

          As far as the cats go, this friend knew which plants the cats were nibbling, knew that the cats wouldn't acctually be hurt by it, and knew that there wasn't much to be done for it except get annoyed (albeit amusedly so) and scold them when they continued to do something that continually made them throw up not much later in random parts of the house.
          "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
          - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


          • #20
            Quoth Kogarashi View Post
            And no, these weren't toxic house plants. These were just two cats that never figured out that nibbling on the plants made them barf, and therefore they shouldn't nibble on the plants.
            It could be that they're doing it on purpose. It's a fairly common thing for cats to eat grass (or houseplants) and then vomit. Nobody seem to have any sort of difinitive answer as to why.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #21
              When I was still at my retail job I remember a lady came up to the service desk. With a baby in the cart making that lip quivering look and two little ones dancing on the end of her hand and in the cart. Sercurity was following her up from behind because she had diapers that weren't paid for. "I ran OUT! I WILL pay." Nodding she ripped opened the package and hurried as FAST as she could to the bathroom that had a baby changer.

              She left the cart, the rest of her shopping and a great big huge purse. Pulling the cart behind the desk it wasn't long before she reappeared with all three relieved looking kids. Muttering softly I couldn't quite catch all she said but I did hear things about pants and outfits. Thats when I noticed that her girl didn't make it. They came through the line about ten mins after that with the diapers paid for and a new outfit for the little girl. Clothes got changed and then shopping started all over again with fresh kids.

              Now thats a good Mom who learned it was time to hustle.


              • #22
                Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                It could be that they're doing it on purpose. It's a fairly common thing for cats to eat grass (or houseplants) and then vomit. Nobody seem to have any sort of difinitive answer as to why.

                As I understand it, cats and dogs eat grass as an aid to digestion. Cats eat it to aid them in coughing up hair balls. Dogs also eat it to help cough up something that is not sitting quite right in their stomach. When we had cats, we would occasional find cat upsets that had leaves of grass in it. We also find dog upsets that have leaves of grass, but not as often as with the cats.

                I know our dogs eat the grass outside, but they also eat other things outside. I don't what it is they eat, but I do see them eating something, and by the time I get to them, it's gone. We do have raccoons and other wild animals in the area that may leave tasty goodies laying around the yard.
                "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                • #23
                  and that is why people should have to take tests to become parents. If you can't be amture or responsible, or usinf common sense when it comes to kids, you shouldn't be allowed to have them. No wonder so many schools are now having problems with misbehaving kids.
                  We Pick Up the Pieces

