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nearly killed by pizza delivery driver

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  • nearly killed by pizza delivery driver

    Well, I guess this counts as a sighting of sucky employee. If I put this in the wrong place, I'm sorry. It's a long one here.

    Okay. I was traveling westbound on a state highway with my sister as a passenger. It was about 845 pm. I was in the left lane. Up ahead, the road does a sort of funny thing: it splits into two ways. One way keeps you on the highway and the other way takes you onto a county highway. To get on the county highway, it's kind of a sharp turn.

    I was doing my thing, at speed limit, and began to go onto the county highway. There was a truck two car lengths behind me in the right lane. Coming straight towards me is another car. At first, I couldn't believe it...what was a car doing over here, on the wrong way? Then, I dunno, I sort of went on autopilot. I hit my horn and that's when the other driver realizes that she's on the wrong way. I then evacuate the road by going to the left. We are on an embankment so I sort of had to go down and then up over the high curb. I hit about an six to eight inch curb and had to put all four tires over it to get out of this moron's way. She came two feet from hitting us head on and somehow misses the truck by driving in between us when the truck driver jerks his car three lanes over to get out of her way. She makes an immediate U-turn and drives down the state highway. All I see as I'm freaking out is the big, huge Domino's sign on her car. Truck driver makes sure we are okay and he leaves.

    My sister tells me to get in the passenger seat and she drives. She's pissed. I'm freaking out and can't drive because...I dunno, it really shook me up. We get back on the road and follow her. My car starts making funny noises that it wasn't making before...I hit that curb HARD.

    We call Florida Highway Patrol--FHP--and they said because "they didn't see it" they can't do anything about it. Fine. We call the nearest Dominio's and after some phone tag we find out which driver it was. The manager at the Domino's said his driver said she did it and she was "wrote up" or something for it. It was her first day, btw. We ask, "okay, what about my car? It's not acting right and I think we damaged it by trying to avoid being killed by your employee." (at that point, we are sitting on the side of the road because we don't know what's up with the car.) Boss says he'll talk to driver to see if she'll give us her info. She refuses. Manager says he can't do anything else, refuses to give us his name, and we end the call.

    So, we drive to their store and sit in their parking lot. We call my insurance company and talk to them. They get a claim started and told us to call county police. We call county police, they talk to us a bit and send someone out there. Officer comes out and says he can't do much and calls FHP for us. (but he tells pizza girl she must stay until FHP arrives.) Finally FHP will come out and help us like the county officer said they should have done in the first place. Meanwhile, pizza girl is hiding in the store and she drove her car around the back so we couldn't look at it or something.

    We noticed then after we got under some light that the front driver's side tire is going flat and it has a bent rim on it. I guess it's where I hit the raised curb trying to get out of the way.

    It took getting FHP to come out and we had to file a police report just to get the girl to give us her insurance information. We didn't want to file a report on her and we didn't want it to go that far. So now we are talking with the girl's insurance company about repairs. I'm really hoping that it's not serious damage and it's just the rim, but it is making funny sounds...maybe it got knocked out of alignment. The tire won't stay inflated either. I don't feel safe driving it because it doesn't "feel" right anymore, if you know what I mean. All I want is for it to be fixed and my car checked over. But I can't afford to do it on my own and this is clearly not my fault, so that's why I had to get the girl's insurance info. I wish she would have just stopped to make sure we were okay or to say sorry or something!

    So...yeah, that's how I was almost killed by a pizza delivery driver. Everyone at work and my family keeps telling me to write/contact Domino's and tell them what happened, but I don't know if I should. I don't know if the Domino's manager did the right things--the girl was on the job and was making a delivery. Does anyone have advice? Did I make this a bigger deal that it was? I could only imagine what those Domino's people were saying...that maybe WE were being sucky. All in all, it just really sucked.

