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Got My Adrenaline Pumping For Nothing

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  • Got My Adrenaline Pumping For Nothing

    This happened a couple of weeks ago.

    My boyfriend and I were in my Jeep, returning home from shopping. My boyfriend was driving. We were on the road before turning onto our street. The speed limit was 45, with my bf going 45-50. A car started tailing us. The speed limit drops down to 30. Normally, we'd go 35, but not having any tolerance for tailgaters, my bf went exactly 30. The car behind us is so close now that we're almost touching.

    My bf turns left onto our street, with the tailgater turning right behind us. We pulled into the driveway, and the other car pulled over behind us. I was ready for a fight! I mean, first the guy tailgates us for no reason, and now he wants a confrontation? It's on!

    We got out of the car and approached the other guy. I did my best to look intimidating - I can be scary when I want. My boyfriend doesn't have to try. His size alone makes him scary. The guy rolled down his window and... waved. "Hi there! I'm your neighbor from further down the street. I'm glad I caught you when you pulled over. I noticed your left rear tire is ready to go! See how it's split right there?"

    We introduced ourselves, thanked him and went our separate ways. It took me a few minutes to calm down from the adrenaline I had going. The situation went from threatening to heart-warming so quickly.

    Within the next few days, we got four new shoes for the Jeep. Don'tcha love happy endings?

  • #2
    There are means and ways, there was no need for him to tailgate you, but nice for him to let you know about they tires.
    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


    • #3
      My comment's pretty much the same as crazylegs'.

      Nice of him, but he could've found a better way of getting your attention and telling you.
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        yeah, like passing you and waving to get your attention along side you while pointing to your tire along with shouting "it's almost flat" comes to mind

        he's lucky you weren't a psycho


        • #5
          There are some people who just are not aware that they are tailgating . . .there are some parts of the US where that is how you have to drive if you don't want to be cut off so many times it doubles your travel time.

          If you know where the guy lives you might think about some form of Thank You. (like $10 gift card at the local grocery store or McDonald's . . .or $6 at Starbucks just enough for a cup of coffee)
          Cause honestly he didn't have to warn you about the tire . . .but he did.

