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Woman in her Jaguar in Boca Raton

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  • #16
    My car has a power rear sunshade so whenever some redneck comes barreling up on me at night in his ratty pickup truck thinking he is come undiscovered NASCAR racer, I just put up the sunshade.

    Quoth trunks2k View Post
    Two days ago, I saw a car run not one, not two, not three, but FOUR red lights (and probably continued to run more as he was out of view); apparently to this guy having your hazard lights on gives you the right to run a light.
    Hm that sounds a little strange. If they were driving like that with their hazards on I would think either their brakes just failed and they were trying to find a safe place to stop or they had a passenger in the car having some sort of medical emergency.
    Last edited by Broomjockey; 04-30-2008, 07:27 PM. Reason: merged


    • #17
      Quoth MrSunshineState
      Hm that sounds a little strange. If they were driving like that with their hazards on I would think either their brakes just failed and they were trying to find a safe place to stop or they had a passenger in the car having some sort of medical emergency.
      He stopped at all the lights, but then blew through them treating them more like a stop sign, there's more than enough places to pull over on that road, and he wasn't heading in the direction of any hospital that I'm aware of.


      • #18
        Quoth greensinestro View Post
        See? That's what I'm talking about. This woman was the one who instigated this, and could have actually caused an accident herself. Yet, I'm the asshole here because I was doing it to her! The innocents always suffer. Oh, well.
        So, lemme get this straight. She does it to you, she's an asshole. You do the exact same thing to her, you're an innocent. You think you deserve special consideration for your actions because of where you live.

        I'm not even going to bother saying it at this time. I'm going to just point out that CS in no way condones revenge, which this qualifies as.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #19
          Someone pulls up on my bumper and makes it clear they don't like the speed I'm going, I always oblige them and do my other speed.

          There's no pleasing people.


          • #20
            When someone starts to tailgate me, I just slow down, and continue to slow down until they back off.

            I will always slow down and move over when its ok for them to pass, I'm not just slowing down to piss them off, I do it because I cant drive well with someones lights blinding me cause they are so close.

            I once had a pizza delivery car tail me. Slower I got the more crazy he was, swerving flashing his brights. Finally I made my left turn and the guy was so upset that he stopped in the middle of the intersection to flip me up. But what it really did was give me a chance to see what pizza place he worked at. I called them, reported the problem. I didn't have to get them a name or anything. I said I was tallied and the manager was oh, him again.

            Worse time I was tailed was on a back road, speed limit 30, lots of sharp curves and bumps, most people dont speed more them 5 over. Well this person pulled out from an intersection to end up behind me. Now he was freaking out. Swerving, tailing, lights flashing etc.
            Well then he tried to pass me. There were about 5 cars in front of me. Not sure what he was thinking. So he passing me on the left when oncoming traffic appeared over a hill. Asshat had to swerve back to our lane and he hit my car. I was so pissed I slammed on the breaks. Causing him to plow into my rear bumper.
            I was livid. I got out and the jerk turned his car around and took off. OGM i dont think I was ever more pissed.
            I called the police, they came to take the report and told me that they were chasing they guy down cause he was clocked at 100mph in a 25mph area.

            The only slightly little thing that made it not suck as bad was I had no dmg to my bumper but there were car parts from his car all over.

            Seduce, Let Loose, The Vision and The Void - Coil

            All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain - Blade Runner


            • #21
              Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
              I would've just gotten out of her way and let the Jaguar lady barrel right into a traffic ticket.
              If the road has an open lane, and they really *want* to do 90mph into my borough...I'm only too happy to oblige. There's usually at least one police car sitting right across the borough line, where the road drops from 40 to 35mph because of the traffic lights. They just *love* nailing speeders
              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


              • #22
                (wrong)x2 =/= (right)x1
                My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

                Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


                • #23
                  I just go by what my high school driver's ed teacher told me, way back in the late '80s.

                  "You never know who might have a loaded gun in their car."

                  Seriously, it's not worth that little bit of visceral pleasure you get for taunting these asswipes if you end up with a bullet in you for it.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #24
                    Quoth greensinestro View Post
                    See? That's what I'm talking about. This woman was the one who instigated this, and could have actually caused an accident herself. Yet, I'm the asshole here because I was doing it to her! The innocents always suffer. Oh, well.

                    Haha. I've lived in Boca almost my entire life. I can probably figure out what road you were driving on based on your speed alone.

                    That being said I think your actions were completely justified. I have driven in many other cities and towns and nowhere else but Boca Raton will you find bigger asshole drivers. Between the 2000 year old people that just randomly pull out into traffic, the idiot teenagers in Mommy's Mercedes, the rich entitled morons driving around putting on texting with one hand and fixing "Fifi's" hair-do with the other, the people that drive 10 miles under the speed limit for no particular reason, the lost tourists and the snowbirds sometimes you just gotta flip out every once in a while.

                    You should see me on A1A sometimes.


                    • #25
                      I alternate between two signs painted on my back window in bright green window chalk, depending on my mood and how edgy I am when I wake up in the morning.

                      First Ones States:
                      Just Because Your Lights Are Bright Is Doesn't Mean You Are.