  • #2
    Yeah, I would call the corporate office too. Tell them that the manager refused to give you guys the information you needed, had to have the cops involved and everything. I don't expect compensation, but an apology, at least, is in order.
    Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

    Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

    Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


    • #3
      I could only imagine what those Domino's people were saying...that maybe WE were being sucky.
      Pardon my French, but any pizza place manager who views you as sucky for reporting one of his delivery drivers going the wrong way down the street and putting everybody else on the road at risk is a motherfucking idiot.

      And should that delivery driver cause an accident that injures or kills somebody, he should be sued for all he's got. He was made aware of the problem and did nothing to fix it.

      As for the delivery driver, either he/she got his/her driver's license from a cereal box, or has taken "You have 30 minutes" too literally.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        Wow. Seriously. Wow.

        That manager needs some serious smack from on (corporate) high. His refusal to help get you the information you needed to file an insurance claim is completely unacceptable.

        As for the car... I can speak from experience on that one, unfortunately.

        The tire isn't holding air because of the bent rim. There's no longer a seal. That's a fairly easy fix. You've likely got a screwed up front suspension, and possibly rear as well, from having to drive up onto the curb at a high rate of speed. This can be anywhere from fairly simple but costly, to rather difficult and prohibitively costly.

        If your car is old enough, be prepared to be given a big check and a "good luck with finding a new car" from her insurance.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          Actually unfortunately in most instances had the OP hit another vehicle, for example swerved into the truck that was behind him and had an accident, the accident would be ruled as the OP's fault.

          Its nice that you were able to track her down, but the only way at all that the damage will be ruled as the delivery drivers fault is if she admits that she was at fault. Otherwise its your word against hers which unfortunately as far as the law is concerned means you lose as far as trying to make a claim against her unless you could somehow get the truck driver to back up your story in which case you would both have to be damn sure of what you saw and then Dominoes would have to admit it was her that was driving the car that night in order for the law to be on your side.

          As far as the insurance companies are concerned it will most likely be the same way. Unless the driver admits that she was at fault you are pretty much SOL as far as getting her insurance to pay for it.

          As far as the managers point of view he was simply trying to protect his employee. As far as he knows your a ticked of looney who might track down the employee and hurt her if he gave you her information so I don't blame him for being reluctant to give out information.


          • #6
            I don't know about there, but I know that here in Maryland that pizza driver could be charged with causing an accident and leaving the scene on an accident. She caused you to have an accident and is responsible for suspension damage to your car. You should get the car checked out, the rim may not be the only thing bent. Control arms, ball joints, struts, even have the oil pan and transmisson pan checked for cracks. It shouldn't cost much to have a shop check it out, at least that way you'll have a quote for the insurance company. I had something like that happen to me and it was all covered by their insurance company. Also, did you get any info from the driver of the truck in case you need him as a witness?


            • #7
              Quoth Chanlin View Post
              but the only way at all that the damage will be ruled as the delivery drivers fault is if she admits that she was at fault..
              I see where you are coming from. The manager actually told us "sorry it happened" and "I found the driver that did it" and he wrote her up for it. We also have a police report stating that she did it/admitted to it.

              With the truck driver, we actually hardly spoke...we basically waved at each other, gave thumbs up, that sort of thing and he went on his way. It was that time, we didn't know that there was damage. We were sitting on the grass nearly in the road and on a sharp turn, so we wanted to move away from that 'cause it was dangerous. If highway patrol would have came out the first time we actually called them, then maybe we would be in better conditions. I still don't know why they refused to come out.

              Well...her insurance company I guess is taking it's time with things and haven't recontacted us so I'm taking my car into my work to get it a looksie. Thanks everyone for the advice/tips.


              • #8
                Quoth Chanlin View Post
                Actually unfortunately in most instances had the OP hit another vehicle, for example swerved into the truck that was behind him and had an accident, the accident would be ruled as the OP's fault.
                Taking "reasonable action" to avoid an imminent accident that would be caused by another person would mean that Rine's insurance company would be pursuing the pizza driver's insurance pretty hard. And the truck's insurance would be doing the same.

