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At the public pool

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  • At the public pool

    I took the family to the local pool this past weekend. Now, I do realize many people who go to the pool and sometimes the beach do not have the most beautiful bodies in the world. I myself am not one of those who would win the bodybuilding contest, and therefore I do wear a bathing suit that fits me well.

    On the other hand, this man and woman couple, each looked over 50, came on by. Now, the husband was appropriately dressed, but the wife was another matter. She looked close to 250, maybe even 300 pounds and was wearing a literally skin tight, two piece bikini with everything spilling out of it. It was just God-awful, and thankfully, she stayed in the pool the majority of the time.

    Like I said, I do realize not everyone at a pool is going to be beautiful, but must they advertise it to over the edge extreme like this woman did?

  • #2
    On the other end I'm underweight, I don't like going to swimming pools because people look at me like I'm ill...
    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


    • #3
      Quoth crazylegs View Post
      On the other end I'm underweight, I don't like going to swimming pools because people look at me like I'm ill...
      Me too (I'm 6' and 140lbs ... about 10 - 15lbs underweight, give or take), I rarely go swimming, but when I do I wear board-shorts and a T-shirt (not a regular one though, I'll wear a tighter one like an undershirt, it shows the definition in my abs [which I like], but will still hide my ribs [which I don't like]). Plus the board-shorts, since they're longer, help to hide my boney ass legs .

      It works well, because I don't have people looking at me like I'm sick, I don't feel self-conscience about my appearance... and it justs makes me look like a surfer.
      <Insert clever signature here>


      • #4
        My son has a friend who fits the skinny descriptions. He is probably about 15 pounds underweight and has a waist you could probably put one hand around, similar to holding a glass in your hand. lol He never lets it bother him, and I guess the woman I described isn't bothered by her weight either. She shouldn't be. My point was she should dress a little less, well, provacatively?


        • #5
          Quoth Lingering Grin View Post
          I'm 6' and 140lbs ... about 10 - 15lbs underweight

          you got 20 pounds on my husband who is 6'2"

          But at 5'5" I've got 10 pounds on you(all muscle-I'm a size 6 )
          Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


          • #6
            Personally, I'm built like a tank, (6'3" and 270# all muscle) but I have a bit of a gut on me. So, when I do go to a public pool (rarely), I always wear board shorts and a t-shirt. Nobody wants to see the Farmer-tanned Bhudda effect, after all.


            • #7
              *sigh* I haven't done much swimming since I hit the 250 mark... and I love swimming...

              I would never wear a two piece, though. Ick. Last time I did go swimming, it was only in the company of friends, and I wore a shirt and shorts into the water.


              • #8
                Yeah, that would be the equivalent of myself (About 285lb) walking around the beach in just a speedo. I mean I'm entirely comfortable with my weight, so when I can be bothered going to the beach (we have a swimming pool here) I'll just wear board shorts, and thats it. I tan during the summer at home, so I won't be very pale either. Screw anyone who thinks board shorts is too little on a big guy at the beach.
                - Boochan


                • #9
                  ok, for the people complaining about being underweight, would y'all like to take some of my extra weight? I'll happily let you have it.

                  and as far as the proper dress... I'll normally wear baggy swim pants... don't do a shirt though... mainly because most places don't let you wear a shirt in utah while swimming... two during the summer it is so f*ing hot that you wouldn't want a shirt.
                  If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                  • #10
                    Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                    ok, for the people complaining about being underweight, would y'all like to take some of my extra weight? I'll happily let you have it.
                    Not complaining... just making a point. Being underweight sucks too.

                    To be honest, we hear that comment all the time, and it gets a little old. For some people it's just has hard to GAIN weight as it is for other to LOSE it. So don't dismiss us... it's not as simple as it sounds.

                    Not to mention there are never any "Gain weight fast" diets. There are no programs that can help you "bulk up"... everyone is so obsessed with LOSING weight, that no one even acknowledges the fact that we even EXIST, and when they do... they just assume that we MUST have an eating disorder.
                    Last edited by Lingering Grin; 04-30-2008, 07:10 AM.
                    <Insert clever signature here>


                    • #11
                      i am over weght i own a two piece but iys a skirt tankini... i pcked because it covers the cutting scars on top theighs, makes me scrink like 2 dress sizes and fits nicely but trust me im covered. i dont like my belly


                      • #12
                        Fat people in tight swimsuits are a pretty barftastic sight, but I'll do you one better: really old people in tight swimsuits.

                        Listen, Granny, your bod has more wrinkles than a box of prunes. Wear a frakking one piece already, wouldja? *gag*

                        On the other hand there's still a lot of fun to be had at the pool by 'submarining'...


                        • #13
                          If anyone really needs a quick weight gain, I've got a butcher knife, some straws, a dust buster that I'm sure we can rig to "suck", and two thighs that are just a beggin for it......I'll happily sign a waver.....
                          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