                      Second One States:
                      I'm Not Going To Break Speed Laws For YOU.

                      I run an extra one in the Summer quoted from a Naruto fanfic (titled Chasing Naruto):
                      Don't Play Dumb With Me, I'm Better At It.
                      Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                      Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                      • #26
                        Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
                        Just Because Your Lights Are Bright Doesn't Mean You Are.
                        I am so snagging this for my personal collection. Lets see if I can find some blue window chalk!
                        Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                        Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                        Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                        • #27
                          I've been meaning to get a couple of bumper stickers, myself.

                          One saying 'I Brake for tailgaters', and the other 'The closer you are, the slower I go'.

                          No, I'm not generally one to actually slow down when I'm being tailgated, but if they think I am, it's all to the good.
                          The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


                          • #28
                            A dear friend of mine posted this on my usual techsupport comedy site:
                            Quoth Gromit of TSC
                            Putting the BM in BMW (NT/OT)

                            (Title provided courtesy of Auntie Tekkie)

                            Welcome, welcome to Gromit's latest tale – brought to you today from Pond Life where Thuckrutes (my butler) has kindly provided liquid refreshments in the form of today's guest ale (Youngs of Wandsworth's Special Bitter) and white wine or a fruit-based drink for the ladies.

                            Now, please note that this tale is Non-Tech, Off-Topic and probably even fattening, so I would ask those of you who wish to hear the tale to please partake of the refreshments while those who do not want to read anything NT/OT get lost.

                            Yes, you heard what I said – sod off.

                            Have they gone? Right....

                            Take your drinks and settle down and I will regale you with the story of an incident that proves that BMW drivers (a) deserve everything they get, and (b) get everything they deserve if you wait long enough.

                            Last week I was driving home along a narrow road through a wood and came up behind a farm tractor pulling a large high-sided but open-backed trailer loaded with several tons of what looked (and smelled) to be what farmers describe as “bloody good stuff” - a mixture of horseshit, cowshit and straw that had obviously been maturing for a little while and was steaming gently as it proceeded at about 15MPH just ahead of me.

                            Now, I happen to be very fond of my car and decided that – as the road was so narrow that I hadn't a hope of passing – discretion dictated that I BACK OFF before the load became unstable and redistributed itself. Accordingly I dropped back a good 100 metres (quite a long way in old money) and was quite happily tootling along at 15MPH at a safe distance when an angry hooting assailed my delicate ears. Checking my mirror I found it full of BMW 5-Series, approximately 15cm (6 inches in old money) from my tailgate, flashing its headlights and trying earnestly to climb into my load compartment. Its pilot was waving imperiously at me to either speed up or pull over and let him pass, oblivious of the fact that 100 metres further on was a rolling roadblock that would further inhibit his regal progress.

                            Somewhat irritated by his manner, but not being able to help him much, I ignored him and carried on. This appeared to inflame him and a positive barrage of horn-blasts ensued – it sounded a bit like WILLYOUFUCKOFF in morse code – in the midst of which I had an inspiration and pulled into the nearest farm entrance to let him through. As expected he roared past me, gesticulating rudely but triumphantly out of his window. I pulled out behind him and settled back to watch the fun from a safe distance.

                            You see, what Mr. I've-bought-the-car-so-I-own-the-fucking-road was obviously unaware of was the fact that in the last couple of weeks frost had opened up some nasty rutted patches in the road surface and we were not-so-rapidly approaching the first set of them. He roared up close behind the tractor/trailer combo and had just commenced his “I'm the most important person on the planet” routine on the horn again when the trailer wheels hit the first ruts and it bounced hard. Up went the trailer, up went the load. Down came the trailer, down came the load but not QUITE synchronised with the trailer's forward movement...

                            Dear reader, you would not believe quite how far half a trailer-load of ripe shit can travel in a single second, nor how wide an area of devastation can result from it. Suffice it to say that the BMW was effectively buried from headlamps to radio aerial in well-matured excrement. It skidded to a halt and just sat there in a steaming heap (the tractor driver, oblivious to the drama unfolding behind him, had continued on his merry way and disappeared round the next bend) while I closed the gap and pulled out to edge past him.

                            I noted joyfully as I crept slowly past that (a) windscreen wipers, whilst being effective against rainwater, don't do all that well against an avalanche of ripe shit, and (b) that the driver had failed to close his window in time after gesturing to me, thus increasing the affected area to include the driver's right arm and face.

                            I drove on home, grinning from ear to ear, treasuring the look just visible on the arrogant bastard's face and marveling at the fact that, of all the mass of the load that had become dislodged........

                            .....not a single little bit had missed him. {BFEG}
                            Sorry for the length, but it did seem to fit the topic.
                            "If you find yourself fantasizing about throwing actual users into a blender, please get help... they're heavy." - Tom Dickson


                            • #29
                              My dear froglet,

                              That. Is. Awesome.

                              Thank you for sharing.
                              "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                              - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                              • #30
                                Quoth Rubyred View Post
                                Haha. I've lived in Boca almost my entire life. I can probably figure out what road you were driving on based on your speed alone.

                                That being said I think your actions were completely justified. :
                                Thank you for your support. And if you guessed it's on US 441 around Glades Road, you would be correct.