                I actually just saw a claim like this today in my department - no contact on the part of the at-fault party, but his actions lead to the other party (my company's insured) hitting another car while performing evasive maneuvers to get out of the way of the at-fault guy - avoiding what all witnesses said would have been a horrific head-on collision. The other driver is 100% responsible for all damage done to the cars our insured hit, because if he hadn't been driving the way he was, our driver wouldn't have had to get out of the way and therefore would not have hit the other cars. It's a clear chain of causation.

                I'm glad you're ok, Rine. I wish you had the driver of the truck's info for a witness, but at least you have the pizza driver's insurance info and the info for her work - which if there is issues with her insurance, the work could also be responsible for $$ owed. I wish you luck!


                • #9
                  I was basing my comment off of a situation I remember from my church youth group. One of our members got into an accident after he swerved to avoid debris from a falling truck and hit another vehicle and was cited for the accident.

                  I digress that this is a far different than swerving to avoid a car coming head on at you and that I don't have any experience as far as handling insurance claims go from the insurance company side of things.


                  • #10
                    1. Def call Dominoe's corporate. I believe that in order to become a delivery driver you have to give insurance info to the company, so they have it. But I'm betting she didn't tell her insurance company that she was doing that with her car.

                    2. Thank God you called the police! With a police report of her admitting fault there's nothing she can do anymore. My sister got hit in a parking lot once, the guy admitted fault, no police called, then the guys family and friends say "it wasn't his fault" Thankfully my Dad took a camera and pictures to the scene so he ended up paying for it anyway.

                    3. If you don't hear from her insurance Monday morning call Monday afternoon and ask what the hold up is.

                    4. Don't fix a thing! You'll have to get an estimate done by her insurance, so don't even drive it.

                    I really hope you are ok


                    • #11
                      Quoth Chanlin View Post
                      you are pretty much SOL as far as getting her insurance to pay for it.

                      also insurance WILL NOT COVER for any type of delivery driving related accidents unless there is an expensive rider-it's usually the store's insurance that covers which would be why the manager didn't want to give the info-he would get in trouble and possibly lose a bonus(if they get them)
                      Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                      • #12
                        Actually the reason why the manager was trying to hide from this (aside from the fact that Dominos sucks), is because they don't offer a 30 minute guarantee any more. Back in the old days when they offered that, it came to an end after a driver ran a red light and killed a couple in their car. Corporate is not going to be happy with him or her, and both will be looking for new jobs.
                        "You're supposed to be the head of covert intelligence. Right now, I'm not seeing a hell of a lot of intelligence. Covert, overt, or otherwise!"-Lochley, B5, A View from the Gallery


                        • #13
                          Hate to be the bearer of bad news- BUT most "private auto" policies won't cover types of accidents as such. Let me make that a little more clear, HER auto policy might not cover you.

                          Because she is using HER vehicle for BUSINESS (making money) it's now a business auto... UNLESS she has a business auto policy. Which I found out that most delievery companies either don't tell the driver or don't know about it.

                          But it is written in most policies, I've seen it written in at least 4 states and all the generic licensing classes I've taken mention it too.

                          Just thought I would warn you that her auto policy *may* not cover it so you might have to go after the chain or her personally. Or if you have full coverage, you can submit it to your insurance and have them fight it for you.

                          Good luck and sorry that all this crap happened and that I added more crap.
                          You don't know what Hades is until you've worked at least one Christmas Season in a toy store that offers free gift wrapping.


                          • #14
                            look up two posts-I just said that
                            Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                            • #15
                              Guess I should learn to read ALL the posts.

                              I'll just state that I agree with BlaqueKatt.
                              Last edited by Gothicsmurf; 05-12-2008, 04:46 AM.
                              You don't know what Hades is until you've worked at least one Christmas Season in a toy store that offers free gift wrapping.

