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Is it sucky of me...?

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  • Is it sucky of me...?

    To interrupt a telemarketer/telesalesperson's spiel to tell them I'm not interested?

    We've gotten a few books from Scholastic for Baby, and both times we returned the "trial" book rather than pay for a membership. The first time was to take advantage of the seven free books and the tote bag they were offering, and the second time we just weren't impressed with the quality of goods (three Disney Princess books that look rather silly, plus a "wand" and "tiara" that are way, way cheapo--and by cheapo, I mean fugly stuffed fabric sewn to a headband with a loopy string of sequins glued on, which have now fallen off, thank you). I'm well aware that receiving these two sets of books has made sure my phone number is in Scholastic's records. I don't mind that much right now, since I may want to take advantage of it in the future anyway.

    However, it was a bit of a hassle to return the trial books and cancel the service. Hubby talked to the rep with the first set of books, and after much confusion the rep finally told him to just keep the book, as that would apparently be easier than sending the prepaid label or something. I talked to the rep the second time, and while there were no problems with sending me the prepaid stuff, the rep acted very snippy that we were returning the trial book instead of keeping it and paying a membership. So we had no plans to deal with the hassle for a while, unless a really good deal came up.

    At least twice now, I've been called by reps for Scholastic trying to sell me another book package. They've been pretty good about calling, but at the moment, I'm not interested and have told them such. So my question is this: is it sucky of me to interrupt their spiel to tell them I'm not interested? I'll usually wait for a moment when they pause (where I would normally say something like "uh-huh" or "okay"), and then I tell them "thank you for the offer, but I'm not interested." I usually have to repeat it at least once, but I try to keep a calm voice and make sure to echo their "have a nice day" at the end of the call. I don't think I'm sucky, but I don't know if any of the TMs here hate when their scripted spiel is interrupted. Sorry if they do.
    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

  • #2
    they are probibly glad to be told that you are not interested at the first chance rather than waiting 15 minutes or whatever for when they have finished there entire script/question phase


    I belive that some HAVE to dial number assigned and cannot quit the call until told to go away or hung up most cases the person has to hang up before they can move onto the next person (info i have seen mentioned a few times on here so n flames plz) so they are probibly glad to get on and if they are on commission they get to try another one for a hot sale
    We are the willing, led by the unknowing, doing the impossible, for the ungrateful, we have now done so much, for so long - for so many, with so little, we can now do anything with nothing!!!


    • #3
      Not sucky at all. Telemarketers don't give you the opportunity to say "no". Nor do they accept "no" if you politely wait until they stop speaking, which is rare.

      Because you have no way out, interrupting, saying "no", then hanging up is really your only option.
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        I don't think you are sucky, the telemarketers have to make so many attempts and you are not interested in their offer and are telling them so. Not sucky on either part; but, it would be better for you if you interrupted and told them to take put you on the DNC list.


        • #5
          My old boss (when other people would let those calls get through to him. I have never been able to get any of my replacements to screen the freaking calls), he would get them to confirm right away that it was a sales pitch, then he would tell them that "you're time would be better served with your next call," before hanging up.

          Quoth kibbles View Post
          I don't think you are sucky, the telemarketers have to make so many attempts and you are not interested in their offer and are telling them so. Not sucky on either part; but, it would be better for you if you interrupted and told them to take put you on the DNC list.
          She doesn't want to be on the DNC list. She may actually want a future offer from them, it's just that at this moment, she has no interest.

          Last edited by Andara Bledin; 05-05-2008, 03:01 AM.
          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            Ohhhh...ok...sorry if I misunderstood...but again, to the aren't being sucky at all by interrupting and stating you are not interested.


            • #7
              As someone who volunteers to make calls for a political campaign, I'd really like for anybody uninterested to just silently hang up rather than getting mean or making up some stupid excuse.
              My Pointless Links collection.


              • #8
                I used to do telemarketing at one time. We had to have something like two or three "no" before we could terminate the call. Company policy and all. So interrupting to say you're not interested saved me a whole spiel and I could get on with my day. No suck. It wasted less of both our time.
                A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                • #9
                  Quoth Rebel1012 View Post
                  belive that some HAVE to dial number assigned and cannot quit the call until told to go away or hung up most cases the person has to hang up before they can move onto the next person (info i have seen mentioned a few times on here so n flames plz) so they are probibly glad to get on and if they are on commission they get to try another one for a hot sale
                  Ah, memories. I once had AT&T trying to sell me on their credit card. They tried four or five times before the found me at home (persistent little buggers). Once they did, I almost immediatly said "Not interested". I don't think I had finished saying that when bimbo on the other end said "Oh, I know why you might think that, Mr. Grandigurn, but..."

                  I'm not big into pointless debt, especially when I don't have a decent job. I'm really not into idiots interrupting my day and then thinking they know me better than I know myself. So I put the phone down. More precisely, I set the phone quietly on the table. I didn't hang up; I didn't yell; I didn't do anything but head back to the game I was in the middle of. Hell, they're going to waste my time: I'll waste theirs. (If they're on commission, they'll learn. If they're hourly... well, they get paid by the hour.)

                  And apparently, I managed to waste a good ten minutes or so. I finished my game, saw the phone on the table, picked it up to see if they were still on it, and heard the click of the call disconnecting.


                  • #10
                    1. The Do Not Call list only works for compaines you haven't dealt with before. If you've done business with a company they are allowed to call you.

                    2. No, I don't think that's rude at all.


                    • #11
                      When I get a telemarketer call and they are not pausing to let me talk I finally interupt and say "I don't mean to be rude but I am not interested and I don't want to waste your time, have a great day." Most of the time they end the call but when they keep going I say sorry again and to have a great day and hang up.


                      • #12
                        Quoth draftermatt View Post
                        1. The Do Not Call list only works for compaines you haven't dealt with before. If you've done business with a company they are allowed to call you.

                        They are only allowed to call you until you tell them not to anymore. Once you've made that statement, they are obligated to follow through with removing your name/number from their database. Otherwise, a phone call from you to your Attorney General is really good at getting them to stop calling you since they are subject to pretty high fines if they continue to call after you've asked them to stop.

                        As for the OP, I would ask to be put on their DNC list, register with the national DNC list and then when, and only when, you think you might be interested in their services again, you can hook up with the same company online and I'd bet they will still have the '7 books and free tote' just for trying' deal.


                        • #13
                          Thanks guys. ::wipes forehead in relief:: I've had a few telemarketers sound annoyed for having their spiel interrupted before, so I didn't want to come across as rude. I just hoped that most callers would be just as eager as me to have their spiel shortened for them so they could move on to a customer they could actually get a sale from.

                          Despite having cell phones (supposed to be automatic DNC), I went ahead and registered us anyway, just in case. May not stop the stupid autodiallers, but it'll be one more line of defense against State-side cold calling.
                          "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                          - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                          • #14
                            Ah, AT&T. I have had nothing but rude people who called me from AT&T trying to sell me stuff.

                            I actually told them flat out to never, ever call me again. If they want to deal with me, they have to do it through mail or email. I don't care if they are my local phone service provider.

                            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                            • #15
                              Um... you actually wait to tell them no?
                              I usually just hang up.

                              eh good point bout the "stop calling me" part tho.
                              i usually didnt get calls like that on the cell back in the states
                              or in japan come to think of it

